Immortal Stars

Chapter 474: great race

Burning Fire Saint Venerable's flying treasure is extremely fast. In just half a month, he left the range of Scarlet Sun Divine State and entered the boundless sea.

But relying on this speed alone, it would take thousands of years to complete one-tenth of the distance.

Taiyang Shenzhou is too far from Chiri Shenzhou.

Relying solely on foot strength, it is impossible to catch up with the battle of the gods.

But the two of them are not anxious. They are now rushing to "Hundred Refinements Shenzhou", which is a big state. According to what the Burning Fire Holy Venerable said, there is a super teleportation to other big states in the Shenmen of Bailian Shenzhou. array.

The super teleportation array can instantly send the creatures to the far end, spanning the distance of a large state.

Only by using this method, Wang Xu can reach the top of the gods in the shortest time.

"Holy Fire, have you heard of the constant force cultivation method?"

During the journey, Wang Xu and Burning Fire Saint Venerable cultivated and talked to each other.

Burning Fire Saint does not have the air of a big man, and he is approachable. Maybe he knows Wang Xu's performance in the Tuguo Dynasty, and he is quite polite to Wang Xu's genius who will be on the list of gods in the future.

"The method of constant force cultivation?"

The Burning Fire Holy Venerable shook his head, "The method of constant force cultivation does exist, but I have never touched it. I heard that constant force cultivation is extremely difficult and can transform the physical body, but I have not even cultivated my own Chaos Secret Tome to perfection. , not to mention constant force cultivation." "Huangji Zhen Shenlu" is only one step away from being promoted to the third realm, if it can reach the third realm before the battle of the gods list, the physical body is comparable to the **** of Wanji, Wang The odds of being on the Tenjin Ranking will be greatly increased.

But the third realm requires a lot of constant force to break through.

Now Wang Xu's realm has reached the peak of the initial **** realm.

With his current strength, he can completely attract Baiji Thunder Tribulation. Achieve a hundred years of gods.

But in the Heavenly God Summit, the initial Heavenly God Realm and the Baiji Heavenly God Realm faced two different groups of people.

In order to be able to be on the list of gods with more certainty, Wang Xu naturally chose to suppress the realm and compete with those in the initial **** realm.

"Hasn't even the Burning Fire Saint been exposed to the constant force cultivation method?"

Wang Xu thought to himself.

Then, Wang Xu changed the subject. The two continued to talk.


Time passed so quickly.

The years fly by. Wang Xu also visited Chaos.

Traveling through the void for 70 years, I have seen the vast and boundless deep blue sea, and I have also touched the rocks of Bulao Mountain. Even encountered the looting of the people of the Holy Venerable Realm.

Fortunately, with the protection of the Burning Fire Holy Venerable, Wang Xu was able to come over safely all the way. Walking out of the super teleportation array, the Burning Fire Holy Venerable smiled.

The city where they are located is the super teleportation formation of one of the great gates of Taiyang Shenzhou. In Taiyang Shenzhou, there are countless similar super teleportation arrays.

"Taiyang Shenzhou...Is this the real Chaos Shenzhou?"

This city is not big. In real calculations, it only covers an area of ​​200,000 kilometers. Wang Xu, who is even bigger than this city, has already seen it and is used to it.

However, unlike the city Wang Xu had seen before, there were pedestrians coming and going around. All are in the mixed universe realm, the initial **** realm.

"There are at least tens of millions of people in the entire city, so it seems that there are at least tens of millions of people in the chaos realm. And tens of thousands of people in the **** realm!"

Wang Xu secretly said in his heart.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in Taiyang Shenzhou, an inconspicuous small remote city.

But there are tens of thousands of people in the **** realm.

If the number of people in the Heavenly God Realm in the entire Taiyang Shenzhou is added up, what kind of sky-high figure will it be?

It is hard for Wang Xu to imagine, but he also understands that this is Taiyang Shenzhou, one of the five chaotic Shenzhou. No matter how rare things are, they will become as common as eating and drinking.

"Let's go, we quickly rushed to the city of God, we must first obtain the qualifications to enter the top of the gods."

The Burning Fire Holy Venerable said.

The two took the flying treasure and continued to travel through the void.


As the list of gods attracts more and more attention from the powerhouses, the value of the top of the gods also rises.

The place where the Tianshen Peak was originally a barren land has become lively and prosperous because of every battle for the Tianshen list. There are ten "city of gods" rising from the ground alone.

Ten divine cities, each occupying a position, surrounds the heavens and the gods.

But calling it a city of gods, in fact, the real area is not much larger than the ordinary main city, only millions of kilometers.

"There are so many gods who came to participate in the battle of the gods list."

When Wang Xu came to the city of God, the first thing he saw was the surging crowd, which made him slightly surprised.

These crowds, from different ethnic groups in Chaos, Shenmen, countries, etc., have already done their best to participate in this battle of the gods and are ready to show their strengths.

"They're all ordinary people, they're just having a fever in their heads, and they're just dying in vain."

The Burning Holy Venerable shook his head.

The battle of the gods list is fierce and cruel, without strength, and in the end, it can only be reduced to a pool of rotten flesh, a skeleton, and even some corpses cannot be saved, and their bones are smashed to ashes, leaving nothing.

This has always been the case for the battle of the gods, but there are still many people who want to participate.

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of the Burning Fire Holy Venerable, is pure death.

But Wang Xu didn't think so.

"These people know that their strength is not enough, and they should not be competing for the position of the gods... I'm afraid this war is their goal."

Wang Xu analyzed.

Knowing that their strength cannot be recognized by the gods list, why bother to run so far in vain?

No, no one is that stupid.

What's more, these people in the realm of the gods.

They came here for only one purpose - to make money from war!

It should be noted that Tianshen Peak has attracted so many talented people to come one after another, and they all want to win hundreds of places in that mere number. For this reason, they will definitely kill each other.

The premise of killing. To have strength, what is strength?

Secret method, magic medicine, treasure!

This is the fundamental purpose of these people!

Secret law, magic medicine. Treasure. Everything is worth a fortune, but it abounds on the battlefield, and more than that. If the corpse of a person in the Heavenly God Realm could be sold, it would be very valuable.

Added to each other, the accumulated wealth is worth the risk for them.

"Oh? You mean they're going to make war money?"

The Burning Fire Holy Venerable nodded, "You are right. There must be brave men under the heavy gold, not to mention that this is not heavy gold, but huge gold! It is reasonable for them to covet."

"Let's go, choose a place to settle down temporarily."

Although the city of God is very lively and crowded, there is no shortage of places to live.

People in the realm of the gods have the kingdom of gods derived from their bodies. When you want to rest, you only need to project the kingdom of God out to form a cave.


Day two.

"Little friend Wang Xu, let's send them here, I hope you can come back smoothly this time!"

The Burning Holy Venerable has completed his mission. Naturally to leave.


Wang Xu remembered this kindness.

The Burning Fire Saint took the flying treasure to leave, and Wang Xu returned to the city of God, while waiting for the official opening of the Tianshen Peak, while practicing.

As time goes by day by day.

The city of God is getting more and more lively, and many strong people have come.

"Look! That nine-headed the Jiufeng clan!"

"Nine lives and nine deaths, immortality and immortality! This is a real nine-headed phoenix!"…

"Oh my god, this is one of the 'great races' in the rumored chaos. Today, I am fortunate enough to see the real nine-headed phoenix, and I will die without regrets!"

Wang Xu was cultivating meticulously, and suddenly the exclamation from the outside world was louder than what Wang Xu had heard in the past.

The opening of Tianshen Peak has attracted countless racial forces.

Just what Wang Xu has seen with his own eyes, there are more than a dozen people from the divine dynasty and more than 20 supergroups.

The Divine Dynasty, the super ethnic group, and the people behind them are the top powerhouses in the Ancestral Ancestor Realm. No matter which Divine Dynasty or super ethnic group arrives, it is bound to cause a sensation.

But today's sensation was extraordinarily big, making Wang Xu quite surprised.

"Nine Phoenix Clan?"

Wang Xu's spiritual consciousness probed out, and immediately saw a huge bird above the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

The giant beast that dominates the realm!

The huge bird that covers the sky and the sun can be detected from the fluctuations overflowing from its body. It is a powerful beast that dominates the realm of the Holy Venerable, and its real strength even surpasses that of the Two Yuan Saint Venerable!

This huge bird has nine heads, and its body is surrounded by a flaming nine-color fog. It swallows the essence of heaven and earth, and breathes the supreme law. If the strong pressure of life is not cut off by the formation of the city of God, I am afraid it is only life. The coercion was enough to make Wang Xu kneel on the spot.

"Quietly, what is the origin of the Jiufeng clan?"

Wang Xu asked in his heart.

The lonely red robe figure appeared, looking up at the nine-headed bird.

"The Jiufeng clan is one of the six 'great clans' in the chaos, and their totem is the nine-headed phoenix. When I followed Qingpu, I once visited the Jiufeng clan, and the patriarch of the Jiufeng clan respected me. It's a pity that times have changed, and it is no longer the past..."

Silently recalled.

"Great race?"

Wang Xu is You don't even know the great race? "

Quietly rolled his eyes angrily, "In the entire Chaos, there are six great ethnic groups, each of which is ruled by the Great Emperor. When the Qing Punishment existed, the 'Blue Clan' was created..."

"Qing clan?"

Wang Xu suddenly remembered the ethnic group of the Tsing Yi God Lord, isn't it the Qing clan?

"I know what you're thinking, you guessed it right, the Qing clan to which Qing Sibai belongs is a last branch of the Qing clan created by Qing Pu, not only the Qing clan, but almost every great clan, even the super clan. There are such end branches in all ethnic groups. The end branches are innumerable, scattered everywhere in Chaos, and have long since had nothing to do with the truly great ethnic group."

Youji explained, "A great ethnic group rises with the birth of the emperor, and the decline of a great ethnic group also dies with the fall of the emperor. The Qing clan is the best example." ()

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