Immortal Stars

Chapter 181: Dragon Bow


In an instant, when the voice echoed in Wang Xu's mind, the darkness in the pit suddenly spread, the sun and the moon were not there, the stars were not there, and all sounds were cut off, leaving only the boundless darkness.



As if in the eternal darkness, loneliness lingers.

Wang Xu was wrapped in darkness, without the slightest panic, he looked calmly at the spar-like bow.

"Your perseverance is good." A cold voice sounded, and a figure floated out like a shadow.

A worn-out purple-gold armor, with only half of the purple-gold helmet left, showing a ferocious face and five purple eyes glowing with the cold light.

It has a burly stature, with hunched back, its hooves stomping in the dark void, with two spar bows behind its back, a giant hammer in one hand and a machete in the other, its chest still has some blood left on its chest .

"It can withstand my impact and advance to this point, not bad." Its voice was like a beast chewing, and its five purple eyes stared at Wang Xu.

"Senior Tailong, can you let me leave?". Wang Xu's face was calm, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

"No, I need you to help me verify this." Tailong said, his five purple eyes flashed suddenly, Wang Xu only felt that the surrounding void suddenly solidified, and he couldn't move!

Tailong's hooves stepped out, and the dark void twisted and rippled.

"Come out, my old friend." Four purple light beams emerged from Tailong's purple eyes and shot into Wang Xu's body.

Wang Xu's heart moved slightly, and his body was as stiff as a statue, allowing the purple beam to penetrate into his body.

Om long~

The blood in the body was boiling, and the heart was beating. Wang Xu only felt a huge shock in his heart and made a sound.

immediately. A wisp of burning flame oozes out of Wang Xu's body, suddenly suspended in the void.

Immediately after, a cyan sword shadow came out slowly.

Black and white knives followed closely behind, bringing out a little green light, the green light beating, and the shape was like a small life.

Endless fire, endless sword, endless knife, endless life, all four come out together.

They came out of the king's beard. Surrounding Tailong, jumping and flying happily beside him, as if he has spirituality, he is a cute and coquettish child.

"Haha..." Tailong smiled and stretched out his mutilated hand. Gently stroking the four endless, purple eyes in the eyes. Endless mourning can be seen.

"Since that battle ended. At the beginning of Tailong's shattering, Tailong disappeared." Tailong said quietly, "When Endless took me over, he promised to guard the Endless Tailong Palace to the death and guard them... I didn't expect it to be as strong as Endless. There is no way to turn the tide in that battle."

"Powerful, too powerful." In Tailong's voice, there was anger and helplessness. "Endless Dragon Palace. It ceases to exist."

Tailong's five purple eyes fell on Wang Xu.

"I thought it would fall endlessly, and its endless inheritance was wiped out in the long river of history... Who knew you appeared."

"You have the four infinity in your body and know the meaning of infinity. The moment I noticed you, I changed the mental consciousness of the cover into a shock, so that it only affects your physical body... You succeeded."

Tailong's purple eyes narrowed, "If you fail in the impact, back off, and delusionally leave, the impact will become stronger in an instant, and you will also turn into ashes in an instant... life."

Wang Xu had regained his freedom at this time, and when he heard Tailong's words, his pupils shrank slightly.

It turned out that this was a test. When he was noticed by Tailong, there was only one way forward.

"Boy, do you know why I put you through the shock?". Tailong asked.

"Senior Tailong, if I'm not mistaken, this impact force must be a kind of 'endless'." Wang Xu nodded slightly.

Tailong smiled: "You're right."

"You have endless inheritance and know the meaning of endlessness. This endless impact is the test I will give you."

The king had to endure the ravages of the endless inheritance, from sober to fear, fear to collapse, and finally the Infinite Holy Venerable shot and awakened him.

Later, Wang Xu had doubts.

Inexhaustible, continuous, falling into that kind of test, Wang Xu will indeed be afraid, despair, and collapse, but there is hope in his heart, so that he can endure it enough, he can last for a hundred years, a thousand years, and then again. collapse.

It will not completely change in a few years.

The only thing that can be explained is that the Endless Holy Venerable moved his hands and feet quietly, so that he was immersed in fear and despair all the time, burying the hope in his heart, magnifying the fear, and finally causing a mental breakdown.

Just now, when he experienced the force of the surging wave, he felt a touch of familiarity, which came from the endless inheritance.

Different from the endless inheritance, this shock force retains vitality, haunts like breathing, while making people desperate, there is also a chance to breathe, not giving up hope.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Xu was able to endure this kind of hope for seven hundred years, and finally came to the pit.

"This bow is my body." Tailong stretched out his big hand and took the spar bow in his hand, "It is inexhaustible that gave me spirituality and gave me the name 'Tailong'."

"I have gone through countless years with Endless, and gradually became stronger and transformed. The two bows behind me are exactly what I left behind when I transformed."

Tailong took out the two spar bows behind it.

A simple, ordinary bow without any prominence.

"This is my original, most primitive form, and I named it the 'Sky Bow'."

The other one, the shape has been transformed into the shape of a dragon, just like the "Tailong" that Wang Xu has seen before, roaring and roaring, lifelike.

"After the first transformation, my life form appeared, and I saw that I was like a dragon, so I named me 'Tailong', and I also named this bow 'Dragon Bow'."

Look at the third bow in Tailong's hand, which is his current form.

Tailong stroked the bow lightly, his purple eyes revealing the color of reminiscence.

"The time of this successful transformation is also the day of the founding of the Endless Tailong Palace. It has a grand ambition and a dominance. I named it 'Bagong'."

The three bows are the mark of Tailong's life and represent everything about Tailong.

through these three bows. Wang Xu's thoughts crossed hundreds of millions of years and saw a majestic and boundless palace.

On the palace, the five characters of "Endless Tailong Palace" are engraved.

Under the order, hundreds of millions of souls surrendered, and all nations worshiped.

Endless Tailong Palace was full of incense and flourished for a while.

"Today, I'll give it to you." Tailong's big hands together, the sky bow and the dragon bow disappeared, leaving only the tyrant bow.

"Senior Tailong. You are..." Wang Xu was shocked, "This is too precious, I am not a person of Tailong, your real descendants are still alive, and I can hand it over to them on their behalf."

this bow. so precious.

It symbolizes not only a soldier's treasure, but also an era. A once glorious time.

Tailong shook his head: "Even if they get it, they can't use it. This bow, in the world, only you who have endless inheritance are qualified to use it."

"In the future, it will be called 'Tailong Bow'. Treat it well." Tailong smiled, "If one day, you can achieve endless achievements, I hope you can open up a new endless Tailong Palace."

An invisible burden weighed down. Wang Xu took a deep breath and reached out to take the Tailong Bow.

"Senior Tailong, my king must promise that when I rise, I will revive the Endless Tailong Palace!" Wang Xu said firmly.

"Haha...Okay, okay!" Tailong smiled happily, "You met me for the first time. You are an endless disciple, and you can be regarded as my disciple. I will give you the last gift."

With a wave of Tailong's hand, the darkness around him faded, revealing the original world.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, a little bit of color appeared in the sky, it was a colored stone, and the colored stone in the sky was flying towards here.

"Huh? That's a four-colored stone! Damn, why did you fly by yourself, hurry up!"

"Oh my God, it's all colored stones, this is a big chance, we sent it!"

"Damn, what is this place, why is it covered by spiritual consciousness?!"

The royal family and nobles in the Tailong Peak were fighting with special beings. Suddenly, they saw the colorful stones flying away automatically, and they all shouted excitedly. However, when the colorful stones entered the land covered by spiritual consciousness, they could no longer Enter half step.

The spiritual consciousness coverage here is too strong, they are only black hole-level spiritual consciousness strength, and they cannot pass through at all.

The colorful stones flew from the sky and gathered in the sky. Wang Xu saw it at a glance. It was the shape of a Tailong.

"This is in the endless years. The spiritual consciousness revealed by my body has solidified and formed. The 'spiritual consciousness crystals' scattered all over the Tailong Peak. I have nothing in my body, and I can only give them to you." Tai said the dragon.

"Thank you before... No, thank you Master!" Wang Xu bowed to thank him.

"Old friends, go back, it's time to say goodbye." With a wave of Tailong's hand, the four great endless reluctance left, and returned to Wang Xu's body. "Wang Xu, put away the crystal of spiritual knowledge, refine Transform the Tailong Bow."

Wang Xu nodded, and immediately a drop of blood flew out of his mouth and landed on the Tailong Bow. Suddenly, a ray of light that penetrated the sky and the ground appeared, piercing the eye, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Not enough blood, use endless fire." Tailong's voice came.

Wang Xu opened his mouth, and a curling flame spurted out, covering the Tailong Bow and refining it completely.

A little bit of connection is built between the Tailong Bow and Wang Until Wang Xu felt the existence of the Tailong Bow, as if it was a part of his body, the flame gradually dissipated, revealing A dazzling spar bow.


At the same time, Tailong's phantom body began to shatter, and the five purple eyes looked at Wang Xu with a smile: "Before I left, I learned that there was a successor in the endless, and I will die without regrets in this life."

"Master, you are..." Wang Xu was startled, Tailong is the spirit of the bow and possesses spirituality. As long as the Tailong bow is immortal, he can live forever, but now the shadow of Tailong is shattering, and his The breath is gradually weakening.

"Don't worry, my obsession has rested, and it's time to get together with Endless."


"I... how I want to take another look at the Endless Dragon Palace..."

This contained endless mourning voices that drifted and rippled as the phantom of Tailong shattered. Wang Xu was stunned. After a long while, he came to his senses and let out a long sigh. (To be continued...)()

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