In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 210 208. The tower connecting the sky and the sea

The Hogwarts sailed on the Norwegian Sea for another week.

At this time, there is only less than a week left before Christmas, and the temperature has dropped significantly again.

In recent days, besides fishing, students have taken up a new pastime at night - sitting on the deck and watching the moon.

The closer one gets to the North Pole, the larger the moon appears compared to what they see at normal latitudes.

And the starry sky is also extremely bright. The whole sky seems to have been washed by water, which is very ornamental.

Jon's preparations a week ago are now familiar to everyone. He wears the face of the bearded wizard all day long, and sees that his students either call him Professor Johnson or call him Captain Johnson with a smile.

And on the evening of Thursday this week, among the students who were looking for a place on the deck to watch the stars tonight, someone suddenly vaguely saw a column directly in front of them, standing like a pillar on the sea, with its top A building hidden in the clouds!

That's a tower.

A tower that is not on land, but stands directly in the sea!

The students have never seen such a towering building. It is like a long pillar connecting the sky and the sea.

Someone hurriedly called Jon, and Jon was shocked after seeing the tall tower.

It is indeed too high.

This tower was obviously the target of Jon's stop. The Hogwarts sailed in the direction of heading straight towards it.

Jon squinted his eyes, took out his wand and felt his surroundings.

It is obvious that a powerful Muggle expulsion spell has been cast here, and a camouflage magic similar to Hogwarts Castle has also been cast on the tower. Only in the eyes of people with magical powers will it appear as it is. In the eyes of ordinary Muggles, it should look different or not exist at all.

As it got closer to the tower, the Hogwarts' sailing speed obviously slowed down.

The surrounding sea area also showed significant differences from other places. From time to time, a thick and long body would appear around the ship, causing the students to exclaim.

It is a sea snake classified as a xxx-level magical animal by the magic world. Its body can reach more than a hundred feet long, several times larger than a basilisk. It has a head like a horse, but its personality is very docile and has always been... They have not harmed anyone, but their cruel behavior has been whimsically recorded in some Muggle stories.

There were obviously more magical animals here, and further away, Jon could even vaguely hear a long, light song, which was the mermaid singing.

After carefully observing these phenomena, Jon called all the students together without stopping.

"This time Nick stays on the ship and is in charge of managing all the students. You two, Fred and George, also stay on the ship. Neville, Ron, Hermione, Lee, and Luna, you five, get off the ship with me. Be careful not to forget I told you before, when you speak English, you should be deliberately rusty, and pronounce it normally. After all, you are pretending to be Dutch. Change your hair color, red is too eye-catching."

These candidates and plans have been determined before.

Of course, the prerequisite for these preparations to be used is that the owner of this tower is willing to receive them in a friendly manner, otherwise they will have to find another way.

It was getting darker and darker, and by this time the Hogwarts had docked at the side of the tower.

On the deck, Jon and the others could see a small platform about less than one meter away from the sea. In front of the platform was a decayed and old wooden door. On the door frame at the top of the wooden door, there was a kerosene lamp. The lamp swayed in the cold sea breeze.

Jon and the others looked at each other, didn't say anything, just nodded slightly, and then took the lead to reach the door of the tower through the gangplank built on the ship.

After he came to the door, the kerosene lamp above his head suddenly stopped shaking. Jon could clearly feel that there was a line of sight looking at him from the kerosene lamp.

"I almost forgot how long I haven't waited for anyone here." A light and warm voice sounded from the kerosene lamp, "Hello, guest, are you here to visit Sir Stoker?"

Jon was not very surprised that a kerosene lamp could speak. There are many ways to make dead objects conscious in the magical world. Portraits are the most commonly used. As for the furniture that can obey the owner's orders, there are countless pieces of furniture. A welcoming lamp Bin's lamp is not unusual.

However, the attitude shown by this lamp made Jon feel slightly relaxed. The created living creature treated visitors with a gentle attitude, which proved that the owner of this tower, Mr. Stoker with the title of Sir, It shouldn't be that hard to get along with.

"Yes, could you please inform me? I am Jeremy Johnson, professor of Transfiguration at Durmstrang School. I took students on a school trip this time and discovered this tower, so I want to take the students to visit. Meet the owner of this place."

"Professor, and students!" The kerosene lamp said in a high voice, "Cool! I think Sir Stoker will be happy to entertain you!"

Then it seemed to take a deep breath and suddenly shouted.

"Rabil! Open the door! Rabil!"

The sound was huge, even amidst the roaring sea and rolling waves.

Its call was quickly answered, and the wooden door in front of Jon was opened from the inside. An old house elf glanced at Jon with a wary expression, and then looked up at the kerosene lamp.

Jon noticed keenly that the moment he opened the door, a small black figure flashed past the crack in the door.

"This is the professor of the magic school. He and his students are traveling and want to visit Sir Stoker when they come nearby!"

Kerosene lamp said cheerfully.

The house elf named Rabil looked at the Hogwarts behind Jon. On the deck, the students were also looking towards them curiously.

"The master does not object to visits from strangers."

Rabiel's voice was a bit sharp, but his tone was still calm.

"But he doesn't like to make noise. There are too many of you, and we can't entertain them all."

A smile appeared on Jon's face. He never thought about letting all students enter this tower from the beginning, and he didn't know whether it was safe or not.

"Ah, of course, don't worry, we won't cause trouble to Sir. I will bring five of the most outstanding students to visit. After all, I am bringing them out to see the world. To meet someone who lives in seclusion in the sea As a master, it should naturally increase their knowledge."

Happy National day

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