Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 11: Hexia enjoys the cool, countless merits!

   "Small, the structure is smaller."

   Seeing Chu Xiaolian’s face full of doubts and disapproval, Li Hanguang calmly said: "Have you ever been hungry?"

  Chu Xiaolian was taken aback for a while, and shook his head honestly: "I have never been hungry."

   After all, he is the third young master of the Chu family in Hongcheng.

   Hongcheng Chu Family is far from being compared with Aojian Immortal Gate, but it is definitely a family of cultivating immortals.

The    family has thousands of acres of sacred land and a large number of other types of industries.

   Even in the world of cultivating immortals, Chu Xiaolian is a rich second-generation figure!

   Even if he is down, he is still the son of the landlord’s family, and it is impossible for him to be reduced to the point where he can’t even afford to eat.

   Li Hanguang sighed: "Do you know how many countries are there in Tai Cang Mansion?"

  Chu Xiaolian thought for a while, and said, "The power of Tai Cang Mansion is roughly divided into one holy land, seven immortal gates, and hundreds of thousands of kingdoms."

   Li Hanguang nodded: "Yes, there are thousands of mundane countries in Tai Cang Mansion!"

   "Every country has a population ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions. How can there be hundreds of billions of Li people in total."

  Chu Xiaolian froze slightly: "Is that so many?"

   Just like dragons rarely care about ants, so immortal cultivators rarely care about ordinary people.

   Listening to Li Hanguang's introduction, Chu Xiaolian was a little puzzled, why the elder brother wanted to investigate these things specially.

   Li Hanguang sighed and said, "Do you know why there are thousands of nations in one mansion?"

   Within one province, why are there thousands of countries?

   Chu Xiaolian was puzzled: "Because there is not a strong enough country to unify all countries?"


   "In Taicang Mansion, the holy land is exclusive!"

   Li Hanguang calmly said: "Tai Cang Holy Land sends a saint at will, and it can sweep across a thousand countries and unify Tai Cang Mansion."

   "The so-called ‘thousand army’ in the common world is vulnerable to immortal cultivators."

   "Why, Tai Cang Holy Land and the Seven Great Immortals have chosen to sit and watch thousands of countries stand side by side and let them fight and kill each other?"

   "The number of Li people who die every year in the war is probably no less than billions!"

   Chu Xiaolian was stunned.

  He never thought about these problems.

   He bowed to Li Hanguang earnestly: "Please, big brother give pointers."

   Li Hanguang looked at the rice field in front of him: "Because of the barren land, it is impossible to feed these hundreds of millions of Li people."

   "Three years ago, Li once went down the mountain to experience the farming situation in several nearby countries."

   "The people in most countries have only one or two mu of land in each household, and the total annual grain output is only about two to three hundred catties."

   "Even if all these grains belong to the people, it will not be enough to eat."

   "Moreover, all of these grains cannot be eaten. Some of them must be stored to deal with accidents, such as floods, droughts, locusts and other natural disasters."

   "If you only rely on farming to produce grain to satisfy your hunger, you will not be able to feed a family normally, especially a family with many children.

   In Li Hanguang's eyes, there was a deep sorrow from the heart.

   He sighed: "I have seen families abandon their newborn babies in the ice and snow because of insufficient food."

   "I have also seen some village customs. Every time an old man reaches a certain age, even if he is healthy, he will still be sent to a crock grave and wait for death in despair."

   "If you encounter a severe disaster year and there is no harvest of large-scale particles, it will be even more terrible."

   "Some people eat Guanyin soil to swell their stomachs, some eat poisonous weeds and drink poison to quench their thirst, and some even eat by changing their children!"

   Chu Xiao Lian's body was shaken: "This, how is this possible! Are they inhumane?"

   Li Hanguang calmly said: "You never endured that kind of hunger."

   "In extreme hunger, the evil of human nature will be aroused thousands of times. This is a beast that morality cannot restrain!"

   "Now, let's deduce the previous guess."

   "If Tai Cang Holy Land comes forward and completely unifies these thousands of countries, it may be possible to form a short-term peace and avoid billions of war casualties each year."

   "But it's just a flash in the pan."

   "The people of Li people are not like immortal cultivators, they can go to heaven and earth, have adventures, and live a wonderful and exciting life."

   "They have nothing to do, they can only have children at home and play."

   "In such a few decades, the number of mortals will show a spurt of growth, there will be fewer fields per capita, and more people will be trapped and hungry."

   "If there is another disaster year, the people who starve to death may not be as simple as billions."

   "It's tens of billions, even tens of billions!"


  Chu Xiaolian swallowed, and the whole person was completely shocked by the huge number.

   No matter how slow he is, he no longer understands people's livelihood.

   However, the impact caused by tens of billions of lives can still shock him.

   He muttered to himself, thinking of a cruel fact: "War is the fastest and most direct way to reduce the population."

   "At the same time, it is also an important way to vent the desires of ordinary people. Through war, you can plunder other countries' land and food and transfer hatred."

   "While men fight at the border all the year round, they can also be isolated from their wives for a long time, avoiding a significant increase in the number of children."

   "So, in fact, the so-called Thousand Nations War is essentially still population control?"

   Li Hanguang nodded: "Junior Brother Chu, you finally realize it."

   "Is this the essence of the world?"

  Chu Xiaolian was unacceptable: "It's too cruel. Could it be that the sacred land immortal gate has been pushing behind the chaos of war for thousands of years?"

   Chu Xiaolian is doubting life.

   It is as if you suddenly discovered one day that your ancestors are actually terrorists who are ruining the world.

   That kind of feeling will never feel good!

   Li Hanguang shook his head and said: "I don't think that these war chaos are driven by immortal cultivators."

   "I believe even more that'the general trend of the world ~ divided for a long time must be united, and a long time must be divided' is the number of days, and the wars and chaos of a thousand countries are the result of natural selection."

   "Perhaps both the Holy Land and the Immortal Gate have compassion. They want to solve these problems, but how easy is it to go against the sky?"

  Chu Xiaolian thoughtfully: "It's indeed going against the sky!"

   "If the food problem is not resolved in one day, wars and divisions will not stop, but will only loop indefinitely."

   "This problem cannot be solved by the Supreme Lord, nor can the Haoran Sword Saint."

   Li Hanguang nodded: "There is no right or wrong in war, only standpoint."

   "As long as the problem of survival cannot be solved, the war will never stop!"

   "The so-called'number of days', in the final analysis, is the contradiction between land, population and food."

   Chu Xiaolian seemed to have figured out something, and slapped her thigh abruptly.

   "So, as long as everyone can use their own fields to grow enough food, that's it?"

   Chu Xiaolian suddenly enlightened: "I understand!"

   "The Dao ancestor that the brother said, solved this problem."

   "He cultivated giant rice to completely solve the problem of insufficient food?"

   Li Hanguang nodded slowly: "In that ancient history, there are hundreds of millions of common people, but no one starved to death."

   "War chaos has also been drastically reduced, and people all over the world live and work in peace and contentment."

   "The road does not pick up things, the house is not closed at night, the old has something to end, the strong have some use, the young have some strength, what is called..."

   "The world is in harmony!"

  Chu Xiaolian was shocked: "Hundreds of millions of Li people, no one starved to death, it is incredible! Is it the fairyland there?"


   Li Hanguang looked at Chu Xiaolian deeply and picked up a rice ear: "That's not the fairy world."

   "As long as my young people work together, that will be the world of the future!"

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