Immortal Stars

Chapter 166: record

In the sky, the only thing standing was the black-robed figure that all humans were familiar with.

The pale and determined face turned around and looked at all the human beings with burning eyes.

Wang Xu smiled lightly, as if the cold winter had turned into a warm spring, the haze in the hearts of all human beings was dispelled, and the ice cubes were melted by the heat.

"Everyone, we won." When Wang Xu's softly uttered words echoed clearly in the minds of hundreds of millions of people, human beings finally believed that we won, we won this war!


All human beings are freed at this moment, screaming up to the sky, singing and roaring, raising their arms and shouting, expressing the grievances that have been accumulated in their hearts.

Loved ones embraced and cried, celebrating the great moment with tears.

Lovers celebrate with deep kisses to mark the day to be carved into their bones.

become free.

These three words, people do not know how long, counting the stars and moons, desperately endure, and survive hard, so that one day, a miracle will happen and they will be able to regain their freedom.

They are praying to the gods every day, kneeling down in front of the cross devoutly, chanting with pure heart and faith, so that one day, the gods can hear their call, see their situation, and send down the holy light, deliver them from their misery.

The gods are fulfilled.

No, it should be said that the gods personally came to save them.

Wang Xu waved his hand away from the dark clouds, and the sun shone all over the earth. At this moment, he was like a god, stepping forward at the most dangerous moment for mankind.


Humans began to migrate and returned to their own land. Wang Xu asked Qiu Tuyi to assign a place to humans and be responsible for all migration work.

"Big Brother Luo." Seeing Luo like this, Wang Xu felt an unbearable colic in his heart. He took out an elixir with a green mist lingering in it, the fragrance of the medicine filled the air, and sent it into Luo's mouth.

This elixir was found by Wang Xu from Huo Shen's space ring.

The wealth gathered by the hundreds of millions of beings from the three clans is staggeringly huge, but Wang Xu doesn't want a single cent. All wealth goes into building the planet.

Luo took this medicine pill, and a majestic vitality burst out from his body. Luo felt that his body was extremely comfortable, and his limbs began to feel itchy.

I saw Luo's removed limb wound, a thin layer of skin peeled off, his flesh and blood began to wriggle, and his limbs were growing again.

The face that was destroyed so hard to twist also peeled off the film, the fresh and delicate skin reappeared, and Luo's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the limbs were intact. Luo, whose skin was like a newborn baby, looked at his body in disbelief. Clearly feel the presence of the limbs. A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Wang Xu!" Luo excitedly gave Wang Xu a big hug, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Wang Xu saw Luo regained his radiance, and his refined temperament remained the same, and couldn't help but smile.

Immediately after. Wang Xu helped Wang Jun heal his broken arm, and his mother Lin Hui's legs were restored with just one pill, and even the haggard face became rosy and smooth.

Wang Zhenguo, Tang Tian, ​​the two old men have had their hair white in the past two years. After Wang Xu took the medicine for them, the white hair and old faces began to regress. The two looked like they were in their thirties. Mature men do not see their age at all.

And Tang Yan and Lili. Long-term malnutrition and hard work have left their hair withered and yellowed and their skin wilted. Wang Xu gave them nutritional medicine, and the two of them instantly glowed.

And for humans. Wang Xu was not stingy at all, and distributed the medicines from the three clans, so that everyone regained their vitality, no longer weak and haggard, plagued by all kinds of diseases, and their bodies were stronger and stronger than before.

a month later.

The stage of human recovery has come to an end. During this period, Wang Xu went to Muro once again and purchased tens of thousands of Void-level slaves and hundreds of thousands of star-level slaves, which almost emptied the entire slave market.

The three-eyed slave trader was so shocked that his chin almost dropped to the ground. Originally, when Wang Xu said that he would wrap up the entire slave market, many people made fun of it, but when he saw the huge cosmic crystal piled up like a mountain When they were in front of them, the mockery on everyone's faces stiffened.

Local tycoon.

Although the words expressed in their minds are different, the general meaning can be summarized by these two words.

The slave market of Muro was emptied, and these slaves were distributed to all parts of the earth by Wang Xu. From this moment, they are no longer slaves, but coaches of all human beings.

This is Wang Xu's plan. Human beings are too weak and they must be made stronger. It will definitely not be possible in a short time, but as long as they progress slowly, sooner or later, human beings will become a powerful group in the universe. Being bullied by other ethnic groups,


half year later.

In the universe, the void is distorted, and the space battleship with Bailan blooming at the bottom slowly flew out.

"Senior Brother Lu, this is my hometown." In the main control room, in addition to the king beard in a black robe, there was also a drunk old man in ragged clothes.

This old man had fluffy hair, dirt on his face, and torn clothes. He looked no different from a beggar, and he didn't show the breath of a strong man.

However, Wang Xu knew that although this ragged old man looked no different from an ordinary mortal, he was the chief disciple in the "White Sun Palace" of Tongtian Pavilion thousands of years ago!

In the seventy-two halls of Tongtian Pavilion, each hall has a "chief disciple". The disciples in the branch halls have gone through numerous battles and screenings, and after hundreds of hardships, they finally won the boundless honor.

In other words, this drunken old man was the most powerful being among the disciples of the White Sun Palace thousands of years ago!

The old man's name is "Lu Shen", and his realm is invincible white hole. He can hear rumors from the disciples of Tongtian Pavilion. Lu Shen can easily kill people in the mixed axis. Killed on the spot, once this incident came out, it caused a sensation in Tongtian Pavilion.

The disciples of Tongtian Pavilion are powerful and powerful, but Lu Shen has not only crossed two great realms, but also a terrifying and unimaginable gap.

Mixed universe, god.

It seems that there is only one step, but before crossing this step, it is always a mortal. Only by crossing this step can the name of the gods be achieved.

I don't know how many cosmic powerhouses in the universe have fallen on this step, and they will never be able to cross this step in their entire lives and become the real gods.

But Lu Shen did it at the white hole level, a genius of talent. The strength is evident.

But then I don't know what happened, Lu Shen stopped cultivating, drinking every day to spend his days, wasting time and wandering in the world.

No one knows the reason, how many people have asked, Lu Shen is silent.

Time has passed, diluting all this, and the brilliance of recording Shen is gone. The chief disciple changed hands. Lu Shen was forgotten in the vast sea of ​​people.

This time. Wang Xu came to find Lu Shen because he had a big thing to ask him.

"Well, your hometown is so beautiful... Is there any wine?" The old man glanced drunkenly and raised the wine jar in his hand to drink. But after a long time of pouring, the wine jar has not even a drop of wine left.

"Yes, I have as much as Senior Brother Lu wants. In my hometown, it is the way to make wine." Wang Xu said with a smile.

There are also fine wines in the universe, and Wang Xu also tasted them. The taste is mellow and makes people linger. Difficult to let go.

But in Wang Xu's view, this kind of wine is not wine, the real wine is not mellow and charming, but the wine drips down his throat. Falling into the stomach, the burning feeling is the real intoxicating wine.

"Oh? Then I have to have a good taste." Lu Chen showed a drunken smile. In fact, with his strength, this little alcohol had no effect on him at all.

Wang Xu knew that it was Senior Brother Lu who was paralyzing himself. He wanted to indulge in this half-dream and half-awake state and never wake up.

"Senior Brother Lu, you can drink fine wine anytime, but don't forget the business." Wang Xu reminded.

Lu Shen curled his lips: "Isn't it just a mere array, bring it here!"

Wang Xu smiled lightly, waved his hand, and a space ring fell into Lu Shen's hand.

Lu Chen just checked a little, and suddenly the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he muttered: "How lucky you are, you are able to run into the ancient Xingchen Mine, but you got a lot of money, when will such a good thing be possible? Is it my turn?"

In the space ring, there are a large number of ancient stars and mines.

Some of them were obtained by Wang Xu when he mined in the Purple Vein Star Region, some were left in the Xianqu Ring, and even more were obtained by Wang Xu's sweeping of the three clansmen.

This time, Wang Xu made a special trip to the "Qumu Cosmos Country". He heard that there are several top-notch formation wizards in the Qumu Cosmos Country, and wanted to invite one to come to lay a large array on the earth.

The general main star will have a formation protection, as long as it detects danger, the formation will automatically respond immediately.

There is no protective formation on Earth so far, and Wang Xu knows nothing about formation, so he can only go to Qumu Cosmos to try it out.

It just so happened that there was a senior brother Dongqu in Qumu Universe Kingdom, who was senior brother Wang Xutongdian. He had an impression of Wang Xu, and when he heard that he was looking for Master Array, he immediately introduced senior brother Lu Shen to him.

Lu Shen is not interested in other things, but is very interested in formations. Apart from drinking, he spends the rest of his time studying various formations.

But recording Shen is only for research, but rarely has the opportunity to actually arrange the formation.

The formation method requires a huge number of ancient star mines and cosmic crystals. Once it fails, everything will be wasted.

Lu Shen has always been depressed and far away from the The wealth accumulated in his hand has been squandered, and even the wine in his hand is "borrowed", where can there be cosmic crystals to buy the ancient mines of Xingchen?

Usually no one is looking for Lu Shen, even if it is introduced by an acquaintance, they will shake their heads and wave their hands. To a beggar-like figure, they are not willing to waste their ancient stars and cosmos crystals in vain.

After hearing about Lu Shen's deeds, Wang Xu was taken aback. He didn't expect that the person who looked tattered and smelled like a beggar in front of him would be the chief disciple of the branch hall of Tongtian Pavilion!

"Want to invite me? My price for recording Shen is not low." Recording Shen said.

Although he is very eager to be able to arrange the formation, but usually others invite, not only to provide the ancient mines of stars, but also not responsible for failures, and even an expensive price, which is prohibitive.

However, Wang Xu agreed without saying a word, and waved his hand immediately, wow~

The ancient mines filled with stars fell and piled up into a small mountain, making Shen's eyes straight when he saw it.

"Senior Brother Lu, is this enough? I still have it." ()

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