Justin caught a guy!

This is the first impression that comes to everyone's mind when they see that hand.

However, when the upper body of the owner of the arm completely surfaced, the students discovered that this was obviously not a normal human being.

Her skin is iron gray, her dark green hair is long and disheveled, her eyes are yellow, her incomplete teeth are also yellow, and she wears pebbles strung with a thick rope around her neck.

This is a mermaid, and it is obvious from its ugly appearance that this is a mermaid that can only appear in the northern seas of Ireland and Scotland. They evolved like this in order to adapt to life in cold water.

In the warm waters of low latitudes, the mermaids living there are as beautiful as in fairy tales.

The students were stunned. It was basically the first time for them to see this kind of creature.

And after the mermaid grabbed Justin's fishing line and emerged from the sea, she babbled and said something that no one could understand.

Justin looked confused, but he could feel that the merman's tone didn't sound very good, and he was probably scolding him.

The mermaid also realized that his condemnation was like playing the piano to a cow, with no effect at all. He couldn't help but take a deep breath and spoke in unskilled English.

"All morning! You've been torturing me! Seven exactly seven Loba worms! As soon as I caught it, you hooked it away!"

Her voice was clear and melodious, and it sounded very pleasant. It was not at all consistent with her almost terrifying appearance.

Faced with such accusations, Justin's face was full of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just wanted to fish. I didn't expect to hook them. I will return them to you." When he said this, his expression was a little hesitant, and finally he asked reluctantly, " This may be offensive, but...can I ask how many pounds you weigh?"

However, the mermaid just screamed in a high-pitched voice.

"Return! Bug! Zi!"

"Okay, okay, give it to you and give it all back to you."

He muttered and poured the Lobaworms in the bucket back into the sea.

The mermaid glared at him, and then used the harpoon in her hand to string every insect on her harpoon with great precision.

Loba grows a venom sac, and mermaids like to smear the venom in their venom sacs on their weapons to increase their attack power.

Just when the mermaid took back her prey and was about to dive into the sea again and leave, Jon suddenly called her.

"Hi! Beautiful lady, can we ask you some questions?"

The students all looked at each other in shock when they heard what he called the mermaid, but the mermaid, who didn't seem to intend to have more communication with the people on the boat, stopped his movements to leave.

She looked very pleased, looking up at Jon.

"You have very good taste, little boy! Chatting with you a few more words may not be as annoying as communicating with other wizards."

"Of course, your beauty is obvious to all, right?"

Jon turned his head and winked quietly at the others, and every student he saw nodded repeatedly against their will.

Seeing Jon telling lies without blinking, Hermione on the side could not help but curl her lips, thinking of what he had just said some time ago that he would never lie.

Gabrielle didn't know what she was thinking of. She touched her long silver hair and her white teeth with a confused look on her face.

"We just came from the North Sea. I don't know why, but when we entered the Norwegian Sea, we felt that there were more magical animals around us?"

Jon didn't care about other people's opinions, but looked at the mermaid and asked.

"Norway's Ministry of Magic's control over magical animals is not strict." The mermaid replied in unfamiliar English, "And it is far away from the land. There are very few Muggle ships passing by, and a wizard keeps them from time to time."

Hearing her answer, Jon narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Wizard? Does he live in a tower?"

"That tower is called Starr." The mermaid said the name of the tower, "But how do you know? Very few wizards know that this place exists."

"We just want to visit that tower. Are there many wizards living in that tower?"

"Mr. Stocker is not the only one who lives there."

"Then I wonder what Mr. Stoker's character is like and whether he is willing to accept our visit."

"Mr. Stork is very enthusiastic about us. He also helps heal our people. Since you are wizards, he will definitely not refuse."

Jon was already satisfied with getting this information.

"Thank you for answering these questions for me, beautiful lady."

"It's nothing. I wish you all the best in the future."

The mermaid seemed to be in a good mood after being flattered by Jon. After expressing his blessings, he sank into the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

It was obviously an unexpected surprise to get these. After entering the Norwegian Sea, Jon felt that there were suddenly a lot more magical animals in this sea area. Before the fishing competition, some people often caught some such as Shirak fish. magical animals.

This is indeed not a normal phenomenon. They are not far from their next destination, the tall tower named "Starr".

Regarding the encounter with the mermaid, both those who participated in the fishing competition and the students who were watching were talking enthusiastically about what had just happened.

Justin was still arguing with referee Nick whether the mermaid counted as his catch.

"She weighs at least 100 pounds! I caught it myself! This must be included in my victory!"

Nick was flipping through the game rule book with a hesitant look on his face.

"Yes, I understand how you feel, Justin, but you didn't succeed in catching her, did you? And 100 pounds was just your estimated weight. She didn't say it, and we didn't actually weigh her. "

"That's not fair! I caught this mermaid by fishing for Loba worms all morning! Mermaids are fish too! It must be included in my harvest, not 100 pounds, even 50 pounds."

Justin begged.

"With her body type, she definitely has 50 pounds. Just give me 50 pounds."

However, after Nick convened a rigorous discussion with the referee team, he finally did not count the weight of the mermaid as part of his harvest. After all, it was the mermaid who caught his fishing line, and he did not catch him on the boat (actually When Justin asked the mermaid about her weight and was scolded, at that moment he thought about sneaking up on her and tying her to the boat to weigh her).

But to make up for it, the referee team decided to count the weight of the Loba bugs he caught before as his harvest. Although these bugs were not heavy at all, they were better than nothing for Justin, giving him a chance to make a comeback in the afternoon. power.

Although I’m shameless, it’s the last day of the month, so I’d better double my monthly tickets. Give me a few monthly tickets for my thick skin, gentlemen (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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