In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 120 118. Reason

In the main hall of the Ministry of Magic, which is half the size of a football field.

Voldemort and Dumbledore sat five meters apart, facing each other.

The two most hostile people in the British wizarding world did not get into a fight as soon as they met. Instead, everyone looked so calm on the outside, as if they were a couple they had not seen for a long time. This meeting was just for reminiscing between teachers and students.

"So who did you let sneak into Hogwarts Castle without triggering any warnings?"

Voldemort stared into Dumbledore's eyes. There was no anger on his face, but he was really curious about this question.

"Those age-detecting magics were set up by me myself. To blind them, you need an extremely powerful confusion spell. Who else can do this except you?"

Dumbledore still had that smile on his face, and he spoke softly.

"You sometimes believe in yourself too much, Tom. You believe in your own magic, and you believe in your own judgment even more."

Regarding Dumbledore's name, Voldemort subconsciously narrowed his eyes. He obviously didn't like hearing this name, let alone the surname after it.

"Confidence is never a bad thing, that's what you taught me back then, Professor Dumbledore."

"But confidence does not mean arrogance. But now that I am no longer your teacher, there are some things that you can't understand, but they are good for me, aren't they?"

The expression on Voldemort's face gradually darkened, and his snake-like eyes seemed to be staring at his prey.

"What about you, Dumbledore, are you so confident that the person who sneaked into the castle can rescue a group of Mudbloods? Are you also so confident that the bugs in Azkaban can escape?"

"Your rule is actually a complete mess, Tom." Dumbledore said casually, as if he didn't see Voldemort's dangerous gaze, "You should have felt that violent power can only be obeyed for a short time. If you want most people to truly support you, you need to let them see the benefits. But after all, the time for you to wake up is still a little short. If you continue to operate for a longer period of time, maybe I will not have such confidence."

Voldemort scoffed.

"Why don't you mention your ridiculous love now?"

Dumbledore did not get angry at his taunt, but looked calm.

"[For the greatest benefit], I have part of the credit for putting forward this sentence. I saw clearly earlier than you what the so-called human nature is. But magic is an existence that can make individuals transcend the group, and interests can Pull the group together, but love—it makes the individual strong.”

"So?" Voldemort asked coldly and loudly, his voice echoing in the empty main hall, "You have always said that I have never mastered the most powerful magic, so I don't know what the so-called love is. But now, who is it? The loser? Who is the winner!"

Dumbledore looked into Voldemort's eyes quietly.

"No matter what spell it is, will is always the driving force necessary for casting it, and love is the strongest will." When he said this, he suddenly laughed at himself, "But you are right, even if I say no more No matter how correct my words are, there is no way to hide the fact that I am indeed a loser. The mysteries of magic are never-ending. I am not an omniscient and omnipotent god. There will always be powers that I don’t understand that are controlled by others, but—— "

"Your power is also unstable, isn't it?"

The main hall fell into silence, and the air seemed to be frozen. Only the sound of the second hand of a large clock hanging on the wall continued to sound.

"Are you sure that I don't dare to fight you, or is there that incompetent loser in this city, who gives you enough support and gives you enough confidence?"

After a long time, Voldemort slowly stood up from his seat and looked down at the old man in front of him.

Dumbledore looked at him calmly.

"No, Tom. I believe that you dare to fight me, and I also believe that you are not afraid of me and Gellert joining forces at all, but I believe even more that you have enough sense now. Your sense will tell you if we are in this situation If there is a local war, there will be a lot of problems later, problems that are very detrimental to you."

"Your reason has allowed you to achieve what you have today, but also because of your reason, you have to sacrifice something for it."

Voldemort had already drawn his wand as he spoke.

But Dumbledore still sat motionless in his chair, watching his movements.

The two just looked at each other in silence, the hands of the clock still moving. Although Voldemort was holding the wand, he never had the intention to raise it.

And just when the hour hand of the big clock pointed to "I", Dumbledore also stood up from his chair.

"I'm glad to have such a pleasant chat with you, Tom, but it's getting late." He adjusted his windbreaker. "Because Horace was poached by you, I can only replace his original professor myself." position, I have two classes to attend in the afternoon, so that’s it for today.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden-red light suddenly flashed around him, and Phoenix Fox, who had become a professional driver, landed on Dumbledore's shoulder.

"Today's events will not end like this, Dumbledore."

Voldemort didn't even seem to have any intention of stopping Dumbledore from leaving. He just said words in a cold voice that didn't sound threatening, and just watched the light completely envelope him.

Dumbledore responded softly before disappearing from the main hall.

"I am looking forward."

The light dissipated.

Voldemort was the only one left in the main hall.

There was no emotion on his face, and he slowly sat back in the chair.

His eyes were calm, staring calmly at the chair where Dumbledore had sat before.

The hands on the clock beat rhythmically, and he followed this rhythm, tapping the tip of the wand lightly with the tip of his index finger.

Just when he was deep in thought, his mouth suddenly opened strangely, and he uttered crazy words that were completely different from the calmness in his eyes!

"Why don't you kill him! What are you afraid of! Why don't you kill him! Why don't you kill him!!!"

The voice echoed in the main hall, but Voldemort raised his fist without hesitation and punched himself hard in the mouth!

The punch was very heavy, causing blood to appear at the corner of his mouth.

"Idiot." He seemed to have regained control of his mouth, and his voice returned to calmness and coldness again, "If it weren't for you, I would have taken action when I saw him."

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then turned around and walked into the Ministry of Magic with gloomy eyes.

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