Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1005: The missing king (third more)

"The strange retreat order is really baffling ..."

At this point Guan Heng had put away the golden-eyed bird, and carefully observed the movements of the three parties in a nearby hidden place. He found that when the Missourian army retreated, the teams of the other two countries also dispersed separately. The three parties seem to be in good discussion, which is inexplicable.

"Anyway, the purpose of my trip is the State of Missouri. Let ’s go to their country first." Guan Heng thought of this and decided to leave the rest of his business alone, so he went on his way to the capital of Missouri-Kachas.

A few hours later, a soldier wearing heavy armor was walking around nervously in Kachas's palace, the capital of the State of Missouri, and the little princess Erin of Missouri looked anxious.

"Xiu Sen, don't walk around in front of me." Irene said, holding her painful forehead, "You're so irritable, even I will be nervous."

"But Irene ... Her Majesty the King and your brother have been missing for two days." Xiusun stopped at this moment, and Shen Sheng said to Irene: "If they can't find them again, it's not only Missouri In the event of chaos, other countries along our borders will also smell the wind. "

"I know, but the father and brother disappeared when they went to the Three Kingdoms Conference." Irene whispered: "According to the news from the secret agent, the kings of the two countries have also disappeared. The other party seems to be Responsibility goes to the side of Missouri. "

"Yes, that's why the two countries will reach an interim agreement within a few days to attack our state of Missouri."

Xiu Sen said casually: "I'm afraid it will fall into the tricks of others, so while the news of the king's disappearance has not yet spread, we will withdraw your troops back to the border under the will of His Majesty, and refuse to start the war, but this is only an expedient measure. We must find the king as soon as possible. "

"However, in the area where the father and brother disappeared, I have secretly sent people to investigate many times." Erin sighed: "Even if there are no clues or clues, it is really anxious."

"Hey, Irene, Xiusen—" A cry came suddenly in the sky, and Irene and Xiusen looked up. A huge long-beaked bird suddenly flew down from the sky and fell on the ground. In the palace courtyard.

"Who ?! Is it an assassin?" As the court guard, Xiu Sen's first reaction was to stop in front of Irene, holding his sword handle on his back with his backhand.

"Smelly boy, can't you even hear my voice?" Guan Heng's head poked out from the gold-eyeed bird's back: "Believe it or not, I'm stubbing you?"

"Ah, it's Guan Heng!" Irene and Xiu Sen met him, and they were overjoyed, they said in unison: "It's been a long time since I saw you, where are you from?"

"Well, don't be busy saying anything else." Guan Hengdao said, "I've traveled a long distance, and I've come to see you all the way. I'm tired and hungry now, so hurry up and get me something to eat and drink."

"Okay, brother, come with me." Princess Irene laughed: "I'll take you to the banquet room, Xiusen, you go to the kitchen to give our boss a meal."

After a while, Guan Heng, who had finished his meal, listened to Irene and Xiu Sen explaining the reasons for the recent war between Missouri and neighboring countries.

Guan Heng sat there thinking for a long time, and finally he looked up and said, "Although the main purpose of my visit to Missouri this time is to awaken the Goddess of Darkness, I can't ignore your business, so ..."

Having said that, Guan Heng took out the road map and asked Erin and Xiussen to watch it. He pointed to the area near Cachassi and said, "The sleeping place of Dalavier is in this area, but I'm not familiar with the geography of the state of Missouri either. Let's split the road. You investigate the specific location of the sleeping place of the Dark Goddess for me. I'm looking for the missing king. What do you think without delay? "

"Well, the elder brother made a lot of sense." Erin was very smart. She said, "I believe in your ability to handle things. Then look for my father, father and brother, and the other two monarchs. I'll take care of you. Xiusen went to find a place on the road map for you. "

"But Guan Heng, I hope you'd better find the kings quickly. The nationals still don't know about the disappearance of His Majesty and Prime Minister. I believe the same is true of the other two countries."

Xiu Sen scratched his head and said Shen Sheng: "Once the news of the disappearance of the monarch is announced, the situation in the three countries will soon become turbulent, and we must curb the emergence of this kind of sign."

Irene also said, "Kuan Heng, be careful."

"Well, I try to find the king in a short time." Guan Heng slightly said, "It is not too late, now you try to hold the news to stabilize the mood of the minister and the public, and I will handle other things."

After three people discussed their respective tasks, Guan Heng quickly left Kachas's palace and rode a gold-eyed bird to Irene's father and brother, where the monarch of Missouri and the **** disappeared. It was a palace located near the border pillars of the three countries.

"According to Irene and Xiushen, the state of Missouri and its neighboring states of Ite and Mali have been friendly neighbors for nearly a century."

Guan Heng stood at the gate of the palace, thinking quietly: "Every year the three kings will come here on a specific date, meet old friends, and discuss the next year's cooperation." "But why are they here in the palace?" Missing? "

Guan Heng murmured to himself: "It's strange to see no one live or dead."

"Anyway, look around now." Guan Heng made up his mind and released the queen bee, letting it gather bees within a few kilometers of the circle, and let these little scouts start inside and outside the palace. Repeated carpet search.

Although Irene and Xiu Sen also sent secret probes to the palace several times before, there are always subtle places that humans cannot detect. These places are free to come and go in the eyes of bees and insects, so Guan Heng can grasp other No one knows.

Guan Heng also walked into the palace, and he thought to himself, "I'll take a turn myself, hoping to find out what happened."

Soon, Guan Heng knew that he couldn't find anything in the palace, because it was so clean and tidy. Guan Heng ran from the front hall to the side hall, then the apse at the end. No useful clues were found.

"Strange, don't you say that several kings disappeared in the palace?" Guan Heng reclined a stone pillar at this moment, thinking, "If it's not in the palace, it's outside, it seems I want to let the queen Send its scouts to expand the search. "

—— [March 3, 2016, everyone, good noon, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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