In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 108 106. How about next Thursday?

He had already put his books and pens into the cloth bag, then left the principal's office, sneaked out of Hogwarts Castle, and came to the Pig's Head Bar.

Aberforth has been waiting for him here for a long time. Jon will inform him of the time in advance before any action in the castle, so as to avoid unnecessary accidents and no time to prepare.

As soon as he entered the bar, Jon placed the bag containing the Book of Access and the Pen of Acceptance in front of him.

"It's right here, I got it!"

Aberforth opened the bag and saw the Book of Access covered in black dragon skin and the quill made of fortune teller feathers. A relaxed smile appeared on his face.

Leaving aside other things, at least their original purpose was accomplished. Having books and pens here is of great significance to Hogwarts on the carriage.

In the past, when they competed with Hogwarts Castle for students, they basically first observed the actions of the professors in that castle near the start of the semester, and then took action. This was extremely inefficient, and there was no way to protect more Muggle students from enrolling every year. .

But now that I have got books and pens, the situation will be completely reversed. The difficulty of enrolling students in Hogwarts Castle will be greatly increased, because they not only have to take care of Muggle students, but also screen pure-blood and mixed-blood children. Even if their parents They are all wizards, and a newborn child may be a squib before he fully demonstrates his magical talent.

Under Voldemort's rule, the social status of Squibs is not much better than that of Mudbloods, and may even be worse. Therefore, some parents will conceal the fact that their children are Squibs and pretend that various children have shown signs of magical talents. , to deceive the Ministry of Magic's reconnaissance.

It is even more difficult to identify Muggle students because there are more people and thousands of newborns are born every year. The staff in the castle at Hogwarts do not have so much energy to check whose children are exposed one by one. Special talents, which will cause great trouble in their admissions work.

But for the Hogwarts carriage, the only people they wanted to recruit were Muggle students. If other pure-blood and mixed-race families who were dissatisfied with Voldemort's rule wanted to send their children to Dumbledore, they would I came here on my own initiative.

Now that they have books and pens, it will undoubtedly make it more convenient for them. They don't even need to wait until the student reaches eleven years old. When the name is initially recorded in the Book of Admission, the professors can contact this talented student.

All in all, the existence of the Book of Admission and the Pen of Acceptance is very important to any Hogwarts, so this was Dumbledore's purpose in letting Jon sneak into the castle in the first place.

And now this goal has been perfectly achieved.

But after Aberforth smiled after seeing the book and pen, his expression turned silent again.

Jon also sat at the table without speaking. The two of them looked at each other, knowing that according to the original plan, since the purpose of lurking had been completed, Jon should leave here and return to the Hogwarts carriage. On.

Everything in Hogwarts Castle will have nothing to do with him after that. Randy Smith, a mudblood student, will disappear, no matter what Voldemort showed after discovering that the principal's office was broken into and the books and pens were stolen. No matter how angry he is, it will not involve Jon Green in the slightest.

But now neither Jon nor Aberforth mentioned leaving. After the silence lasted for a long time in the tavern, Jon asked first.

"You said before that Professor Dumbledore would be able to contact me tonight?"

Aberforth took his pocket watch out of his pocket and glanced at the time.

"In another half hour, an independent floo network will be established by the Order of the Phoenix. This floo network can last for about 48 hours. During this period, you can contact Albus at any time."

Jon nodded quietly, staring unblinkingly at the dark night outside the window, as if he was thinking about what to say when he met Dumbledore later.

Aberforth did not disturb him, but went to the bar to prepare a cup of hot cocoa for him.

Time passed bit by bit, and when the scheduled time came, Aberforth walked to the burning fireplace, took out a box of white powder from the fireplace, then pinched out a handful and sprinkled it in. In the fire.

The originally bright orange fire turned into dark green in the next second, and then the flames rose, and the green fire soon formed a person's upper body.

Dumbledore looked at Aberforth with a smile through the floo network, and the voice came from the fireplace.

"You seem to be living a good life recently, and your mental state is much better than mine."

Aberforth had a stinky face. The first time he saw Dumbledore, his face turned pale, like an old goat with a long face.

"I'm younger than you! Of course I'm much more energetic than you! Old man, your students want to see you!"

He was cursing, as if he was about to turn around and leave this space to Jon and Dumbledore, when he suddenly turned back silently and glared at Dumbledore and said something.

"This kid is doing very well. You can seriously consider his appeal."

Dumbledore just smiled and nodded at him.

Aberforth retreated behind the bar, leaving the space here for Jon and Dumbledore. After he left, Jon also stood up from his chair.

"I got the stuff, Professor."

Dumbledore had a clearly surprised expression on his face. The final result did not surprise him at all. Since he dared to ask Jon to do this, he knew that he had the ability to complete this task, but he did not expect Jon's The action was so fast, and the set goal was already achieved in just over half a school year.

"Well done Jon, it turns out you're much better than I gave you credit for."

He said with emotion, but in the face of his compliments and compliments, Jon's face did not show the slightest expression of happiness. His eyes were still solemn and he said with a heavy expression.

"But there is something I want to discuss with you now, Professor."

As if seeing Jon's seriousness, Dumbledore also suppressed the smile on his face. He looked at Jon seriously, nodded and said.

"Tell me what you think."

Jon opened his mouth. He had already imagined many reasons in his mind on how to convince Dumbledore, but now, when he finally asked, he just asked.

"Can we rescue all the Muggle students in the castle?"

The scene fell silent.

Behind the bar, Aberforth subconsciously stopped wiping the glass with his hand, while Jon held his breath, while Dumbledore in the flames showed an expression of thinking and hesitation.

When he saw this, Jon's heart gradually sank, until a few seconds later, Dumbledore suddenly spoke.

"If we set the rescue time for next Thursday, will you have time to prepare?"


Aberforth dropped the cup and Jon was completely stunned.

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