Chapter 186 184.Scabio

Scabior is reading a book.

Entertainment life on Azkaban is very scarce, not to mention living with someone you can't even talk to.

Yes, he didn't like McNeil at all.

Although everyone is of mixed blood, no one has a higher status than anyone else in the magical world. However, as a cultured and motivated person, Severus Snape, who can claim to be a mixed race, has an overwhelming status. Most pure-blood wizards regarded the aspiring half-blood as their idol, and he really looked down on a mindless bastard like McNeil.

Even though his background did not bring any advantages, as long as he was not miserable enough to be like a Mudblood and would never be able to stand up again, Scabior always felt that he would still have opportunities to make progress in the future.

He actually didn't have much discrimination against Mudbloods. After all, before Voldemort ruled the entire British wizarding world, he had lived in that "abnormal" magical society for many years. At that time, he also had many friends who were Mudbloods.

But so what if you don't agree much with the theory of pure-blood superiority?

As long as he wants to gain power and be promoted, he must support this idea.

Therefore, when suppressing the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore, he did not hold back at all. No fewer than three members of the Order of the Phoenix died directly or indirectly in his hands.

It is precisely because of such outstanding achievements that his position in the Auror Command has been rapidly promoted.

Lucius Malfoy, the chief of staff who manages all Aurors, has privately hinted to him that after the mission of stationing in Azkaban is completed, the Ministry is likely to transfer him to other key offices in the Department of Magical Law. Give him a chance to be a director.

It is precisely because of this awareness that Scabior doesn't like watching Quidditch games, playing wizard chess, or traveling.

I just like to read books and constantly enrich myself with knowledge, so that when I need to seize the opportunity, I will not miss this opportunity.

But this time, he felt that he might have encountered an extremely critical opportunity.

Of course, if not handled properly, this opportunity may turn into a fatal danger.

Jon and the others had no better way to deal with the remaining Auror in the building.

He obviously had no intention of going out and had been staying in a certain room on the second floor. If you wanted to launch a sneak attack on him, you had to enter the building.

This is undoubtedly a very risky move. After all, this place has always been the residence of the Aurors, and they have no idea whether there are any special arrangements inside.

But no matter whether there is any risk or not, they must solve this trouble today.

"Nick is coming with us. You are a ghost and will not be harmed by any spells, so you walk in front and help us find the way. Fred and I are behind with our invisibility cloaks on."

"If you find the enemy, but the enemy does not find you, just keep silent and point out his position to us with gestures, and we will try to sneak attack. If he also finds you, you should tell us his position loudly. , with the invisibility cloak around, he couldn't determine our position immediately, so we still have the advantage of attacking first."

"The rhythm of casting spells is the same. Listen to my pronunciation correctly, Fred. No matter what, we must first make sure that the other party maintains the iron armor spell at all times, and the initial attack is mainly armor breaking. Finally, we must pay attention to ourselves. Please don’t have any thoughts of dying together, it’s not worth it to us.”

Jon assigned everyone's tasks, Nick and Fred nodded together, and then the three of them prepared to sneak into the building.

Nick was in front, and it passed directly through the solid body of the wooden door without opening the door at all.

After checking that there were no abnormalities or problems on the entire first floor, he walked out of the door again and signaled to Jon that they could enter.

Then Jon put the invisibility cloak back on himself and Fred, and together they gently held the handle and pushed open the door, and walked in carefully.

Their movements were so slight that they barely made any noise.

But just as the door was opened, Scabio, who was reading in the study on the second floor, suddenly became gloomy.

On the first day he came here, he placed a warning on the only entrance door in the entire building. As long as someone came in or out from this place, the magic he left behind would be triggered and he could sense it.

Of course, McNeil would inevitably be noticed when he came in, but if he came back, it would definitely not be so quiet.

Every time this shit-headed guy comes in, he yells that it's too cold outside and he needs a cup of hot chocolate or tells himself to get him a coat.

The sound of people stamping their feet in front of the door to clean the dirt on the soles of their shoes was so loud that it seemed to alert the dementors in the castle.

It's too quiet now.

It was so quiet that Scabior, combined with the current chaos in the magic world, could only suspect one possibility at the first time.

Someone else broke into Azkaban, and that idiot McNeil has been dealt with!

The next second this thought came to his mind, he quickly grasped the wand that had been placed on the desk.

He stood up from the sofa and walked to the study door first, but as soon as he reached out and gently opened the door a crack, his eyes were fixed on the owl cage that had been placed above the bookcase.

There was an owl that belonged to him in the cage, making eye contact with him.

After hesitating for less than a second, he walked to the bookcase again, opened the owl's cage, and released the owl that had been with him for less than three years.

He pulled out a piece of parchment from the desk, quickly wrote a line of letters on it with a quill, and then rolled up the parchment and let the owl hold it in his talons.

Finally, he took out a pendant from the pocket of his robe, hung it on the owl's neck, and then opened the window opposite to the door of the building for it.

"This thing can help you fly out of the fog. Go back to the Ministry of Magic and find the Director of the Auror Office, Lucius Malfoy. Be sure to deliver this letter to him. Be sure to take off gently!"

Every owl that delivers letters to the wizard can understand human speech. It carries the pendant, grabs the letter, spreads its wings carefully, and flies out of the room.

Scabior was not sure who and how many people were on Azkaban, but before he was ready to take advantage of this opportunity, he had to make sure that the news got out.

Otherwise, it would be okay if he seizes the opportunity, but if he fails to seize it, then it is very likely that all his previous achievements will not be able to offset this mistake.

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