In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 195 193 Start over from the beginning

Chapter 195 193. Start over from the beginning

【.I am different. I am me. Let me come. Let me come.】

These few words make people feel a little unclear, like a madman talking nonsense.

Jon turned to the next page, and the words on it were actually much clearer than before, as if a different person had started writing.

[The first step is to get myself back first. Wherever I started to lose, I will find it again.]

[Complete the incomplete parts and let me know that I am still me. It’s not too late, everything has changed, and good changes have begun]

The content in the diary became shorter and shorter. When Jon turned to the last page, he only saw a bunch of lines drawn randomly on the page.

It was as if the person recording had gone crazy, and all the previous sanity was gone.

Finally, he turned over the last page and saw such a symbol on the back of the last cover of the diary.


"What does it mean?"

Not only Jon was reading, but Fred was also reading the last few pages of the diary. However, although he recognized the letters above, he had no idea what the person who wrote the diary was expressing.

Jon turned the diary back to the page after the article about releasing the basilisk, and read this part completely again.

"This part was most likely written by Tom Riddle, the Dark Lord, who came to Azkaban nine years ago."

"He's still here and still insists on writing a diary?" Fred asked incredulously.

Jon shook his head.

"This is not a diary, but more like his unconscious soliloquy. However, this soliloquy provides us with more information than the previous psychological words he wrote."

"Looking at what he said at the beginning - [Horcruxes are not the perfect answer to immortality], he must have realized something and noticed the huge side effects of Horcruxes."

"If you want to make this kind of thing, you must kill people to meet the prerequisites. No matter what time it is, killing the same kind of people must be the most mood-shaping thing. At that time, people's negative emotions must be overflowing. And the production of Horcruxes It is relying on such emotions to cut the soul, which undoubtedly weakens the person's own subjective thoughts and allows the negative emotions when killing people to remain."

"That's why the Dark Lord becomes more and more crazy, terrifying and unreasonable as he goes to the back. It is in this state that he will never be able to notice his changes."

"That's what black magic is like. It silently changes people, and they become someone they are not. Magic controls people. Such effects are almost irreversible, because reason and madness are inherently in conflict."

He typed the line in the diary [People should control magic, not be controlled by magic].

"But the Dark Lord suddenly realized at this moment that he was not himself at all now, but a puppet controlled by a Horcrux."

"There's a huge problem here."

Fred also followed Jon's train of thought. He already knew about the Horcruxes from Jon before getting off the ship, so there was no communication barrier.

"Maybe he suddenly became enlightened?"

"This actually involves a fundamental question." Jon said with a serious look, "Do madmen think they are mad?"

Fred was stunned for a moment.

"Probably. No?"

"The reason why madmen are called madmen is because they have a whole set of concepts that are different from ordinary people. They don't think they are special, they only think that normal people are special. Day after day, this continues, without any outside interference. Under such circumstances, for what reason did such a lunatic suddenly realize that he was crazy and start looking for a way to become a normal person?"

Fred couldn't answer Jon's question. Unless Voldemort himself explained the question, no one would know why.

Jon didn't hesitate for long about the answer that he couldn't know for the time being. He turned to the next page and pointed to the extremely scrawled words.

[I will become stronger...The power of magic comes from the soul...My strength belongs to myself...]

"Look here, he said that magic is equal to soul, and he also said that he will become stronger. This means that he has a way or plan to strengthen his soul."

"But the next sentence is a bit incomprehensible, [I am who I am]. It doesn't sound like talking to myself, and the handwriting on this page is very different from the two pages before and after, as if..."

Jon frowned.

"It seems like, who is he talking to?"

Fred shivered all over, and then he said hesitantly.

"Could he be the one in the Horcrux?"

"It doesn't look like it. The fragmented soul in this diary belongs to the Dark Lord's student days, the boy named Tom Riddle, an arrogant, ambitious, but good at disguise. He is indeed very talented, but I still don’t have the same mentality and experience as I did later, and it’s not like what Tom in the diary could write.”

Jon then turned back and reached the last page, which had roughly the same handwriting as the first page of the new record, and the written language was also more fluent.

"Look at this sentence, [The first step is to get myself back first. Wherever I lost it, I will find it again]. We can basically conclude that this diary is the beginning of the Dark Lord's creation of Horcruxes. Now he He plans to make a new beginning from this beginning, [complete the incomplete parts and let me know that I am still me.], and at this time, he plans to recover all the remaining souls in all the Horcruxes."

"This shows that when he wrote these words, he may not have taken back the remaining soul in the diary. Even if the soul in the diary can talk to him, the words he said will not stay."

Jon touched his chin thoughtfully.

"It looks like himself, but a little different."

It was quiet in this underground secret room, and Jon's words gave Fred goosebumps all over his body.

He said carefully.

"Tell me, is the Dark Lord divided into two selves in his consciousness? One is influenced by the Horcrux and is even crazier, and the other is suddenly enlightened and wants to find himself?"

Jon didn't answer Fred's question. He was staring unblinkingly at the most difficult-to-read page, which contained a sentence with the most confusing meaning.

【.I am different. I am me. Let me come. Let me come.】

What was Voldemort trying to do when he wrote these words?

Absorb the Horcrux in the diary?

Or something else?

Then who is stopping him from doing this?

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