Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1165: Island attack plan

The next moment, Guan Heng used the power of the sea snake king beast soul to send a signal that only the Samsung giant sea snake could understand. Two or three minutes later, the surrounding calm sea suddenly surged, and a black pressure suddenly appeared on the sea. The bodies of the sea snakes, one by one, hurriedly climbed up the beach of Koror Island.

"Uh, a lot of giant sea snakes, they are very poisonous, everyone be careful." Zowei and Imila almost lost the last time, so be extra careful now, they and Jeffery and others back slowly, leaving only the place Guanheng alone.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo # where — on that on the other side, on the lips of Guan Heng, there was a strange sound, the queue of Samsung giant sea snake group was neat, and suddenly people stood up, one by one, and put their heads in the iron pot and iron bucket on the beach. ''

"Every one of you vomits one third of its venom, and you can leave." Guan Heng said slowly, and those Samsung giant sea snakes immediately opened their mouths and spit into the barrel, and there was a continuous stream of whispering sounds all around. Everyone in the back heard something creepy, and went upright with goosebumps.

After a short while, the snake group vomited its venom, bowed slightly to Guan Heng, and said farewell to the right. They retreated into the sea and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After seeing the snake group receding and disappearing, the crowd gradually came around. Zuo Wei looked at the hundreds of barrels of giant sea snake venom around and asked with amazement: "Wow, Brother Heng, when did you learn to tame the Samsung giant sea snake?" "

"Haha, as long as you have a good communication with these strange beasts, you don't need to take their lives, the strange beasts can still help us." Guan Heng made a mysterious smile: "Plus my character is better, they think I am better It's just reliable. "

"Oh!" Ymira couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You are so stupid!"

"Well, brother soldiers, pay attention." General Jeff shouted at this time: "Let's hurry up and make poison glue by the sea. Be aware that these are highly toxic substances. Be sure to keep them in your hands. And clothes, it's killing. "

"Yes, general, we will be careful, we must make these venoms a weapon against dragons." A group of soldiers agreed, and started to gather firewood to make fire.

At this moment, Guan Heng felt a little tired, so he said to everyone, he returned to the castle room, planted his head in bed and fell asleep.

This sleep went straight to the top of the sun, Guan Heng was still snoring in bed, and he heard the window of the guest room being cracked open.

"Any enemy attack?" Guan Heng made himself, reached out and grabbed the keel spear on the bedside, rubbing his eyes and shouting, "Who is it?"

"Boss, it's me !!!" Hearing Borui's voice, Guan Heng's eyes were really terrible, the boy Borui was so dreadful, his face was covered with scars, and the most ridiculous thing was that he stared at a pair Panda's eyes seemed to be tossed all night without rest.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Guan Heng saw Borui like this, and burst into tears, he shouted, "Who are you? I don't know a beggar called Hanako!"

"Brother Guanheng, what happened?" At this time, Zuowei and Imila came in with two plates of breakfast. Imila said, "We heard your room ring in the corridor. ……who is this?!"

When speaking the last sentence, Imira and Zuo Wei had already seen Borui's howling, and they immediately burst into laughter: "Oh ha ha ha ha ... what's going on? Why is there a refugee in your room? "

"You two dead girls know how to ridicule me!" Borui angrily climbed up, grabbed the bread from Zuo Wei's plate, and ate with a big mouth: "Oh ... ahh ..."

Seeing the other person look like a hungry dog ​​grabbing food, Ymira frowned and cried, "You eat slowly, choke carefully, oh my god, Borui, how long have you not eaten?"

"If you count the time after I broke up with him last night, it would probably be one day and one night." Guan Heng said as he motioned to the two girls to bring the food to the table in the room.

Borui swallowed the food in his mouth, then picked up a glass of milk and murmured it into his stomach. He complained loudly, "Boss, what did you say to Mrs. Jiang Ge last night? It made her furious. The fat old man and I forced me to memorize a lot of exercise methods for magic spells. One Sanqiu was enough for me. With Mrs. Jiang Ge, I almost didn't see the sun this morning! "

"Isn't it so serious?" Guan Heng leisurely ate breakfast with a teasing grin: "I want you to learn more for your sake, don't know why."

"Well, I think you just want to see my joke." At this moment, Borui was defamatory, but he couldn't argue, he knew that in case he angered Guan Heng, the boss would definitely think again Crooked ideas to fix themselves.

At this time, Imila said, "Brother Guan Heng, Mr. Jeffrey said that after we had breakfast, we would discuss the plan of attacking Coral Island in the meeting room of the castle."

"Well, I'm almost there." Guan Heng shoved the last piece of bread into his mouth. "Let's go now."

A moment later, the parlor of the castle of Coro Island.

"We still have hundreds of troops, but it is very difficult to deal with the Ice Fire Dragon Legion alone." Jeff Shen said at this time. "Considering what Mr. Guan Heng said, the Devil Dragon Legion is likely to be set up in Coral Island. Ambush, this has to be prevented. "

"So I want to make a suggestion." Guan Heng said at this time: "I and Borui, Zowei, and Imira first boarded the coral island, to figure out the enemy's force distribution and deployment, and to wait for the opportunity to rescue Prince Sisso. Hostages are in the hands of the other party, which is bad for us. "

"Well, what you said makes sense." Jeff nodded slightly in agreement, and then asked: "Mr. Guan Heng, then when do you think it would be appropriate for our Lomon Resistance Army to land on the island?"

"Half an hour after the four of us landed on the island, they would send out magical fireworks signals at four corners of the northeast, southwest, and west of Coral Island."

Guan Heng said: "At that time, the people of the Resistance Army could kill Coral Island together and attack the Dragon Army together, but I want to point out that if our signal is not sent out, the Resistance Army should never land on the island because there may be danger. , No more unnecessary casualties, you can lean the ship closer to the sea near the shore of the island and wait for the opportunity to shoot and kill the single dragon. "

"Okay, that's it!" General Jeffi punched him on the table in front of him, and said loudly, "Today we will not only rescue the captive Prince Sisso, but also kill the abominable Dragon Legion, and go up. The power of our humanity, let this group of villains know that we are not bullying! "

"Then I'll prepare the boat now." After Jeff said, he nodded to Guan Heng and others, and quickly ran out of the parlor to dispatch troops.

—— [2016.5.13 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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