In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 184 182 Sneak Attack

Chapter 184 182.Sneak attack

Jon and the others did not wait long for this opportunity.

They ate some bread and biscuits brought from the ship behind the rock, and kept guarding the two-story building where the Aurors were stationed.

Nick did not risk getting closer. Although he could ignore the limitations of most physical objects and was the best scout, on this island full of gray fog, the ghost's fluorescent body at that moment was a bit too eye-catching. .

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, a tall and sturdy figure walked out of the building.

Jon and Fred, who had always been tense, looked at each other and stood up from behind the rock together without any hesitation.

"Nick went to keep an eye on the other Auror who stayed in the house. Fred and I followed the Auror who came out, looking for opportunities to control him. If any other accidents happen, you can look in this direction again. us."

Jon quickly assigned the tasks, and then he, Fred, and Nick acted separately.

The Auror who went out looked extremely thick, and from a distance you could see that his face was full of stubble and stubble. He looked more like a boxer than a wizard.

He was cursing as he walked, as if he was complaining about something, but Jon and Fred couldn't hear clearly because they were too far away.


Fred trampled a withered branch, exhaled white mist from his mouth, and whispered.

"It's a pity that I haven't learned the Disillusionment Curse yet, otherwise we could be safer."

Being reminded like this, Jon couldn't help but pat his head. He fumbled in his robe pocket and quickly pulled out a cloak that looked like running water.

"It's been a long time since I've used it. I almost forgot. Although I don't know how to use the Disguise Curse, we have something even better than the Disguise Curse."

Fred looked at what Jon was holding in surprise.

"Invisibility cloak? Where did you get it?"

"Professor Potter lent it to me when I sneaked into Hogwarts Castle last year. She never took it back and left it for my safekeeping for the time being."

Jon said as he put the invisibility cloak around him and Fred.

Under this gray fog and blocked by the invisibility cloak, even if someone stood in front of them, they might not be able to detect their existence.

The sturdy Auror with blond hair like weeds was walking towards the coast. He was getting farther and farther away from the two-story building where the Auror was stationed, and Jon also tightened his grip at this time. Wand.

"We are in the dark and he is in the open. Sneak attacks are very advantageous for us, but we cannot ensure that he is protected by the armor spell at all times." He said in a solemn tone and in a low voice, "So everything must be done in accordance with It’s the safest move.”

"I'll try to break the armor first. After I pronounce the first syllable of the spell, you cast the spell immediately. Even if my spell doesn't break his armor, your spell should be enough. Finally, I'll try again. Continue to use the second spell to finish."

"Of course, if he wasn't so wary, everything would be easier."

Fred didn't respond. He just nodded seriously.

After arranging the tasks to take over the two of them, Jon and Fred began to speed up their pace, gradually approaching the coast on the other side of Azkaban Island.

Near the seaside, there is a dilapidated cabin standing on the beach, looking particularly cold in the gray fog and sea breeze.

The sturdy Auror's target was obviously here. After seeing the wooden house, he quickly quickened his pace and focused his attention on that room.


Jon's voice was lowered but raised in pitch.

At this time, they were less than five meters away from the target in front of them. Under such circumstances, even if their hands were shaking, there was no chance that the spell would be misplaced.

After hearing Jon's reminder, Fred held his breath. He tightened his wand and pointed it at the Auror's broad back.

The next second, a spell belonging to black magic sounded from Jon's mouth!

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

The invisible sharp blade formed almost instantly!

For this black magic, which is famous for its power and casting speed, the distance of five meters across the domain can even be ignored in human senses!

McNeil had already approached the seaside wooden house and was completely focused on it. He didn't even notice the sound of Jon chanting a curse hidden in the cold wind.

He just suddenly felt a tearing pain coming from behind him, and then scarlet liquid was swaying in the gray mist along with the broken pieces of cloth of the robe!

And at the same time that Jon uttered the first syllable of the spell, Fred also uttered the petrification spell without hesitation.

"All petrified!"

The bright red curse beam was obviously not faster than the invisible sharp blade. When the skin on McNichol's back was torn and blood bloomed, the petrifying curse hit his body accurately!

The body that was twitching due to severe pain froze instantly.

McNeil's body was unable to resist and was affected by the spell. He was unable to move his hands and feet, and could only fall forward stiffly.

His face was full of disbelief and horror. He had never thought that he could still be attacked on this barren island!

Of course he knew the magic spell of Shen Feng Wu Ying. Only those in that gentleman's personal guard, known as the Death Eaters organization, were qualified to learn such black magic.

So who is attacking him now? The man sent by that gentleman? What wrong did he do? Why would such a person come specifically to deal with him?

Just when McNeil was lying on the ground unable to move and thinking wildly, Jon and Fred breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This Auror was much easier to deal with than they imagined, and there was no vigilance or protective measures at all, which was the best thing.

They took off the invisibility cloak from their bodies, then took out a piece of black cloth and approached McNeil from behind. When he was lying on the ground and couldn't see clearly who was attacking him, they used his eyes directly from behind. He was covered with black cloth, then tied up firmly with ropes, and then the petrification spell on him was released.

"You, who are you! I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't betray that gentleman, and I'm not a mudblood hiding my bloodline! My file at the Ministry of Magic is very clear. My parents are both mixed-race, and I am also a mixed-race. !”

As soon as he could speak, Magniel started shouting.

After hearing his words, Jon already guessed what he was thinking.

The Shadowless Blade is really too confusing. Basically, only Voldemort himself knows this black magic.

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