In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 135 133 Dead Soul Water

Chapter 135 133. Dead Soul Water

Everything was business as usual on the carriage.

Gabrielle's arrival caused a sensation.

Although there were many ghosts in the former Hogwarts Castle, and there was even a ghost professor who specialized in teaching the history of magic, the students on the carriage never saw such a creature again after they began to go into exile.

Originally Muggle students made up the majority here. They had learned about ghosts during class, but like Jon, this was their first time seeing them.

"It's so pitiful." Lavender looked at Gabrielle, who was hiding behind Jon in a bit of shyness and panic because she was being watched by a group of people, and whispered to Hermione next to her.

"She died at such a young age. I heard that people who become ghosts are those who still have a deep obsession with this world when they die. She must have been very painful when she died."

Gabrielle obviously heard what she said, pouting, grabbing the hem of Jon's robe, trying to stick her head out to explain, but in the end she retreated angrily.

She is only seven years old now. Although she has a cheerful personality, she has experienced so many changes during this period and has begun to be a little cautious.

"This is Gabrielle Delacour." Jon could only introduce her. "She is from France and will be staying at Hogwarts for a while. Her current state is indeed that of a ghost, but she is not really dead. Instead, he drank the Dead Soul Water and temporarily became like this."

The knowledge of dead soul water is a bit obscure. Simply put, it is a magic potion that can force a wizard to turn into a ghost.

It's just that the refining of this medicine is very difficult, and some of the materials are basically extinct now, and the limitations are very high. After all, they are artificial ghosts, which are completely incomparable with real ghosts. There will be no after death. It has the characteristic of not dying again. Generally, it can only survive in the form of a ghost for four or five years at most before it dies completely.

But the advantage is that turning into a ghost after drinking this bottle is not irreversible. As long as the body of the person who drinks the potion is protected, and the antidote is given within five years, the person can return to his original human identity.

Madame Maxime had indeed reached the point where she had no other choice, otherwise she would not risk killing her friend's daughter by feeding Gabrielle the Dead Soul Water.

Lavender and the others didn't know what the Dead Soul Water was, but they also heard Jon's subtext.

However, they didn't mind whether Gabrielle was really dead or not. A child finally came on the carriage. Although the child was a ghost, it still made Lavender and several girls in the senior class a little excited.

Soon they took Gabrielle to visit the carriage, while Jon and Neville went back to the dormitory to put down their luggage.

"After you and Professor Dumbledore left, the carriage seemed to have some problems and stopped once. However, Professor McGonagall and Professor Potter checked it and found nothing abnormal." Neville was saying this. At that time, his tone was more casual, and he didn't seem to think it was a big deal.

Jon's rescue of the students from the castle this year made the students on the carriage less cautious and worried because of their exile.

After all, in the eyes of the students, Jon is indeed talented in learning magic, but he is not particularly different from others.

He was able to rescue people from hiding in Hogwarts Castle for less than a year. This not only proved his power, but also showed that the enemies in that castle were nothing more than that.

This gave the upperclassmen, who didn’t know much about Jon, a non-malicious illusion of “I can do it if I go”.

But Jon clearly knew better.

With Voldemort's vengeful character, it is impossible for him to suffer such a big loss without fighting back. Not only should he not relax now, but he should be more vigilant.

Dumbledore and other professors knew this too.

Jon remembered what Hagrid had said to Dumbledore before getting in the carriage. The carriage stopping and the spell attached to it being damaged should mean the same thing.

What happened once the carriage stopped midway? The professors obviously didn't say much to the students.

Jon didn't talk much about this with Neville. He put away his luggage and went to the restaurant to have dinner. After chatting with Ron and the others at the table about the interesting things he encountered during his trip to France, he returned to the dormitory alone. .

After he returned from Hogwarts Castle, he had not really studied the gem he got from the castle library.

The gemstone had already changed from blood red to the same light blue as the original gemstone on the ring.

Jon didn't dare to hold back when he finally left.

A floating spell and a breaking spell allowed him to use up all the magic power in the gem without any reservation.

The effect obtained was naturally significant. Under the joint attack of many professors in the castle, Jon was completely unscathed and able to move freely. Although he had no effective means of retaliation, he did not originally intend to kill anyone. In the end, he was able to Successfully escaping with Hermione would be considered as overfulfilling the mission.

The last words he said were not because he had some sort of secondary disease and wanted to act cool, but because there were so many students here, it was a good opportunity to make a statement.

The more the Ministry of Magic wants to reduce the presence of Hogwarts led by Dumbledore, the more Jon wants to publicize in public that there are still people in the wizarding world who are resisting Voldemort's system.

This may not allow all mixed-race students to see the essence of this theory of pure-blood superiority, but it may awaken a very few people and change their originally resigned mentality.

Even if there is only one person who can make such a change, then it is not a loss for Jon to say these words, and it can also leave a seed of resistance in the hearts of others.

If Voldemort leads the pure bloods to continue to be so strong, this seed may never be able to break through. But once the situation changes subtly one day, and the balance no longer tilts completely to one side, then the seeds planted today will be gone. It will blossom and bear fruit in time, and it is very likely to play an unexpected role.

Being able to achieve so much with the magic power stored in the gem, Jon felt that this deal was not a bad deal. Besides, it was not like the magic power inside could not be stored in the future.

And the most important thing is that Jon always feels that this gem retains more than just magic power.

He was in the castle and was so worried about rescuing the students that he had no time or energy to study it. After he came back, he went out with Dumbledore for a few days. Now he was finally free to study this gem seriously. .

If there was something else that he hadn't noticed, then all Jon could think of was the knowledge that had been absorbed into the Forbidden Magic Book.

Magic is the carrier of forbidden book knowledge, but it does not mean that it is all knowledge.

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