After hitting a wall with Liu Tian in the morning, several elders waited with him behind Liu Tian without saying a word.

This also made Liu Tianluo relax.

It had been a long time since he had gotten along so quietly with his five senior brothers. Although Liu Tian knew in his heart that although the wind was calm on the surface, it was actually a big wave that kept surging in the dark.

Closed Door Training all pay attention to a punctual entry and exit, but there will be some exceptions. At this time, there are still three hours before Liu Feng exits the customs.

But naturally they don't remember these Liusers.

I don't know which elder yawned and complained: "It's already noon, Young Sect Leader hasn't left the customs yet, 80% of which is the failure of the 'Tianli'."

Before leaving, Liu Tian would only listen to a word without refuting, but now Liu Tian is no longer the Liu Tian he used to be. He is Niu Hulu who was forced by his own brothers step by step to kill them. Liu Tian.

"There are still three hours before Feng'er exits the customs. Brother No. 5 is busy giving birth to a son all day. Naturally, he will not care when my daughter leaves the customs. If Brother No. 5 is not in a hurry, you can go back first."

Liu Tian immediately refuted the past. These five elders, Nie Feng, had already had thirty-six daughters in their lifetime, but not a single son.

Nie Feng felt that he was ashamed of his own ancestors if he could not have a son. At such an old age, he had been marrying a concubine and wanted to have a son.

This sentence directly pierced Nie Feng's spine. He was the most taboo for others to talk about the person who gave birth to his son, and his temper was immediately ignited.

"What did you say?!" He stood up from the roots of the tree without any sleepiness, and walked towards Liu Tian while waiting for his cloudy eyes.

"Okay, Sixth Junior Brother, you even laughed at me for not being able to give birth to a son!"

Seeing his furious expression, Liu Tian snorted coldly and said, "Brother Wu Shi, I didn't say anything. You said it yourself that you won't have a son."

Speaking of which, Liu Tian's face sank, and he said coldly: "There are also five senior brothers, I called you senior brother because of our friendship in the past, but you shouldn't forget it, I am now from the Qiyu Sect. Sect Leader, the Qiyu Sect has to address me with respect, so you should call me Sect Leader."


Nie Feng was flushed with anger, and his neck was thickened.

The following people couldn't bear to see Liu Tian suddenly become like this, and they all wanted to stand up and look for Liu Tian's theory.

Sensing the anger of the following people, Liu Tian pulled a coldly smile on his mouth, thinking of taking action and showing your true colors.

Just before Feng'er leaves the customs, I will deal with you first!

But Liu Tian didn't get his wish, and when the elders were about to stand up, Liu Se raised his hand to stop them.

Liu Se shook his head, looking at Liu Tian's tall and majestic back, his eyes were full of cruelty.

Several elders looked at Liu Se and suppressed their anger, but they looked at Liu Tian with a little more anger.

Liu Tian smiled silently, with one hand behind his back and the other holding the box of mung bean cakes.

"Lord Sect Leader, we old people have been here for a day, is it okay to go back and rest for two hours?" Liu Se said.

Liu Tian couldn't help sneering, and said angrily: "I didn't let you wait here."

Liu Se gritted his teeth, stood up with his staff, and stopped drooling with him, turned around and left with the other elders.

Suddenly, Liu Tian felt that behind him was much cleaner.

On the way, Nie Feng said angrily in a low voice: "That son of a bitch Liu Tian, ​​sitting on the seat of the Sect Leader, really thought he was the Sect Leader! How dare you talk to us like this today, I haven't put on airs for hundreds of years today. Put it upside down!"

Liu Se glared at him and asked, "What did you say he raised?"

Nie Feng was stunned when he heard the words, and then he felt slapped in the face.

He said that Liu Tian was raised by a son of a bitch, but Liu Tian was raised by Liu Ming. Isn't that scolding Liu Se as well.

"Junior brother is in a hurry to say the wrong thing, senior brother don't take it to heart, I just want to scold that Liu Tian!"

Liu Se didn't care, he hated his own father and hated why he didn't pass on the position of Sect Leader to himself.

After the succession ceremony that year, he went to Liu Ming to make trouble, but Liu Ming didn't even look at him when he saw him.

He angrily questioned Liu Ming why he didn't pass the throne to his heir, Liu Ming took a light sip of tea and said that Qi Yuzong had a precedent for Chuan Xian.

Liu Se complained that Liu Ming made him very embarrassed today, etc., but Liu Ming ignored it completely and let him go crazy there.

In the end, Liu Se was really angry, and asked Liu Tian angrily if Liu Ming was the illegitimate child who was messing around outside.

Liu Ming gave Liu Se a slap, and the slap was very strong, and the sound echoed in the house.

At that time, Liu Se covered his face in shock as if he saw the supreme Shura, and finally asked why Liu Ming didn't pass on the position of Sect Leader to him.

Liu Ming only said three words coldly, you are not worthy.

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