Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1133: Assault at night (third more)

"Uncle Jeff, are you a local? Now we want to know the situation near the Ice Vessel Volcano and the interior of Purgatory City, can you tell us something about it?" Yimila said with a smile: "Please."

"It's totally okay." Jeff still drew the mantra to his mouth, and he smiled: "Uncle Ben likes to explain the problem to the beautiful little sister. Let me tell you about the interior of the underground palace of Purgatory City first. Structure, this is the message our intelligence officers spent a long time investigating. "


At the same time, in the underground palace of Purgatory City, Ma Ze stepped into the hall in a bad mood. At this time, the evil bone dragon Barbaro hurriedly came together and said, "Master Ma Ze, Lord Tivilo of the Demon Dragon Army came to visit Do you see him sometimes indirectly? "

"Tivelo? Huh, a nasty guy suddenly visited Purgatory City." Ma Ze frowned, and said angrily: "This man with a conspiracy and tricks, likes to play with right and wrong?"

Originally, I wanted the evil bone dragon to send away Tivelo directly, but Ma Ze thought for a second, and a sneer suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Does this guy want to ...?"

"Barbaro, bring him in." After finishing this sentence, Maze came to the table with his hands on his back, poured himself a glass of wine, and took a leisurely drink.

After a short while, Tivelo came in with a big wave, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Captain Maze, it's been a long time since you were there. Are you still healthy?"

"If you have something to say, Tivelo." Maze turned and looked at Tivelo with a smile on his face. "I know very well that if you don't matter, you will never go to Purgatory City. Come here. "

"It's worthy of being a brave gold fighter." Tivelo said calmly: "Presumably the strong man named Guan Heng, you have already worked with him, right?"

"Yeah, this guy named Guan Heng is very strong." Ma Ze drank the residual wine in the glass and immediately said, "Fight against him, you can't relax at all. Otherwise, you might lose. it's me."

"Unexpectedly, in your mouth, you have such a high opinion of Guan Heng." Tivilo chuckled and said, "How about? You and I should cooperate, your strong fighting power, and my cleverness. He must take off the first level of Guan Heng and dedicate it to His Excellency Lord Otero. "

"Hey, sorry, our undead dragon legion has never had the habit of cooperating with other people." Maze rejected the request that Tivelo tried to join hands, he said: "Again, I have arranged everything, soon, I can beat Guan Heng myself. "

"Well, don't be too arrogant." Tivelo heard the other party refuse to cooperate with himself, and immediately shouted angrily: "Think about the end of Recamo, because he refused to cooperate with me seriously, It was the failure that resulted in death. You must learn from the experience of Recamo. "

"The reason why Recamo will lose to Guan Heng is because its bored warrior's sense of honor is haunting, leading to his wrong judgment, but I won't."

Ma Ze came to the front of the weapon rack and brushed his keel spear lightly. He sneered sneerly and said, "Moreover, Recamo's promise to cooperate with you is the biggest mistake in his life. How can I do it again? On his original stray? "

"I don't know why," Tivelo heard when he heard this, and was immediately flushed with blushing. He said angrily and said "good for himself", and then walked away without looking back.

"Huh, what, I don't need you to rub your hands in front of you like this rubbish!" Ma Ze took off his spear swiftly, and suddenly turned around in the palm of his hand. The sharp spear tip suddenly set the glass on the table. Divided into two, and the surface did not break even the skin.

At this moment, Ma Ze slowly said to himself: "The true strong man only needs to be 'strong'. All conspiracy and scheming are nothing more than paper tigers. As for Guan Heng's life, it must be me It's interesting to harvest yourself. "

Ma Ze is full of confidence and is ready to face Guan Heng, but he doesn't know that his opponent has begun to act quietly.

At night, Guan Heng and Yimera came to the hinterland of the ice vein volcano under the leadership of the leader of the Lomon Kingdom Resistance Army Jeff.

"Ice vein volcano is actually an active volcano that is shrouded in cold air all year round, which is why it got its name." Jeff said to Guan Heng at the entrance of a secret cave at this time: "The underground palace of Purgatory City is in the ice vein volcano If you want to get in, we must have a thorough plan. "

"First of all, the most difficult to deal with are the undead dragon legion's ghost and stony dragon, evil bone dragon, and countless skeleton warriors. They can rely on the rich magic realm of black gas to countless times to resurrect, which is quite tricky."

Jeffrey said, "After many investigations, the source of black gas in the Demon Realm is mainly the four stone towers of the underground palace. As long as the stone towers are destroyed, these undead dragons, skeleton warriors and living corpses cannot be resurrected after being defeated. Total destruction. "

"If you say that, you must separate your hands and destroy the stone tower." Guan Heng said to Imila: "Among the people present, only the two of us are the strongest, and we have dragon weapons in our hands. Get two stone towers. "

Yimiramo nodded his head, "Okay, the two stone towers in the east and west will be given to me."

"Well, in 20 minutes, I will also destroy the two north and south stone towers," Guan Heng slightly said. "Let's rescue Borui and Zuo Wei while they are in chaos."

"Come, look at the topographical map of the underground palace of Purgatory City." Jeff opened the drawing, pointed to one of the locations and said, "The cell is here, and ten or nine of your companions are also locked in this place."

"Well, I see." Guan Heng and Imila said in unison: "After destroying the stone tower, we will meet here."

"Yimira," Guan patted her on the shoulder and said, "Be careful and be safe."

"Relax, Brother Heng Heng." Imila said with confidence: "I can definitely complete the task smoothly."

After several people discussed, Jeff said, "After you destroy the stone tower and rescue your companions, I will take all the Resistance to siege the purgatory city, and be sure to wipe out the undead dragon army in this battle."

"Okay, wipe out the undead dragon legion, the victory belongs to us." With this shout, the three fists suddenly collided together.


At the same time, Borui tried his best to lengthen his arm and failed to reach the wand hanging outside. At last he slumped on the ground like a ball deflated, and said dejectedly, "Well, I'm not a gibbon, I can't help it. Now. "

—— [2016.5.2 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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