Immortal Stars

Chapter 176: 5 Colored Stones

"Brother Wang, when we leave Tailong Peak, let's discuss it once, how about it?"

In front, Princess Bingqing and Princess Bingxun didn't know what they were talking about. Wang Xu followed behind him leisurely, and Plastic Dragon said in a low voice.

"It's not good." Wang Xu knew that the genius of plastic dragon was at work again. As soon as he heard that he was a disciple of Tongtian Pavilion, he couldn't wait to play a game to prove his strength.

"Just once, aren't you a disciple of Tongtian Pavilion? I'm a disciple of the Cosmic Alliance. We both fought a battle on behalf of our respective forces. Whoever wins is a genius." The dragon continued to lobby.

"I admit defeat, you are a genius, you are the first, so that's ok." Wang Xu said.

"This can't be done, we have to have an upright fight." Su Long said he would fight Wang Xu upright, but Wang Xu ignored him at all. He couldn't deal with Princess Bingqing alone. Who still has the energy to learn from him?

And what he got was some useless false name, Wang Xu had no interest in it at all.


"Everyone, pay attention, two breaths are approaching." Wang Xu said suddenly while flying in the air.

The plastic dragon was startled, and after a careful inspection, he could not feel any breath, and his doubtful eyes could not help falling on Wang Xu.

The same is true for Princess Bingxun. She didn't notice that there was a breath of life nearby, and her beautiful eyes looked at Wang Xu.

Bingqing firmly believed that Wang Xu's induction had never been wrong in the past few days. He said that if there are two breaths, there must be two special beings that are gradually approaching.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, two figures appeared without warning, and the speed was too fast to reflect, Wang Xu hurriedly exclaimed.

These two figures, one is made of mountains and rocks, with a burly body, and there are two green fire lights swaying in a pair of empty eyes. It suddenly came behind the ice smoked princess, and the big hand made of thousands of pieces of gravel swelled suddenly, trying to grab the ice smoked princess.

The other figure was as transparent as a shadow. Appearing strangely behind Princess Bingqing, a sharp sword formed by a blue shadow suddenly appeared. Directly stabbed at the back of Princess Bingqing.


Princess Bingxun's reaction was very fast. At the moment when the big hand stretched out by the rock life shrouded her, a red horse flew out, twisted and spiraled, forming a long spike, which shrouded the rock. The big hand blasted a big hole, and the figure floated out of the big hole.

On the other side, Princess Bingqing didn't have the power to respond. And the shadow life shot is more swift, when Princess Bingqing turned her head, the blue shadow of the sword was already reflected in her eyes, and she didn't even have time to take out the talisman.

"Go away!" suddenly. Wang Xu shouted angrily, and his spiritual consciousness rushed out, and the shadow life was shocked by this spiritual consciousness, and his body was stunned, when he wanted to attack again. A big knife that was burning with black fire slashed down angrily, and the terrifying and violent momentum poured down, and the shadow life was split in half by a knife.

It's plastic dragon, plastic dragon shot.

Taking this opportunity, the cyan sword shadow suddenly appeared under Wang Xu's feet. Rush up and stop in front of Princess Bingqing.

"Princess Bingqing, are you alright?" Wang Xu asked quickly.

Princess Bingqing's face was pale, and at that moment, she almost felt that death was approaching, and she was so frightened that she was stunned and froze in place.

The Tailong Peak is very dangerous. Many descendants of the royal family have died in it. Princess Bingqing is not strong enough. Her father forbids her to enter the Tailong Peak. This is why she asked Wang Xu not to tell the king.

Wang Xu saw that Bingqing still had a look of fear in his eyes, and sighed in his heart. After all, she was still a simple little girl, frightened by the great terror between life and death.

The plastic dragon and the shadow fought, and Wang Xu hurried to support Princess Bingxun. It was hard for him to explain which of the two princesses had an accident.

These two special life realms are the initial white hole level, and their real strength has reached the high white hole level. However, due to the extremely fast movement skills, Wang Xu, Sulong and others took a while to solve them.

"Princess Bingxun, are you okay?" Wang Xu asked when the battle was over.

Princess Bingxun shook her head and said calmly: "I'm fine."

I have to say that the strength and mentality of Princess Bingxun is more than a little higher than that of Princess Bingqing. Wang Xu sighed secretly and came to Princess Bingqing to comfort her softly.

After a while, the plastic dragon flew over, holding a single-colored stone and a double-colored stone in his hands.

"Bingqing, you go back, the father will not let you enter the Tailong Peak. If something happens to you, the father will blame it and no one can afford it." Princess Bingxun said.

Princess Bingqing woke up suddenly, and when she heard that she was asked to leave, she was immediately unhappy: "I'm not leaving, I was just in a daze, it's alright."

The strength of not admitting defeat broke out again, and Princess Bingqing's stubborn temper came together, and no one could do anything, and Princess Bingxun stopped talking and motioned to move on.

After this time, Wang Xu did not dare to get too far away from Princess Bingqing, and followed her closely.


After more than ten days of searching, Wang Xu and others seemed to have run out of luck this time. It took more than ten days to encounter seven special beings and harvested five single-colored stones and two double-colored stones. .

Princess Bingqing became more and more unhappy.

Originally, she and Wang Xu were together, and Wang Xu had to listen to her. If he said east, he would go east, and if he said west, he would go west.

But now that Bing Xun is in power, she has no status at all, and can only follow like a follower, without any freedom.

"Okay, we've been searching for several days, let's rest first." Princess Bingxun raised her hand gently and said.

Plastic Dragon and Wang Xu nodded, and Princess Bingqing pouted and turned her head away, indicating that she did not want to speak.

Afterwards, the four of them landed on the ground, and Princess Bingxun turned over and took out an antique wooden chair and sat dignifiedly to rest. The dragon was not restrained, and the body leaned against the big tree, which was considered a rest.

Princess Bingqing didn't prepare anything at all, she stood on the spot with her mouth deflated. Seeing this, Wang Xu turned over and took out a soft blanket: "Princess Bingqing, sit on this."

Princess Bingxun glanced at Wang Xu, but did not speak, but the plastic dragon eyeballs turned, revealing a playful smile.

Princess Bingqing was not polite, she sat on the blanket carelessly and continued to puff her cheeks.

Wang Xu sat directly on the ground. Close your eyes and practice.

The strength of the four is already very strong, and there is no need to rest at all, but they have fought several times in a row. Your body is not tired and your heart is tired, so stop for a while. It's also good to relax.

After a while, Princess Bingqing seemed unable to bear the dull atmosphere, stood up and walked in one direction.

"Bingqing, where are you going?" Princess Bingxun said.

"Take a walk around." Princess Bingqing said without looking back and gradually walked away.

Plastic Dragon shook his head: "This is too rambunctious, Tailong Peak is not a good place. She will be dangerous if she walks around at will."

Wang Xu smiled helplessly and stood up: "I'll follow her, you rest first."

Then, Wang Xu took a step. Quietly followed Princess Bingqing.

"Plastic Dragon, what do you think of Wang Xu?" Princess Bingxun asked when Wang Xu left.

"His strength is very powerful, surpassing me." Plastic Dragon sighed.

"Oh?" Princess Bingxun was surprised that Plastic Dragon was a genius. Geniuses rarely admire each other. Although Wang Xu is powerful, he is not enough to convince her.

"His outbreak is comparable to mine, and his real strength is comparable to the strongest white hole class." Plastic Dragon said, "but he is a cosmic spirit. With the strange and unpredictable attack method of spiritual consciousness, I am not as good as this. he."

"And the most important point, during the battle, my energy was greatly depleted, but I found that the cosmic energy in Wang Xu's body was always in a full state."

The plastic dragon looked in the direction where Wang Xu was leaving, and the complex expression in his eyes flickered, "If I fight against him, neither of the two sides can do anything for a short time, but over time, I will lose."

Princess Bingxun nodded slightly. She also discovered another point. Wang Xu was injured several times for Bingqing, but he recovered quickly. During this period, he never saw him taking any recovery medicine.


Princess Bingqing was walking aimlessly in the dense forest, her little face was full of resentment. She hated the feeling of being without freedom and always being called to and fro.

Princess Bingqing was completely immersed in her own world, and she didn't notice Wang Xu's figure following her not far away. Seeing the angry look on her little face, she shook her head again and again.

While walking, Princess Bingqing stopped in front of her, Wang Xu's figure paused, and he looked at it from a distance.

"This...this is..." Princess Bingqing leaned down slowly, her big bright eyes widened, looking at a pothole several meters deep on the ground in disbelief.

In the pothole, there is a colorful stone shining with different colors, red, blue, white, yellow, green... There are actually five colors!

"Ah!!" Princess Bingqing couldn't help screaming, and when she grabbed it with her little hand, the colorful stone flew over and landed in her hand.

Colorful stone, really colorful stone!

Hearing this exclamation, Wang Xu thought that something happened to Princess Bingqing, so he hurried forward and saw the colorful stone in her hand at a glance, and his eyes were as big as copper bells.


"Princess Bingqing!"

One white and one blue two bullet figures flew quickly, it was the plastic dragon and the ice smoked princess.

They heard Princess Bingqing's screams and thought that Bingqing had encountered a special life, so they hurried When they arrived here, their eyes fell on the colorful stone held in Princess Bingqing's hands. showed shock.

"Wang Xu! Plastic dragon! Sister! Look! This is the multicolored stone, I found the multicolored stone!" Princess Bingqing jumped up happily, holding the multicolored stone high in her hand, shouting excitedly.

Wang Xu was shocked beyond words.

Isn't it said that multicolored stones are hard to come by? Has no one ever seen what it looks like?

How did you come across one so easily?

These questions also appeared in the hearts of Sulong and Bingxun.

at this time--

"I... My God!" Wang Xu's face suddenly turned pale, his whole body was no longer calm, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Wang Xu, what's wrong?" Bingxun and Plastic Dragon had never seen Wang Xu's expression like this.

"Special beings... they... are all here!" ()

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