Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1148: Mrs. Jiang Ge (third)

"Huh, that dead fat man escaped again." At this time, a ******** wearing a light blue magician's long dress stepped out of the cave, whispered calmly: "Old things , As before, is best at this kind of thing. "

"You two little ghosts, is there anything on my island?" Madam Jiang Ge glanced at Guan Heng and Borui, seeing the hair straight in the hearts of the two.

"Uh, that's it," Guan Heng explained quickly. "We were at sea before ..."

When Guan Heng asked someone to freeze the sea surface with magic to rescue them, Mrs. Jiang Ge said unambiguously: "Yes, the person who frozen the sea surface with ice-cursed curse was me, it was just a moment Rise, if you are thankful, you don't need to, because I don't care about the attitude of others. "

"You can't say that, after all, you saved our lives, Madam." Guan Heng bowed respectfully and then said, "Thank you for what we have to do."

"Oh, you kid are very interesting." Madam Jiang Ge is indeed a moody hidden man. Just now the face was covered with dark clouds, and a smile appeared suddenly. She said, "A guest from afar, come in for a cup of tea Right. "

Talking, Mrs. Jiang Ge turned around and went into the cave by herself. Guan Heng pulled Borui's blouse for a while, and the two quickly followed.

"So ... I want to help me deal with the dragon clan?" Mrs. Jiang Ge was sitting on the ring chair at this moment, gently blowing the tea in the cup, looking at Guan Heng and Borui who were a little nervous on the opposite side. What to say.

"What does Mrs. Jiang Ge mean?" Guan Heng accidentally glanced at Borui, intending to ask, Borui just shrugged, indicating that he could not see the other party.

"Ahem, I have been living in seclusion for a long time, and I haven't asked about the world for a long time. Besides, the dragons haven't messed with me ..." Mrs. Jiang Ge said here, Guan Heng and Borui's faces were slightly disappointed, but suddenly The lady turned sharply: "Well, it's not impossible for me to help, but promise me three conditions."

"There is a door!" Guan Heng rejoiced secretly, he quickly said: "Mrs., if you have any conditions you can speak, as long as we can do it, we must do it, right, Borui?"

"Uh, right, right." Upon hearing this, Borui quickly understood, "Even if it is difficult, we will try to do it."

"The first condition is, let me give you some guidance and training to strengthen your strength against the dragons. I can do this." Mrs. Jiang Ge said slowly: "But I am only behind the scenes, and I will never participate in the war myself. You see how about it?"

"Well ... no problem." Guan Heng agreed with a moment's hesitation, because even if Mrs. Jiang Ge only gave a little advice, her own strength would definitely improve.

"Second, I am extremely scarce of a magical material, and I need you to help me find it." Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "But I don't know where the thing is produced, so you have to investigate this matter."

Having said that, Mrs. Jiang Ge turned around and opened a box, took out an object and handed it to Guan Heng: "Well, this is this kind of thing, it's called 'Magic Explosion'."

"Devil, demon spar ?!" Guan Heng scratched his head, muttering secretly in his heart: "How does this name sound so familiar?"

"This kind of thing has a powerful explosive power, because it can automatically absorb the magic elements between the surrounding heaven and earth, and it will explode when the load is exceeded!" Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "It took me five or six years to find the size of my nails. Such a piece. "

"Ah! I remembered it." Guan Heng made a sudden move in his mind, thinking secretly: "When I arrived near the ice vein volcano, I once encountered two dragon knights of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. They were ordered to look for the magic explosion. I know the location of the spar, and the cliff cave where the spar is located. "

"It happened to be a lucky one," Guan Heng thought to himself, and asked again, "Mrs. Jiang Ge, how much do you need this kind of magic spar?"

"It takes about a few cubic meters," Mrs. Jiang Ge made a rough estimate, and then said to Guan Heng, "I plan to use magic explosion crystal to make a powerful attacking prop, it will take many experiments."

"If there is any extra part, it belongs to me." Guan Heng laughed. "To tell you the truth, I know a place to store magic explosion crystals, and it was only recently received."

"Really? It's a coincidence." Madam Jiang Ge looked very happy, she said: "Then I will only need some of them, and the rest will be given to you, and I can give them to you after my props are made. a bit."

"Mrs., if you can make the magic explosion crystal into a magic bullet for my magic guide, it's even better." Guan Heng said, took out a magic bullet and gave it to Mrs. Jiang Ge: "In this case, Should be able to increase the power of Capricorn? "

"Let me see." Mrs. Jiang Ge checked the magic shot, and then said to Guan Heng, "Your idea is good, but the energy of the magic explosion crystal is very unstable. I need to sculpt a lot of compression and clamp the explosive power on it. The legal array should be able to try. "

"That's it." Guan Heng said with a smile: "I'll look for the whereabouts of the magic explosion crystal later, yes, what's your third condition?"

"The third thing is that it has something to do with the dragon warriors in your hands." Madam Jiang Ge has just solved a big problem, and she is very happy. She said easily: "After the Dragon race is completely driven or eliminated, the Lent me to study for some time. "

"I see, this is easy." Guan Heng answered, "It's not a problem at all."

"Besides, I'll tell you one more thing." Madam Jiang Ge's eyes suddenly appeared a joke, and she said to the two, "What do you think of the fat pig that escaped just now-Sanqiu's teleportation magic? "

"That's definitely the skills of Super Bull Fork!" Guan Heng and Borui said in unison: "If anyone learns, he will be able to escape safely regardless of any danger in the future."

"That's right." Mrs. Jiang Ge said with a smile: "The fat man wanted to ask me for something, so he came all the way to the island where I live, but you saw, because Sanqiu said bad things about me behind his back, This is the escape, if you can get him back, I can force Sanqiu to teach you the magic of the speed of light.

"No problem, it's just a deal!" Borui, who has little stars in his eyes, shouted excitedly: "I just want to learn the kind of escape magic that helps my companions to retreat safely."

—— [The third update of 2016.5.7, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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