Imperfect Entertainer

Chapter 1002: Baba

Thinking of the toss just now, Shen Lu shuddered for a while. It wasn't that she didn't want to live, but it was really torturous, especially now that she had just finished experiencing it, and she really even wanted to die just now.

Ye Zhi lightly kissed her forehead, "One is enough."


"Take a good rest, I'm here to accompany you, you can rest in the hospital for a few days."

"I want to go home."

"Huh? Don't you have a lot of rest?"

"It's alright, I'm giving birth naturally."

"No, let's observe and observe more, these two days are still relatively dangerous."

"I want to go home~~~"

"Don't be coquettish, it's useless, I'll listen to the doctor."

"You don't love me anymore."


Seeing Ye Zhi's unmoved Yazi, Shen Lu knew that Ye Zhi had made up her mind. No matter what she said, it was useless. She closed her mouth and looked at Ye Zhi in a daze, "Where's baby? You're not here, Don't let their melon rinds spoil."

"Broken? It shouldn't be."

"Extremely! You go and bring my daughter back to me."

"Okay, then you have a good rest. What do you want to eat? I'll have someone make it for you."

"Drink some porridge, I don't want to eat anything now."

Ye Zhi turned around and was about to leave when he heard the words. Who knows, before he could leave, Shen Lu took his hand, forcing him to turn his head again, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Shen Lu looked at him pitifully, "You come back soon."

This little idiot is really distressing, Ye Zhi patted her little hand, "I know."


In the first month after giving birth, Ye Zhi felt that he was about to be driven mad by his precious daughter.

If he hadn't had a confinement sister-in-law, and he could take turns with his parents to take care of him, he would really be crazy. He had to make a fuss every one or two hours. This was the first time he had experienced parenting. not easy.

He was still qualified, and he asked an experienced confinement nanny to help take care of the child. Thinking about the parents taking care of themselves...

"Ye Zhi! Your daughter is peeing again!"

"Then you change the diaper."

"I...I won't!"

"You motherfucker, are you still so confident that you can't change diapers?"

“A little bit~~~”

However, before Ye Zhi came back, Miss Pei Xinxin took the initiative to help the baby change the diaper, "Tsk tsk tsk~~~ If it wasn't for watching you give birth, I would have to wonder if you raised Xiao Ye from somewhere, even Not even a diaper change."

"Oh, don't say that, I just haven't learned it yet."

"How hard is it to just change a diaper?"

Pei Xinxin had already changed it while she was talking, she looked at Shen Lu with endless contempt in her eyes, picked up the little leaf, her eyes became super gentle again, "Baby, why don't you want this mother? Aunt Xinxin. I'll treat you as Mama~~~"

"Yeah! Pei Xinxin, it's fine if you want to rob my husband, and now even my daughter is not spared?!"

"It's your food."

No, the little leaf smiled in Pei Xinxin's arms, the kind that laughed so happily, the short fat hand grabbed Pei Xinxin's clothes and didn't let go, the happy one, until she was hugged by her mother In her arms, she stopped laughing.

"Look, Xiao Ye still likes me a little more."

"That's weird!"

Shen Lu hugged the baby tightly, with a bit of complaint in her eyes, and pinched Xiao Ye Zi's face angrily, "You bad baby, why don't you kiss your mother, your mother, sooner or later, I will be mad at you, really Yes."

Pei Xinxin shrugged.

At this moment, a Ye Zhi came to the room, he looked at the little guy in Shen Lu's arms, and couldn't help showing a bitter smile, "I now know why so many people don't want children, Xiao Ye is really too noisy, a little Don't know how to stop."

Although there was a Yuesao to take care of them, Ye Zhi and Shen Lu didn't dare to close the door when they went to bed at night. As long as she cried, at least one would have to wake up, especially in the first week, it was really hard.


There is one thing about this little guy that makes Ye Zhi happy.

She loves Dad so much!

Super invincible love dad!

How much do you like it?

When she was awake, basically as long as her father suddenly disappeared from her field of vision, she would cry miserably, and as soon as her father appeared, she would stop crying immediately, and she would become obedient.

the most important is……

She is really smart, so smart that Ye Zhi can't believe it.

As long as it's okay, she never cries. As long as she cries, either her father is not there, or she is pulled, or she is hungry. There is almost no other possibility, and as long as the problem is solved, she will stop crying immediately.

Most importantly, she...

I can call my dad now.

And the name was very standard, but no matter how Shen Lu taught her, she would only call her father, not mother.

This made Shen Lu very depressed, obviously Ye Zhi was much busier than her and had less time to play with her daughter, but she was just sticking to her father, which made her so depressed that she couldn't help but feel emotional, " No wonder they all say that my daughter is my father's little lover in a previous life, I think this little thing is here to rob me of my husband."

The point is, Shen Lu feels like she can't grab her.

As long as Xiaoye Ye cried, no matter if it was true or not, Ye Zhi would come over as long as he heard it, but what Shen Lu said would be hard to say.

"You dead girl really doesn't know how to be grateful to Mama. Mama is so kind to you, you know how to call Dad."



Ye Zhi picked up the little guy and held her in his arms. That happy smile really couldn't be covered. He gently teased the little leaf with his fingers, indescribably happy, "Are you full? When you're full, Dad will take you downstairs for a walk, okay?"


"Let's go."

"Brother Ye Zi, wait for me, I'll go too."

"Yeah! Me too..."


Before Shen Lu could move, Ye Zhi and Pei Xinxin scolded in unison, and she was so frightened that she hurried back to the bed, "I want to go too~~~"

Ye Zhi saw Shen Lu's aggrieved expression and knew that she was having a little temper I just finished confinement and my body is still very weak, so just stay with me honestly, I don't want to What sequelae do you leave behind, be good, be obedient, stay at home, there are still two weeks, bear with it, I will buy you whatever you want. "

"I want to eat lobster."

"it is good."

"And steak."


"And kelp, seaweed, and grapes."

"Good good."

Ye Zhi tied the little leaf behind his back, the little guy closed his eyes and fell asleep unexpectedly. This dad outfit looks really cute. Now the baby is almost born, and he will bring it every day. Take the little guy out to bask in the sun, and go out to buy groceries together.

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