Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1187: Get out of sleep (third more)

"Yes, Zowei is right." Yimila said aside: "You are a despicable dragon family who relies on evil gates to count others, and does not cooperate with my hero Guan Guan. Zaviu, you are at best It's loach in the stinking ditch. "

"What are you talking about ?! How dare you insult my great Zaviu, you **** girl, you will talk fast, come on—"

Zaviu, who was furious, roared: "The Guardians of the Ice and Fire Dragon Corps obeyed and gave me the two girls to smash onto the stone platform. I will tear them to pieces by myself!"

"Yes, obedience, His Excellency the Legion." Shitai suddenly appeared around a dozen huge figures, half of the ice dragon, half of the fire dragon, and immediately surrounded Zowei and Imira regiment.

"Zowei, this is a good opportunity to delay time." Yimila said with all her vigilance, "Zaviu is arrogant and has no choice to rush down and start working with us. This is also in fact looking for Brother Guan Heng. The core of the battle team is fighting for time, so let's fight as slowly as possible, the longer the time, the better. "

"I see, Sister Imira." Zuo Wei experienced many battles with the Dragon Army, and she gradually became richer and more mature. She said, "And we can try to stay away from the high platform and avoid the Zaviu raid. Take advantage of the dragon-strike weapons to save energy and magic. "

"Smart sister!" Yimera waved out her fist suddenly, using a claw-type fist to shake off a blaze of flames from the face, she called: "Just do what you say."


In the unknown space, Guan Heng, who was looking for a way out, was suddenly attacked by several strange shadows.

"Boom! Boom!" The dragon's teeth in Guan Heng's hands waved again.

"Oh!" Before the shadow was burned to ashes, he screamed fiercely, but within a few seconds, they came together again, which was really weird.

Guan Heng saw that the power of the dragon's tooth blade could not completely eliminate the black shadow, and the ghost devouring beast on the back of his hand was stunned. I saw three evil eyes brushing together to emit light, as if there were three flashes in the air. The pupil light shivered suddenly, and then, "嗤嗤嗤!" Turned into three blue smoke columns, disappeared again.

"Uh ah!" A scream came suddenly from dozens of meters to the left of Guan Heng. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a round figure rushing out from behind the rock, utterly dead. Run to the distance!

"It turns out that the three weird shadows are the ghosts you made, and this time you see where you are going!" Guan Heng tiptoed, chasing after him at a rapid speed, and in the blink of an eye, he had already chased him. Near the figure.

"Don't run away!" Guan Hengsheng said to Dao Guang, "Well!" The dragon's blade flickered across the place, and blood splattered.

"Ahhhh!" The rolling figure only felt that his left foot was cold, and he immediately separated from his body below his calf. This guy screamed and rolled on the spot, Guan Heng's face went up, and he hit him with a bang. Former heart: "Be honest, or you will be separated from your body, not your pig's trotters, but your head."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I've only done it by others' instructions." This round black shadow turned out to be a strangely ugly little fat man, attracting wind ears, small noses, small eyes, thin lips, at this time he One foot was broken, and the wound was bleeding out loud.

Guanheng Leng asked, "Where is this? Who are you? Why are you attacking me with three shadows?"

"I am He Qi, the detective staff of the Phantom Dragon Army."

The fat man said: "The leader of the Devil's Army of Devilo knows that I have the ability to make a different space transfer matrix, so I specifically transferred me here, let me set a trap in the middle of the reversal array, and wait Someone gets tricked, and after being moved to a different space, I use the summon monster to kill it. "

"Papapapap!" Thinking of being lost to his precious time by this asshole, Guan Hengyang, who was not mad at him, gave the fat man four mouths, and he snapped and asked, "How can I get this **** out of this shit?" Go out in the space transfer array and say! "

"I said, I said." The beaten fat man covered his bruised cheeks and yelled, "I have a 'space stone carved fragment' on my body, and another one is buried in the land of Coral Island, so I can freely enter and exit different spaces. Transfer array. "

"Take me out at once, if you dare to play tricks ..." Guan Heng said here, wielding a knife to cut off a strand of fat, and he hummed, "I don't care about killing another fat pig."

"Uh, don't dare to play tricks!" The fat man with a cold sweat on his face furiously took out a stone shard, then grabbed Guan Heng's clothes, and the two disappeared in a stun.

The next moment, Guan Heng and the fat man had returned to Coral Island. While the fat man was unprepared, the fat man crawled to the distance and fled, and shouted in his mouth, "Help, there are enemies ..."

"You're looking for death!" Seeing that the fat man was dishonest, he wanted to spare his life, and took the dragon's tooth blade and rushed to it. He flicked his hand and fell, "Oh!" far.

"Huh!" Guan Hengfei kicked and kicked the body to the ground, cursing casually: "You can't live by yourself."

"Dangyu." From the body of the fat man who fell to the ground, suddenly rolled out a stone carved fragment, Guan Heng stepped forward and picked up: "This is what 'space stone carved fragment' ?!"

Looking around, Guan Heng quickly found another piece in a piece of floating soil, and he secretly murmured: "It can be used to make a different space transfer array. It should be of some use. Just leave it first."

"The most important thing now is to find the 'core of the array' of the magical field's reversal." Guan Heng's position is the middle area of ​​the entire coral island. He looked around and muttered to himself: "Core, you in the end where?"


"Go to death!" At this time, Borui finally had a hard time killing near the stone platform where the Demon Dragon Legion was stationed. He released several fireballs in succession to dispel the magic dragon that surrounded him, but these guys seemed to be unable to kill him. Yes, one after another, tired of Borui sweats.

At this moment, Tivelo on the stone platform laughed and laughed: "Oh, magician boy, it looks like you are alone at this moment, really a bold idiot, a small human bug, dare to challenge The Devil's Legion led by my Uncle Tiverlo, I think your brain must be soaked with water from the feet, ha ha ha ha! "

"Abominable, Tivelo, don't underestimate Master Ben." Borui snapped the dragon and magic wand into the ground, and he shouted sternly: "Let you see me now!"

—— [2016.5.20 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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