Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 38: For the father to be careless, there is no flash!

   Li Hanguang knows very well that he now looks better.

   Really fight, a weak batch.

   If the old man follows the standards of the Golden Core Period and Yuan Ying Period, compare his cultivation.

   I am afraid that a single sword can cut off his head!

   Fortunately, Li had already prepared.

   There was a look of embarrassment on his face: "Father, my child is now walking on the road of transformation, and it is not suitable to cast spells."

   Li Zhanlu looked at his son.

   He could clearly feel that Li Hanguang had a secret in his heart and didn't tell him.

   But this is normal. After all, 16 or 17-year-old young boys are the most rebellious when they are the most rebellious. It is unreasonable to have no little secrets.

   "It's okay!"

   Li Zhanlu calmly said: "It is not suitable to cast spells, then let my father see if your swordsmanship has grown!"

   For a swordsman, his usual practice habits will be incorporated into his own blood.

   If Guang'er has really come into contact with Haoran sword sage Yan Chixiao in the past few years, he has even accepted the guidance of Yan's predecessor.

   Then his swordsmanship style will definitely be affected by it, and he can see the shadow of the opponent.

   As one of the most powerful top swordsmen in the Eastern Wilderness.

   Li Zhanlu is sure to analyze a lot of things through a few clues.

   Moreover, he himself is also very curious about Li Hanguang's progress over the past few years, and wants to see if his son has been lazy in the past few years.


   "That's the case, please suppress the cultivation base to the fourth level of Qi refining."

   Li Hanguang bit his scalp and said: "The child's way of transforming the mortal is not yet stable, but if you only use the fourth level of refining mana, the impact will not be great."

   When he said this, Li Hanguang was still quite sure.

   Because after Chu Xiaolian put forward the concept of "Hua Fan", Li Hanguang went to the library that night.

   He carefully looked through all the secrets, experience of predecessors, and notes of Huafan in Aojian Fairy Gate from beginning to end.

   Although there are very few people who take the road to Huafan, the predecessors of Aojian Immortal Sect can't find a few people in the same way.

   Therefore, there are not many records about "Hua Fan" in the fairy gate.

   But these materials are enough to greatly improve Li Hanguang's understanding of the'Hua Fan' monk.

   Ancient books record that the strong of Huafan often like to travel in the red dust.

   They may pretend to be a butcher, or they may be an alcoholic, or even a teacher in a college.

   Or rather, it's not a disguise.

  They are experiencing the life of ordinary people, integrating themselves into the mundane world, experiencing the life of all tastes, and understanding the fundamentals of humanity.

   These people hardly use any mana on weekdays.

  Because the closer to ordinary people, the longer they experience the life and perception of ordinary people, the faster their Taoism will grow.

   And once the mana is used, it will naturally cause the mood to be completely different from that of mortals.

   By then, the realm will be broken.

   If you want to return to the state where you once ‘mortal dust enters the Tao’, it may take several months or even years of precipitation.

   And entering that state again, it is definitely not better to maintain the effect continuously.

   So, his proposal is completely reasonable.

   He doesn't believe that his father can force him to destroy Daoji in order to test him!


   Sure enough, Li Zhanlu did not refuse Li Hanguang's request.

  He gently stroked his sleeves, and countless flying snow on the top of Hanhaijin instantly gathered together.

   In an instant, it turned into two crystal clear ice swords, shining with crystal luster.

   The magic is that these two swords are obviously made of cold ice, but the temperature is completely restrained, and no chill is released.

   "Just use this sword, let the father see your progress."

   Li Zhanlu holds the sword in his right hand, and his left hand is behind him, the green shirt is dancing in the wind, Yuan Zhao Yue Zhi.

   A great master style!

   The breath exuding from his whole body is also rapidly decreasing, and it is quickly suppressed to the third level of Qi Refining.

   "For the father, I only use the three-level cultivation base of refining qi."

   Li Zhan Lu Jian pointed at Li Hanguang, calmly said: "If you can survive a hundred moves under my sword, I will accept the Chu family boy, otherwise let him go back!"

   Li Zhanlu's voice is calm and indifferent.

   He also worried that his son would deliberately hide the swordsmanship or methods Yan Chixiao taught him.

   So, he has to go all out!

  Only under the circumstance of making all-out efforts, some unobvious flaws will be exposed.

   Let him be sure of some things!


   Under the father's sword of the third level of Qi training, have you survived a hundred moves?

   Li Hanguang was a little unbelievable.

   This test is too simple!

   If it were placed three years ago, Li Hanguang would not be so sure.

   After all, the prestige of Li Zhanlu, the sword sovereign of Hanhai, was spelled out by real swords and swords.

   Even if he is allowed to use the fourth level of Qi-refining cultivation base to learn from Hanhai Sword Sovereign, he can have an advantage in cultivation base.

   But this point of cultivation advantage cannot equal the gap in the quality of sword spirit and the gap in the understanding of kendo.

   In that year, Li Hanguang and Li Zhanlu were in the same class more than once.

   I get hanged almost every time~

   But now, he is no longer the boy he used to be.

After    got the bronze seal, Li Hanguang was reborn!

   The aura formed by the fusion of the five elements aura will never lose to Li Zhanlu's kendo true qi in terms of ‘quality’.

   Three years of continuous improvement and perfect swordsmanship will not lose to Li Zhanlu.

   Even Jian Yi, Li Hanguang can rub his father on the ground!

   At the same level, Li Hanguang couldn't think of how he could lose.

  Of course~

   Losing is hard to lose, and winning is definitely not possible.

   Still the same sentence, after all, my father.

   has to save him so much face.


   doesn't press the old man to fight, try his best to maintain a close match with the old man.

   Take care of the self-esteem of the father!

   should be fine!


   With a decision in his heart, Li Hanguang picked up the ice long sword inserted on the ground and bowed to Li Zhanlu.

   "Father, please give me some advice!"

   The voice just Li Hanguang has already swung the ice sword and stab Li Zhanlu.

   He didn't take advantage, and he used the three-layer Qi refining cultivation base.

   "Yanghe sunset?"

   Li Zhanlu's eyes flickered, revealing a deep disappointment.

   Changhe Jianqi is one of the five highest and deepest peerless sword scriptures in Aojian Immortal, and it is naturally equipped with swordsmanship.

   Changhe sunset is a very practical trick in Changhe swordsmanship.

  This trick uses water-attribute aura to attach to the sword body, condensing the afterglow of the sword shadow, just like the setting sun in the water will disperse when it touches, and it is difficult to distinguish true from false.

   The real sword body is hidden behind the afterglow of the sword shadow, and it can deliver a fatal blow at any time.

   This move is a powerful move to lure the enemy into deep, a fatal blow!

   But what did this reversal look like?

   Li Zhanlu's face sank almost instantly.

   Li Hanguang’s "Changhe Sunset Yen" does not add any special effects.

   The ice long sword pierced Li Zhanlu straight, even without a back hand at all.

   If Li Zhanlu is willing, even with the spiritual power of one level of Qi refining, he can easily use this trick.

   Then, he pierced the long sword in his hand into Li Hanguang's throat!


   What the **** have you been doing for three years!

   Swordsmanship has regressed so much?

   Li Zhanlu snorted coldly, stood still, the long sword in his right hand came first, and the sword move of Li Hanguang's forward stabbing was swung away.


   Hmm~ Then, there is no more~

  Looking at the long sword of cold ice that hung across his neck, Li Zhanlu stunned.

who am I?

where am I?

   What just happened?


  嚓, this Nizi was tricky just now with that trick~

   Lee was careless, no flashes!

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