Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1201: Dragon Bow

There was a buzzing sound, and the flying dragon's body was split into two. Due to the coldness of the ice devil, the dragon's corpse did not even spray a drop of blood, so it turned into two pieces of ice and fell on the street!

"It's awesome!" The night elf boy saw this scene in his eyes, suddenly shocked, Borui said at this time: "Strange, when I shot a moment ago, I felt that my casting speed was faster than before. It's more than that. What's going on? "

Hearing this, Imila also exclaimed, "And I, too, felt that I had jumped higher and farther."

"The cure I applied to the child's shoulder just now seems to be working very fast. It hasn't happened before." Zuo Wei also said, "It's weird. It seems that our strength has improved too fast, right?"

"Oh, it seems that the Dragon Soul that Kufa has fused for everyone seems to be working." Guan Heng smiled secretly, but said with his mouth: "This is the benefit of fighting against the strong enemy of the Dragon tribe. The experience and strength increase day by day. "

"Child, do you seem to be called Dole?" Guan Heng patted the night elf boy's shoulder at this moment, and then said to him: "This is where the Dragon Army rages. It is dangerous. Now a group of people have gone. Take refuge in the west of the city, so hurry up. "

After saying this, Guan Heng said to the others: "There are still a dozen dragons that have not been cleaned up. Let's break up and move faster."

"Hey, why don't you guys wait for me?" At this time the panting Akin finally ran over: "Really, I just care about running fast, I don't know if my sister can't run?"

"Ajin, this boy was injured just now. Hurry and send him to the city to take refuge." Guan Heng threw down a word, and parted with Borui, and looked at the crowd's back, Ajin was furious: " As long as you jerk, you know you're leaving me to play, and I want to deal with the dragons. "

"Pop!" Akin said, waving a hundred dragon tail whip in his hand and slamming it on the ground, leaving a whip mark of more than ten meters, she said persuasively in her mouth: "I will not join you, I It's still possible to level those evil dragons! "

"Sister, I'll go with you." At this time Dorie next to Akin said: "I can kill the dragon too."

"Well, you ... are the little boy who talked to us at the auction. What's his name?" Akin looked at Dole and said, "It seems that he also claims to be 'the best archer in the night elves''. Right Right? "

Before waiting for Dorie to answer Akin, she heard a panic screaming in the street ahead: "Uh ah ah-help!"

"Hey!" The earth-shattering heavy footsteps sounded, and a roaring dragon was chasing several men frantically, one of them was a chubby man dressed as a merchant, and the left and right were his bodyguards.

I accidentally stepped on a broken brick under my feet, holding the rectangular box in my hands, and only looked at the chubby man who ran down, and suddenly the horse lost his forefoot and fell into a dog to eat shit.

"Boom-crack!" The unlucky fat man just fell, and a broken house next to it suddenly collapsed, and an external wall hit the fat man's legs unbiasedly. He screamed in pain. His throat suddenly rolled over and fainted.

"Uh, boss ?!" The two bodyguards who were about to go back to help the fat businessman turned their heads to see the dragon approaching, and immediately dropped the fat man and ran away.

One of them ran and said, "Are we going to do this a little too much?"

"Fart, your own life is the most important thing." Another bodyguard shouted with a throated voice: "It's not good for this stingy dead pig. It took more than 100,000 gold coins to photograph the bow of the dragon wing, but he couldn't bear to hire a carriage You deserve it, don't worry about him! "

The wind came under the feet of the two bodyguards, and in a blink of an eye there was no trace of running. At this time, the running dragon was only twenty or thirty meters away from the fat man under the collapsed wall.

Akin saw the rectangular box in the hand of the unconscious fat man and murmured, "That's the bow of the dragon wing? No matter what, let's grab it first."

"Bang--slap!" The dragon tail whip danced like electricity, just like a spirit snake, entangled in that rectangular box, and was dragged into A Jin's arms in the next second. Then the night elf boy said anxiously: "Sister, give me the bow and arrow. I'll shoot this dragon!"

"How about that? Now this Dragonwing Bow is my sister and I can't play for you ..."

A Jin's voice didn't fall, then he pulled out the magical maggots around his waist, and aimed at the distant dragon was a fiery magic shotgun, "Oh!" A fiery flame slammed the dragon's head, but this The evil dragon is not an easy one. Suddenly inhaling, facing the flame is a breath of dragon breath.

"Oh!" The fierce collision between Dragon Breath and Flame Bombs was offset. Although the Flame Mantra infused in the Magic Bomb is only a primary magic, the Flame Bomb with a tenfold increase is no small matter. The flame banged after shattering the Dragon Breath Hit the dragon's head and burned on it.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" The flame covered the dragon's mouth and nose, making it unable to breathe, but the dragon still stumbled forward.

"Slap!" At this time, the night elf boy grabbed Akin's rectangular box and took out the dragon-wing bow and a dragon-bone arrow from it.

"Squeak ..." The harsh opening of the string suddenly sounded, and Douri had pulled the bow round like a full moon in an instant, and between the trembling of the bowstring, the keel and arrows flew out, and dragged a string in the air. Dazzling straight tracks.

"Oh!" The dragon bone and arrow were like bamboo shoots, and the scorched hole penetrated the position of the dragon's heart nest, and a bowl-sized blood hole suddenly appeared on the running dragon!

Dragon blood gurgled out of the wound, this evil dragon trembled in place, fluttered to the ground, and died instantly!

"Dang!" The bow of the dragon wing that shot a dragonbone arrow suddenly fell to the ground. At a glance of Ajin, the flowers at this time were full of blood and wounds. It turned out that although this boy could pull the bow of the dragon wing to completion However, the tremendous side effect caused by this consequence could not be sustained, and his wrists and fingers were cracked by the seismic force.

"Why aren't you child, obedient? Dragonwing's bow isn't just casual play." Akin looked at the injured Dori, could not help but whispered, quickly found a handkerchief from himself to tear, bandage Douli.

"Sister, that fat uncle seems to be alive." Dorie suddenly exclaimed, "I see his body move."

"So what are you doing?" Akin screamed, and hurried to run over: "Hurry up and save people!"

"Yes." The night elf boy promised, picked up the dragon wing bow on his back, hung the quiver of the keel and arrow around his waist, and then ran over and moved away with A Jin to suppress the fat Businessman's stone.

—— [2016.5.25 second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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