In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 219 217. Conspiracy

France, Lyon.

Dumbledore looked at the parchment in his hand solemnly.

He frowned and said softly.

"Have any of our people confirmed this news?"

Mag took a deep breath on the side.

"According to the news from Mr. Iniesta, they secretly sent people to try to contact the first batch of marrow wizards who were reformed from the correctional facility. They have all completely changed. The dark devil has completely changed their lives. After thorough brainwashing, everyone became a fanatical supporter of the theory of blood superiority, believing that Mock wizards were born to be pure-blood slaves, and almost exposed the people who came into contact with them."

Dumbledore looked at the parchment in his hand in silence, listening to the results reported to him by McGonagall, and then spoke again after a long time.

"The people imprisoned in that correctional center are all adult wizards. They have already formed a solid world view of their own. It is impossible to achieve such results so quickly with simple brainwashing. These people are most likely to be He was controlled by the Imperius Curse, or his cognition was forcibly changed by the Forgetting Curse."

"Such a method can only have a short-term effect. The willpower of adult wizards is not like that of children. A long-term Imperius Curse will consume their lives, and if the memory and will inserted into them by the Forgetting Curse are different from their original will, If there is a huge contrast, they will often fall into self-doubt, deny themselves, and even commit suicide."

McGonagall's face turned pale. She could hear from Dumbledore the tragic future of this group of people.

"These people have obviously fallen into his hands... Didn't he want to oppress them? Why did he still take their lives!"

Dumbledore sighed.

"What was the reaction from Iniesta's side?"

"Those French people have long wanted to rescue their compatriots, and now they can't hold it any longer. When I came, many people gathered around me, saying that we must express our position as soon as possible. If we delay it any longer, the so-called There is no need for the Equal Rights Front to exist at all. They will not just watch their compatriots turn into humanoid house elves, they will act on their own."

Dumbledore listened to McGonagall's story calmly, and he spoke slowly.

"This is what he wants to get in exchange for the lives of these people who came out of the correctional center."

McGonagall was suddenly stunned. She thought about Dumbledore's words, and then her eyes widened.

"He wants us to attack that correctional facility!"

"Judging from his current actions, this is his purpose." Dumbledore crossed his fingers calmly, "Iniesta should also be able to see this. His methods are very straightforward. Using these The marrow wizard doesn't hide it at all, but even if someone can see this, so what?"

"There is no way we can suppress the anger of those French wizards. Even if we explain all the pros and cons to them clearly, they will not consider it at all."

Mag's lips trembled.

"But why does the Dark Lord want us to attack the correctional facility? What good will that do to him?"

"Remember that after we pushed out the two Aurors captured by Jon and the others from Azkaban, you were all wondering why the French wizards who surrendered to the Dark Lord didn't react at all?"

Dumbledore suddenly talked about something else.

Two weeks ago, at the beginning of December, the Wizards’ Equal Rights Front pushed out McNeil and Scabbio, and they invaded the French wizard radio station (the wizarding world has its own radio station. Speaking of which in the 20th century, they Will it have its own TV channel?), and then fed the two wizards veritaserum, and in front of all the wizards in France who were listening to the radio, it was revealed that the Auror team of the French Ministry of Magic at this time had been taken over by British wizards. the fact of occupation.

The French Ministry of Magic under the control of Voldemort also reacted very quickly. When the Wizards' Equal Rights Front (hereinafter referred to as the "Witches' Equal Rights Front") was about to repeat the broadcast for the second time, they directly cut off the radio station. So how many people defected that day? Voldemort's French wizards knew about this, but Dumbledore did not.

However, the reaction did not happen as violently as they had expected, which disappointed many wizards on the level.

"I actually have a pretty reliable source of intelligence here." Dumbledore said, "After we spread the news through the radio, those pure-blood and mixed-blood wizards in France actually caused a lot of commotion, but they were all destroyed by the Dark Lord. The head was suppressed with bloody means.”

"While using the theory of pure blood to unite a group of people around him, he still has not forgotten the means by which he established his authority when he first gained power. Surrender rewards benefits, and disobedience brings death."

"With his unparalleled personal strength, he can certainly make some voices disappear, but he cannot erase people's inner thoughts. These thoughts may not be a problem in normal times, but as time goes by, some things will be Slowly forget, and some things become habits.”

"But in France today, he has not yet reached the level of stable rule that he had in Britain."

"He must have another thing happen to attract everyone's attention. This thing must not only be big enough for every French wizard to pay attention to, but it should also improve his prestige and invincibility in the hearts of the French." Shaken dominance.”

Listening to Dumbledore's narration, and then considering the causes and consequences, McGonagall naturally understood the answer to her question.

"So what he wants to attract the attention of the French is to lure us into attacking the correctional facility?"

"Yes, we are the only organization in Europe that clearly opposes his rule. He needs a big victory to stabilize his position in France, or to stabilize his position in Europe. And to eliminate as many of our effective forces as possible , originally we were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.”

"Is he so confident that he can defeat us?"

Dumbledore's eyes were calm.

"I was defeated by him once. The number of elite wizards he led was nearly three times ours. And we had just signed up not long ago. Many of the wizards we took in had no fighting experience. That correctional facility was still The fortress he built with his own hands. If the gap between the two sides was this big and he didn't have confidence, then he wouldn't be able to achieve what he is today."

Mag's face was extremely ugly, and there was a strong sense of frustration in her voice.

"Then we really have no chance at all?"

Dumbledore did not answer her question immediately. He gently tapped the back of his other hand with the index finger of one hand, and seemed to mutter to himself after a moment.

"Whether there is a still depends on Riddle himself."

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