Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1168: Reversal

The two fire dragons that Guan Heng encountered would only make the flame dragon breathe, but Guan Heng was immune to all fires. The two dragons met him, and it was considered to be eight molds. In a moment, one fire dragon was killed. Spike to the ground with a keel spear, the other dragon is a little smart, knowing that he is not an opponent of Guan Heng, Dora opened his wings and fled.

"Want to go? Not so easy!" Guan Heng slightly raised his wrist, "Well!" A black light turned into lightning, nailed directly into the back of the fire dragon, is the dragon tail cone.

The shape of the dragon tail cone is small and slightly shorter than that of the dragon-slapping sword. It is suitable for throwing weapons.

He stepped forward and pulled out the dragon-tail cone from the fire dragon's head. Guan Heng looked around. There seemed to be no wind blowing. He looked up and looked forward. There were a towering stone platform about a few kilometers north.

"There is a surge of familiar and evil energy, like the Zaviu guy." Guan Heng murmured to himself: "Okay, look over now, maybe Prince Sisso might be detained there by him . "

Guan Heng thought of this, and hurriedly walked forward, a few kilometers away, in a blink of an eye, but the more he went forward, Guan Heng felt that there was a strangeness around him, as if his footsteps were getting heavier and heavier. .

"Strange, what's going on? Every step forward, I feel that the power in the body is rapidly flowing ..." Guan Heng frowned: "This will not be a trap set by the Ice Dragon Team and Zaviu. ? "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng's alert heart was flourishing, and he subconsciously slowed down: "Wait a minute!" But at this moment, Guan Heng had already reached a place not far from Shitai to the north. Suddenly born!

Around Guan Heng, there is a low-lying shallow pit. Suddenly, the sound of crickets is endless, and from the soft soil, many monsters dressed in dark blue scale armor and slaps are quickly drilled. Guan Heng looks at them. Looks like a long kiss, four pointed claws, some like pangolins.

"Yeah!" A green-scale monster who found Guan Heng's trace, his body leaped up with a bow, and flung towards Guan Heng's noodle door.

"Go to you!" "Bang!" Guan Heng waved the keel spear and fell down, slap the mob into the soil. The next moment, something unexpected happened!

The green scale monster being hit by Guan Heng was hit hard, and suddenly made a loud noise when it landed, and it exploded.

"Booming--" Not only did this little monster explode, it also caused countless companions around it to explode, and the earthen ditch where Guan Heng was located was suddenly shattered by a powerful energy storm!

The sound of the explosion and the earth's collapse shattered all over the world, and even the entire Coral Island shuddered twice, but how powerful this force is.

"Hahaha, the Pyroblast dragon ambushing near Shitai is moving."

At this moment, Zaviu laughed proudly at the ice-fire transformation dragon standing on the stone platform: "It must be Guan Heng who sneaked into the coral island and tried to touch my side, but unfortunately, my Pyroblast But the elaborately remodeled and outstanding works can burst into a blast at the touch of a touch, hahaha. "

"Prince Sissau, it seems that your use value ends here." Murmured, Zaviu glanced at the ice cube around him, which was Prince Sissau of the Kingdom of Lomon, Zavi. Wu Leng smiled: "Infuse the poisonous flame of dragon heart into your heart, and save your life till now, just to attract Guan Heng to come and die, I guess they are now broken and broken!"

Suddenly, someone in the air said loudly, "Sorry, Zaviu, you are disappointed. Those Pyroblasts can't even kill my life, and you, now, are going to die!"

"Guan Heng ?! Damn, even let you escape!" Zaviu took a closer look. It turned out that the bird's beak Long Lude grabbed Guan Heng's shoulder with his two claws and let him fly into the air.

Just now, when all the Pyroblastosaurus were about to erupt, Guan Heng shot up in mid-air in an instant and released the bird's beak dragon, which made him out of danger.

"Zaviu, your death is here!" Said time and time, Guan jumped up to Shitai, keeled forward with a spear in his palm, and pierced his throat.

"唰-唰 啷!" Zaviu was reluctant to show weakness, the blue dragon claw instantly turned into the ice magic knife, and the light and flint blocked the keel spear.

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng just felt that his arms were shocked, and the keel spear almost flew away. He was startled in his heart: "What's going on? Zavi's power is so much stronger ?!"

"Hahaha!" "Kill, kill, kill--" In the wild laughter, Zaviu's cold ice magic sword drew in again and again, forcing Guan Hengzuo to cover the right block, tired of parrying.

"What's wrong? Guan Heng." Zaviu shouted, "Even the parry is weak, aren't your hands and feet weak?"

"Damn, what the **** is going on?" Guan Heng reluctantly blocked the opponent's blow with a keel spear. He took three steps back and forth, almost sitting on the ground. What the **** is it.

"Hoo-bang!" Suddenly, Zaviu twisted quickly, using his dragon tail to flick the fly, and the other side slammed into a pillar on the corner of Shitai. Zaviu smirked and said: "Let Let me tell you, it's not that I have become stronger, but that you idiot, who has become—weak — !!! "

"What are you talking about? It's impossible!" Guan Heng staggered with a keel spear, barely stood up, and he shouted, "What the **** is going on?"

"Look at this." Zaviu pointed at his forehead, and a weird circular pattern suddenly appeared, then disappeared.

Zaviu sneered: "This is called the" Magic Field Elemental Force Reversal Array ", which is a formation method that the Dragon Army has devoted great efforts to research."

"In this formation, it can let us dragon warriors with black gas as the source of power, have more than three times their own strength." Zaviu continued: "And our enemy is in this formation. Only one-third of the strength can be exerted, let us slaughter, tell you, now the entire Coral Island is a huge magic domain element force reversal array! "

"Abominable, it turns out that this is why I became weaker, and this guy Zaviu suddenly became stronger." A haze suddenly enveloped Guan Guan's head, and he murmured: "The situation here is very bad for us, I'm afraid they will encounter the same thing, what should we do? "

"Do you want to retreat today and return without success?" The thought flashed away, and Guan Heng shook his head quickly: "No, at least I have to rescue Prince Sisso. This trip must not be in vain."

—— [2016.5.14 second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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