Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1081: Bright God's calculations

At this time, Guan Heng nodded slightly to Heilag, with a little force on his five fingers, and immediately crushed the stone of the soul, and the beast spirit of the miraculous period merged into Guan Heng's body in an instant.

"The Warcraft at the pinnacle of the Divine Period-King Chitong Lie is good at all kinds of wind magic, the power of his two claws is powerful, and the speed of flying can reach a thousand miles."

After Guan Heng blended with the beast soul, his left eye flashed that strange soul-melting imprint, and he immediately understood everything about the king of red pupils. At this moment, the corners of his mouth were upturned and a smile appeared: "Now It's time to try out the ability to fuse beast souls. "

"I need ... the power of the wind!" A low roar rang, and in a moment, the wind elements around Guan Heng gathered more and more, suddenly forming a pair of huge magic wings behind Guan Heng.

"Well!" The wings of magic flew suddenly, and took Guan Heng straight to the sky, but at that moment, Guan Heng had flew out hundreds of miles away.

"Woo--" In front of it was a vast and primitive dense forest. Guan Heng stopped in the air and smiled suddenly, "Blade of the wind!"

"唰 唰 唰-嚓嚓 嚓!" The magic wings kept fanning quickly, and a hundred fierce wind blades swept across the original dense forest. Within a few seconds, the entire forest turned into a bare tree stump. The cut surface of the trunk is as smooth as a mirror, showing how sharp the wind blade is!

"After the experiment, come back."

Guan Heng murmured, and flew back to the huge garden in an instant, and the call fell to the five main gods, and he smiled and said to Herrag: "It seems that this improved soul-melting technique, even all kinds of The beast souls can also be fully integrated, and they can fully utilize their capabilities, which is quite convenient. "

"Hahaha, it seems I succeeded, did you see it? I succeeded!" The witch **** laughed when he saw that his soul fusion experiment was successful, and he frowned at the bright **** Darakend: "Hey, how's it? My soul-melting technique is amazing?"

"Awesome shit! It's nothing more than that." Darakund said dismissively: "In front of my dragon's breath, your soul-melting technique is also a material for fighting the five scums."

"What did you say ?!" Herrag yelled in a desperate tone: "I don't believe it, let's try it now!"

"Well, don't make a noise," Qi Li Ni, the elf goddess and elder brother Benus, said in unison: "I'm not afraid to ask Guan Heng to see a joke."

"Bright God, what's the effect of your Dragon Lord's Breath?" Guan Heng at this time lifted off his integration with the King of Red Eyes and immediately said, "Hurry up and tell me."

"I told you before that the power of creatures like dragons is not affected by the law of plane suppression."

Drakkend shrugged his shoulders and said, "And the last dragon breath that the Dark Dragon Lord left when I was in a terrible battle with me was really destructive. If you use it to destroy a small The world is not impossible, plus the power of black fire peeled from your bony armor, and after blending with this dragon's breath, the power is better than ever. "

Having said that, Dala Kinderton paused and continued to say, "Guan Heng, so I decided to seal this dragon's breath in your body, which is also an extra layer of life-saving stuff."

"Well, although this is a bit risky, I also reluctantly accepted it ... by the way, His Majesty the Light." Guan Heng asked: "Last time I said that the evil pupil sword and bone armor are the products of the abyss of the demon domain. Why don't I take them with me? "

Drakekand said at this time: "Your bones and evil pupil swords and other strange things, although they belonged to different worlds in the past, but they have been in the Ashton continent for too long, and now they are returned to Pang En's world is also two piles of scrap iron. "

"Understood, it seems that the impact is on both sides." Guan Heng slowly shook his head: "That's no help. The armor weapons, space rings and warcraft that I've used here can only be retained. It ’s gone, alas, it seems to be back to extreme poverty. "

"Don't complain anymore. At the very least, you still have my dragon's breath and the soul-melting technique taught by Lao Hei. It's very good." Drakekend said, "Come here, I'll take the dragon's breath now. The seal of power is in you. "

"Let me go. It seems a little uneasy to me."

Guan Heng glanced at Drakend, and found that the other side's look was a bit wrong, as if it meant a broken pot. He suddenly thought in his heart: "Killing the bright **** of a thousand swords, shouldn't you set up a trap to let Master Ben Jump in? "

Guan Heng thought of this, instinctively taking a step back, but it was too late, and Drakekend's hand had been put on his shoulder. At this moment, the bright **** laughed and laughed: "Little brother Guan Heng, don't be afraid, you big Don't worry, there will be no surprises. "

"No accident, Darakund, if you look at your face with a mirror, you will immediately find that the words" problematic "are all written on it."

Guan Heng roared in his heart: "I'm definitely going to be used by Drakekend this time, I ..."

Just thinking of this, Dala Kinder has sneered and crushed the small metal ball in his hand, and the crimson dragon's breath in it suddenly condensed and formed, and the light **** spit out a few words: "The **** suppresses the body For the furnace, melt! "

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhee because red crimson dragon was making a strange noise, and they were in the position of Guan Hengxin moment, Guan Hengmin suddenly felt that his heart was tight and his throat was almost spurting blood.

At this moment, Dalakende meditated in his heart: "Sorry, Guan Heng. Although I am a little ungrateful, but if I can destroy the abyss Lord Pawn in one fell swoop, I think it is worth it."

It turned out that this regiment was so powerful that it could almost destroy the dark dragon breath of the small plane world. It had been transformed into a very scary magic tool by Dalakende.

According to the plan of the God of Light, if Guan Heng was not killed when facing the abyss demon Lord Pawn, then this group of dragon's breath energy attached to Guan Heng's heart would erupt with an extremely powerful posture. Destroy everything around you directly, as long as Pawn is still nearby, you will be destroyed by the energy of the Dragon Breath and will never die again!

"Sorry, Guan Heng, you are my benefactor, friend, but I have to use you."

At this moment, Drakekend's face was so dark and terrible that he secretly said, "As one of the creator gods of the Ashton continent, in order to protect this place, I should have gone to fight with you in a different world. But my power in the other world is not even comparable to that of an ordinary person. I can only rest my hope on you and this powerful dragon's breath. "

—— [2016.4.15 second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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