In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 223 221. Muggle Philosophy

Lunch was sumptuous.

It could be seen that Sir Stoker was in a good mood. He and Jon talked about many things at the dinner table, mostly about his life at sea these years.

"In fact, at first I wanted to go further north and find a place to settle in the Arctic Circle. But normal life there would be a problem. The fireplace must be burning all year round. This is not only for me, but also for Rabiel. The burden was very heavy, so in the end I gave up the idea.”

Jon was not flattering, but said it sincerely.

"The scenery here is very nice. If I retire in the future, I will consider spending my old age here."

"Actually, when I first came here, life was not that smooth." Stoker recalled, "Because this place does not belong to Muggle shipping lanes, it was once classified as a marine magical animal sanctuary by the Norwegian Ministry of Magic. Many magical animals that used to live near the sea have been driven here.”

"There are also those mermaids. The Ministry of Magic did not order them to be moved, but they were forced to move here. They originally lived in the waters along the coast, but now the waters are seriously polluted by Muggles, and they are easily contaminated by people. Discovered, so they later migrated here collectively.”

"It was precisely because of this experience that when they learned that a wizard had moved here to live, they didn't like me. It wasn't until later that one of their tribesmen was accidentally injured and lived in front of my tower, and I helped to treat him. Well, my impression has changed a bit."

What he said made people feel a bit sad. Not only the living space for magical animals on land and alien races such as giant centaurs is getting smaller and smaller, but also for those in the ocean.

As long as the wizards decide to continue to maintain the "Law of Secrecy" for one day, this situation is unlikely to be changed. As Muggles expand nature, they will always gradually understand the world clearly. After all, the entire earth is It's only that big.

Sir Stoker asked suddenly and abruptly.

"I wonder, Professor Johnson, what do you think of Muggles?"

Jon didn't hear the depth of his question, it felt like it was just a casual question.

"I have no prejudice against Muggles," he said. "Although Durmstrang was more concerned with bloodlines when the school was first founded, in fact, in the school, everyone is very open-minded about the bloodline issue, mainly based on the Ability is the main thing.”

Jon is not talking nonsense about this. Durmstrang’s style of study is indeed a bit like the law of the jungle. As long as you are good enough within the rules, you can get more resources than others. It is not as fair as Hogwarts. , but it’s not just about blood.

Sir Stoker laughed.

"I think that except for those arrogant, arrogant, stubborn old people, most wizards should actually have no prejudice against Muggles. But in the final analysis, the reason why those old-fashioned people hate Muggles is also because of historical issues , Muggles were really ignorant in the past, especially they did a lot of things that hurt wizards."

"Just since the beginning of this century, the Muggle world has completely changed."

When talking about this, Sir Stoker became very interested. He seemed to have a deep understanding of Muggle history.

"Muggles are no longer as ignorant as before. They are actually beginning to gradually understand the world, and they understand the rules of the world from their own perspective in a completely different way from us."

"In my opinion, for wizards, the rules of the world are not constant. Our consciousness can change matter. There is a stone in front of us. When we close our eyes, we start to think about whether the thing in front of us is what we use. When we see a stone with our eyes, our will will drive magic to make changes in the world. If we firmly believe that the stone is a sheep, even if there is no magic wand or spell, as long as our will is strong enough, The stone before closing its eyes will turn into a sheep after opening its eyes."

"But it is different for Muggles. In their eyes, the rules of the world are constant. A stone is a stone. There is no way to change it even slightly because of their strong will. Matter is the foundation of the world and has the first nature. Consciousness is the second nature, and human consciousness cannot directly produce any changes in the world."

Jon looked at Sir Stoker with a somewhat surprised look.

He didn't expect that there were wizards in the magical world who had such a deep understanding of Muggle theory, and he was such a wizard with a wizarding family heritage.

"As for whether the rules are constant or not, it is actually the concept of who is dominant, matter or will. I didn't expect you, Sir, to know about Muggle philosophy?"

Neville and the others sitting around were basically confused, and only Hermione blinked in confusion.

After seeing that Jon was obviously not unfamiliar with what he said, Sir Stoker showed an expression of surprise on his face.

"Professor Johnson also knows something about Muggle philosophy of understanding the world?"

Jon said casually.

"Before I became the Professor of Transfiguration, I actually worked as a Professor of Muggle Studies for a period of time, so I have some understanding of these. But I need to correct you, Sir, regarding matter and will, and whether the rules of the world are constant. The problem is that Muggles are not unified either."

"Although there are many Muggles who believe that matter appears before will, and that the function of will can only be used to understand matter, there are also many Muggles who believe that there is an omniscient and omnipotent god in this world. Even wizards are not lacking in such people, aren't they? ?”

Sir Stoker said incredulously.

"Indeed, there are a large number of such people among Muggles. In fact, our existence proves that what they believe is not wrong. Maybe the so-called omniscient and omnipotent god is a wizard with unprecedentedly powerful magic power?"

"But those who have made the greatest contributions to the Muggle world are people with other ideas. To us, what they firmly believe is definitely wrong. Matter can be completely changed according to the will of wizards. But for them , what they firmly believe is right, because without magic, they can only passively understand the materials and rules of this world, rather than change them."

"It is precisely because of this difference in understanding of the world that the wizarding world and the Muggle world have developed in two completely different directions. It's just that the development of wizards has gone through thousands of years, and the magic we have gradually improved, and the Muggle world has gradually improved. The development has just begun.”

"But in the past few years, they have accomplished feats that wizards have not done or even thought of in thousands of years."

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