In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 137 Family reunion

The magnificent, graceful and noble Sheng Tianji looked at her son Ji Haotian with complicated eyes, and said a little excitedly: "Haotian, my son, since you were young, I have never cared about you and ignored you. You must have hated your mother all the time, right? My mother is sorry for you and apologizes to you. I hope you can forgive me as a mother! My mother wants to promise you that she will make up for you in the future and treat you well. Our family will always be together in the future and will never be separated again. !"

Ji Haotian smiled freely and said: "I used to resent and misunderstand you, mother, but now I don't blame you anymore. Now that our family is reunited, I am very happy! I hope our family will be together forever and never be separated! Mother, sister, Come back to the kingdom of heaven with us! Mother, you are the queen mother of the kingdom of heaven, and my sister is the eldest princess of the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is the place of eternal life and our eternal home."

The mother and daughter Sheng Tianji and Ji Muxue nodded, very happy.

Daoist Taiyuan looked at her son and daughter-in-law, and said with a smile: "You and your husband have obtained a great fortune in the dark secret realm, the top-grade chaos treasure infinite sword, the top-grade chaos treasure eternal sky sword, not bad, not bad!"

Sheng Tianji smiled and said: "The speed of time in the Darkness Secret Territory is different from that of the outside world. One month in the outside world and 30 years in the Secret Territory. It took the two of us 30 years to refine two high-grade Chaos Supreme Treasures! In addition, the Darkness of Light There are still 9,000 innate laurel trees in the secret territory, all of which are collected by me, and when I return to the kingdom of heaven, I will plant all 9,000 innate laurel trees in the central Tianshan Mountain of the kingdom of heaven."

The congenital laurel tree is one of the ten congenital sacred trees. The "Cosmic Alien Tree List" records 3,000 kinds of various magical trees in the universe, and the top ten are called the congenital ten congenital sacred trees.

The Ten Congenital Sacred Trees. According to ancient legends, even saints desire to obtain the Ten Great Sacred Trees. Each of the Ten Congenital Sacred Trees is miraculous and extraordinary, with endless divine power. The Ten Congenital Sacred Trees are:

1. World Tree

The tree of the world is the spiritual root of chaos, born in chaos, and nourished by the energy of chaos. Its tree is so huge that even Chaos God and Demon is just a small ant in front of it.

The tree of the world is called the first spiritual root of chaos. Its root system can connect endless dimensions and spread throughout the chaos. Its fruits are worlds. Under the branches and leaves, the power of the world pervades, and no god can get close to the world tree.

2. Star fruit tree

The star fruit tree, the sacred tree bred by the origin of the stars in the sky, is the innate spiritual root, which can attract the power of endless stars.

According to ancient legends, the star fruit tree feeds on the power of the stars and devours the stars in the sky for endless years before it can bear fruit. Its fruit is only 365 at a time, corresponding to the oldest 365 stars. The star fruit can be transformed into the star body corresponding to the star, which can control the original power of the star.

3. Tongtian Jianmu

Tongtian Jianmu, a tree that reaches the sky in ancient legends, was born in the wilderness of Duguang. In other words, you can climb from the world to the heaven along it, which is the easiest way to reach the sky in the world.

In the prehistoric world, Jianmu is an innate tree with spiritual roots, which controls all trees in the world. It is known as the tree of life. Its divine power is infinitely powerful, and even saints dare not easily provoke it.

4. Congenital flat peach tree

The full name is "Xiantian Renshui Pan Peach Tree". There are three kinds of them. The first type is called Xiao Pan Peach Tree. The flowers and fruits are tiny and ripen once every three thousand years.

The second type is called the big flat peach tree, which ripens once every six thousand years. People who eat it will ascend to heaven and live forever.

The third kind is called the Immortal Pantao, with purple veins and fine core, which can be ripened once every nine thousand years. People who eat it can live as long as the heavens and the earth, and have the same age as the sun and the moon.

5. Ginseng fruit tree

Ginseng fruit, also known as Cao Huan Dan, is an innate spiritual root just like flat peaches. The fruit of the ginseng fruit tree is shaped like a child, and it only bears 30 in 10,000 years; smelling it can increase the life span of thousands of years, and eating it can live the same life as the sky , is the best life prolonging thing.

6. Bodhi tree

The most famous tree of enlightenment in ancient legends,

It is the sacred tree of Buddhism.

The holy bodhi tree is a sacred tree bred by heaven and earth. Living beings sit cross-legged under it, and their wisdom can soar, allowing people to see through everything in the world. It is one of the most attractive treasures in Buddhism.

According to legend, the Buddha, the master of Buddhism, was directly Nirvana and became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree with the help of Bodhi.

According to prehistoric legends, the bodhi tree is the true body of Zhunti, the founder of Buddhism. Therefore, the bodhi tree has an indissoluble bond with Buddhism, and it is the only sacred tree recognized by Buddhism.

7. Congenital hibiscus tree

The congenital hibiscus tree, the spiritual root of the extreme fire, looks like two mulberry trees growing from the same root, clinging to each other and supporting their growth, the whole body is fiery red, so it is named hibiscus.

According to ancient legends, the hibiscus tree was born in the sun, and it is the only creature in the sun star except the Great Sun Golden Crow, and it can be regarded as the home of the Great Sun Golden Crow! The Golden Crow is the elf of the sun, but it has inhabited the Fusang tree since it was conceived, so the Fusang tree can also be said to be the home of the Golden Crow. The congenital Fusang tree can generate countless different fires in the universe and can suppress countless different fires in the universe, so it is also called fire tree king.

8. Undead tree

This tree grows extremely slowly, and it takes ten thousand years to grow a foot high. The fruit it bears is called the undead fruit. An undead fruit, if a living being eats the undead fruit, it will live forever, and its appearance will not grow old.

The leaves of the undead tree contain rich energy of the universe, and a leaf of the undead tree is equivalent to a god crystal. The living beings can eat the leaves of the undead tree directly, and they can also be used for cultivation, trading, or brewing of undead wine.

Nine, congenital laurel

The congenital laurel tree, like the hibiscus tree, is the spiritual root of the congenital extreme water, born in the ancient lightless land.

Unlike the Sun Fusang, where the golden crow was born, the Lightless Land is barren, extremely cold, and there is no life to breed, so the laurel also becomes the center of the Lightless Land, and the Lightless Land is immortal. It is not immortal, but the same , It also lives forever and cannot be transformed, and even spiritual wisdom cannot be born. The congenital laurel tree can generate the source of congenital water, nourish the world and all spirits, and it is also the nemesis of all waters in the universe, which can resist and restrain the invasion of all strange waters in the universe.

10. Congenital sycamore tree

The congenital plane tree, the spiritual root of congenital fire, is the treasure of the divine beast phoenix. The phoenix is ​​a divine beast of the heavens and the earth, with a haughty personality, never falling into a land without treasures, not drinking from the Li spring, not living in the sycamore tree, and this congenital sycamore tree is the home of the first phoenix in the world.

Every time the phoenix is ​​nirvana, every time it is nirvana, it will become stronger, and the fire of nirvana when the phoenix is ​​nirvana can burn everything, but it is only ineffective against the congenital plane tree, even if the phoenix is ​​nirvana once on the plane tree, the plane tree will become stronger. The last point, therefore, the congenital sycamore tree is the nemesis of all fires in the universe, even a piece of congenital sycamore tree leaf is a treasure, which can resist the powerful fire in the universe.

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