In the Heavens

Chapter 491: Emperor's Death

The Zixiao Palace meeting was successfully concluded, and everyone's morale was significantly higher. Whether it was Li Mu's breakthrough or the joining of Yang Mei's ancestor, it was good news for the prehistoric camp.

However, the battlefield outside the territory went crazy. The worlds controlled by the demon gods outside the territory began to output frantically, and the prehistoric camp also launched the most violent and cruel counterattack.

Everything stems from interests, and the common interests made the rulers of both sides issue similar orders, which can be summed up in one word - kill.

Unlike previous wars, there are only two outcomes on the battlefield: either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy. Even the chance to surrender was ruthlessly deprived by the high-level officials of both sides.

The foreign demon gods are greedy for the Pangu Dao fruit, and the prehistoric camp is not salivating. It became a tacit understanding between the two parties to produce the polluted semi-finished Pangu Dao Fruit.

As for how to divide the spoils after the Pangu Dao fruit matures, this question depends on each person's means. If the strength is equal, it is not impossible to sit together and study together.

Of course, this possibility is very low. People are selfish, especially on the narrow road of pursuit, and they cannot tolerate sharing.

Everyone wants to jump out of the cage and step into a new world, but the reality is very cruel. The road of detachment is destined to belong to a small number of people. It is unknown whether there are even people who can escape from chaos, and whether they can escape from chaos.

Against this background, the first to suffer is the Great Thousand World in the flames of war. As if encountering the end of the world, countless worlds, heaven, earth and people were destroyed and forced to go to the end.

Li Mu doesn't know how Pangu Daoguo is now. Anyway, there is no interference from the Three Dao of Heaven, Earth and Human in the Great Thousand World.


Accompanied by continuous loud noises, the strange space that was originally at the intersection of the prehistoric world and the myriad worlds suddenly shattered, and many worlds instantly joined together.

Scorching sun, earthquake, tsunami, violent storm... all kinds of weather happened at the same time, summed up in one word - chaos.

The frequent occurrence of natural disasters is not a big deal, the key is that the laws of the world have also fallen into chaos. Water can go to high places, plants can grow legs and run all over the world, and everything starts to reproduce asexually...

The yin and yang are reversed, the universe is reversed, and the common sense of life experience in the past is all useless at this moment.

The earth-shattering changes not only impacted mortals, but also severely damaged the cultivation world. Countless monks who practiced in closed doors were directly driven into madness when the law fell into chaos.

Even if they didn't retreat, many monks would have their mentality collapsed. The law has undergone tremendous changes, and their original strength is now at most four or five points left.

It can be said that except for the handful of strong people at the top, there is no one who is not affected.

The general trend is like this, and it cannot be reversed by humans. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the law of heaven and earth fell into chaos, Li Mu was also silently observing the prehistoric world, earth, and human beings.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that the strange aura is infecting the three ways of heaven, earth and people, and this kind of infection not only did not cause the three ways of heaven, earth and people to backlash, but seemed to be enjoying it.

Who can quietly change the three ways of heaven, earth and human without being bitten by heaven and earth?

Thinking of this, a name instantly popped up in Li Mu's mind——Pangu.

The three ways of heaven, earth and man have their own laws of operation. Except for Pangu, the creator god, even Patriarch Hongjun has no ability to quietly influence the three ways of heaven, earth and man.

Of course, this does not mean that the strange aura is Pangu's plan, at most it can only prove that there is a certain relationship between the two parties.

After all, with the strength of the Great God Pan Gu, there is no need to play any tricks at all, and the goal can be achieved with fists.

It doesn't exist if you try to stop it. Experience tells Li Mu that it is best not to reveal information about the strange aura from him.

Who let him only have the ability to ask questions, but can't solve them? Since it can't be solved, why bother to bring it up?

The law fell into chaos, but it couldn't stop everyone's turbulent heart. The fusion of the worlds has just been completed, and the bloody war has begun again.

There is no weird space barrier, making this war unprecedentedly tragic. Both sides do not take prisoners, only to fight to the bottom. The victor gets everything, and the loser becomes a sacrifice.

Now it's not just fighting for itself, it's fighting for the survival of the race. The loser has no choice but to die.

It's good to have a background force, and at the critical moment, Hunyuan monks are covering, at least they can keep the lair.

This is one of the few unspoken rules that remain on the battlefield. Many moral constraints in the past no longer exist at this moment. As long as it can kill the enemy, everyone doesn't mind using any means.

Sometimes, because of red eyes, some unscrupulous Hunyuan Demon Gods even secretly help their "insiders".

It's just that this kind of thing is a high-risk job. Once caught by the other party, the undead will have to peel off the skin.

Li Mu didn't know how the other great powers would deal with it. Anyway, for this kind of thing, he had a friendly exchange with several demon gods from outside the territory.

Looking at the cloud of blood rising into the sky in the distance, Li Mu secretly sighed. At this moment, both sides are red-eyed and can't stop at all.

Taking the human race as an example, the three emperors and five emperors all appeared on the battlefield. Except for the seeds prepared for the comeback, all the masters of the race were fighting on the battlefield.

The daily loss is an astronomical figure, but no one retreats, everything comes from profit.

At the last Zixiao Palace meeting, everyone agreed that it was necessary to release a bait to stimulate everyone to desperately.

After careful consideration, Patriarch Hongjun decided to release three holy thrones to stimulate all the forces to join the battle with all their strength.

This wave doesn't talk about fate, just look at the record. The three major forces or individuals with the most powerful military exploits can all take away a holy throne. If the record exceeds the sum of the second, third and fourth places, he can even enjoy three holy places to himself.

With such a big temptation, how could the major forces in the prehistoric world not be tempted. All of them suffocated their energy and took out the means to press the bottom of the box one after another.

It is a pity that there were heavy casualties. At this moment, in the eyes of the leaders of the major forces, there is only the holy position, and the losses of the opponent's subordinates are selectively invisible.


"Patriarch, there is news from the front that Emperor Yu died in battle!"

Upon receiving this bad news, Li Mu shook his head secretly. This is the fourth Human Sovereign who has fallen, and the shadow of the Holy Throne has not been seen. The eight Human Sovereigns will be reduced by half, which is enough to prove the tragedy of the front line.

Fortunately, the human race still has Li Mu, a Hunyuan monk. Otherwise, the absence of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors would not be able to suppress the luck of the human race, and if they could not keep other races, they would have thoughts that they shouldn't have.

After a pause, Li Mu said slowly, "Understood, send Emperor Yu's soul to reincarnation according to the usual practice."

If you die in battle, you will enter reincarnation. This is the treatment that the strong should have. Except for a few Tie Hanhan, most of the participants have prepared their own way out.

Without any accident, Li Mu became the back line of the strong human race without hesitation. Before the outbreak of the war, these guys deposited a wisp of soul.

Now that I have received the lunch box, it's time to start the reserved follow-up. Since he is not dead, there is no need to cry.

As for the situation after reincarnation and reincarnation, it can only be taken one step at a time. Whether or not he can come back after a calamity, and when he will return is still unknown.

But for the sake of Dao, everyone had to give it a go. Even if you know that the road ahead is confusing, you still have to face the difficulties.

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