Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 29: This kind of reaction is reasonable!

   "She will meet me."

   "She won't see me."

   "She will meet me."

   "She won't see me."


   In the elegant room, Feng Nanming held the beautifully packaged daughter red and counted the neatly arranged peony flowers.

   His heart is quite nervous at this time.

   Although he is 25 years old after all, Feng Nanming has been obsessed with cultivating since he was a child, and has never tried male and female love.

   is still pretty new when it comes to chasing girls.

   Even the pursuit of Ji Mingyue is not because of love at first sight.

   After all, I haven't seen it before, so where did you fall in love?

   He mainly heard that the Mingyue girl in the Moon Tower, listening to her playing the piano can help the monks to understand the Tao and practice more easily.

   So, I made up my mind to chase her!

   Although it sounds very snobbish, Fengmou is not a person who has always been in chaos and abandoned her. If she really becomes a couple with Mingyue girl, she will be good to her!

   Feng Nanming's most entangled thing now is that according to the information he knows, Mingyue girl is not a casual person.

   In the past three years, she has never had a scandal.

   Is it a bit rude to give someone a girl a drink when they meet for the first time, and even ask someone to drink it together?

   Will there be some frustration, making people think that I am the kind of obsessive disciple?

   Frankly speaking, Feng Nanming is very nervous now.

   He even regrets a bit, he shouldn't be so abrupt and listen to the stupid ideas of those juniors!

   In case Mingyue is really upset, Fengmou bought the Xingyue Guqin for a big price, wouldn't it be given away for nothing?

   blunder, blunder!


   Just when Feng Nanming was struggling, the door of Yajian was knocked.

   Ji Mingyue’s maid slowly walked into the room with a tangled look on her face.

   Feng Nanming quickly asked: "What did she say, Miss Mingyue?"

   The maid said helplessly: "The son is not anxious, Miss Mingyue is receiving other distinguished guests, and I will reply to you later."

   Is she receiving other distinguished guests?

   Feng Nanming was stupid and stood still.

   He thought about being rejected because of rudeness, and also thought about being favored because of bravery.

   But I didn't expect it to be the result.

  "Ms Mingyue is receiving other distinguished guests? Isn't Fengmou counted as a distinguished guest?"

   The other juniors of Ryeyan Peak are still in the private room, and Feng Nanming is also a face-saving person. At this time, his face is already flushed with shame and anger.

   The maid’s face is full of embarrassment, after all, she is just a weak and helpless girl!

   "Master Feng, don't get angry."

   "Ms. Mingyue has never seen a guest in three years, and I don't know why she made an exception."

   Feng Nan smirked and laughed: "I have never seen a guest in the past three years, but when I invited her, did she happen to be receiving other guests?"

   The younger brother next to him seemed to think of something: "Senior brother, will it be Jiang Shengxie?"

   Feng Nanming thoughtfully, coldly snorted: "Go, find that kid Jiang Shengxie to settle the account!

   Asshole, dare to **** women from brother?


   People who practice fire attribute techniques tend to be more irritable than other monks.

   Especially, Feng Nanming has not been going well in the past few years, and has been compared in various ways in Aojian Fairy Gate.

  What about Li Hanguang? Even Ye Chengying surpassed you.

   It's fine now, Jiang Shengxie, a guy with a kidney deficiency, dare to climb on Feng Mou's head and grab a woman from Feng Mou?

   Today, Feng must let him know why the fairy gate flowers are so red!

  The group walked aggressively to the room where Jiang Shengxie was. Feng Nanming lifted his foot and wanted to kick the door directly.

   But then, I slowly let go.

   "In front of Miss Mingyue, we still have to retain some demeanor."

   Feng Nanming forced a smile on his face under the pressure of anger.


   The door was knocked, and Jiang Shengxie in the room was instructing Chu Xiao to practice various postures!

   Hearing the knock on the door, his eyes lit up suddenly: "Could it be that someone left after listening to the girl Mingyue playing the piano and left a high-quality girl?"

   Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "Come in!"

   The door slowly opened, and Jiang Shengxie habitually began to look from the thigh: "Hey, why isn't it transparent? Who insults in such a thick dress!"

   Further up, the corners of his mouth twitched, and helplessly said: "Brother Feng, why are you?"

  As soon as Feng Nanming entered the private room, his eyes dropped, but he soon discovered that there were three big masters in this empty private room.

   His face was ugly, and he snorted coldly, "Junior Brother Jiang, have you ever seen Miss Mingyue?"

   Jiang Shengxie was stunned, and said, "I haven't seen it."

   Feng Nanming looked at Jiang Shengxie's relaxed appearance, and couldn't help but get angry.

   But soon, he laughed again.

   After all, Feng just gave a Xingyue Guqin, knowing that Miss Mingyue was so annoyed when she was with other guests, what about Junior Brother Jiang!

  The things he gave, seem to be more expensive than the Xingyue Guqin!

   If Junior Brother Jiang knew that Miss Mingyue had accepted his great gift, and turned around to accompany another man, wouldn’t it be an instant madness?

   People are like this, as long as others are worse than me, then I feel much better in my heart.


   Thinking of this, Feng Nanming smiled and said, "What if you win? The guests that Miss Mingyue is receiving at this time are neither you nor me!"

   Jiang Shengxie frowned slightly: "Ms Mingyue is receiving guests?"

   Feng Nanming nodded: "I just asked her to have a drink, but the maid said she was receiving other guests."

   He sneered and said, "Fengmou thought that this other guest was Junior Brother Jiang, now it seems, hahaha, it's not!"

  Mingyue girl will pick up guests?


   Jiang Shengxie said indifferently: "I don't know why the brother still Obviously, people just don't want to talk to you, so I made up a guest and pretended to have an appointment."

   "Senior brother is still a virgin, and may not know women well. This woman usually meets someone who is particularly annoying to make appointments with her, and often likes to say that she has an appointment."


   Feng Nanming's mouth twitched slightly, only feeling a cloud of anger hitting the sky.

   He doesn't understand, why is Jiang Shengxie so calm!

  Obviously he is also an oiran suitor, and the gift he gave is more expensive than Fengmou, so why don't he care?

   Didn’t he make an appointment with Mingyue girl after giving such an expensive gift?

   Isn't he rejected?


   The more calm Jiang Shengxie was, the more annoyed Feng Nanming felt.

   At this moment, an ethereal piano sound suddenly sounded in the high-rise room of Lanyue Tower.

   is still "Guanghan Mingyuexin", but this time there is no singing, only the purest beautiful music.

   is so wonderful that only Oiran Mingyue can play it.

   She is there!

   Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of Kotoe, but suddenly realized that it was not the Oiran Pavilion.

   At this moment, an angry loud shout rang out.

   "This **** is actually hosting other guests?!!!"

   Everyone looked around, but saw that it was Jiang Shengxie who was talking, and he was full of anger at this time!

   Holding the sharp-edged sword of Zhenmo, Jiang Shengxie directly rushed out of the room and rushed in the direction from the sound of the piano.


   Looking at Jiang Shengxie aggressively, Feng Nanming suddenly felt comfortable.

   This kind of reaction is reasonable!


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