Immortal Emperor’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 28: This girl picked up the guest and didn't have time to talk to him!

   Yes, this person is Li Hanguang.

   He came to Lan Yuelou this time to find Ji Mingyue.

   Ji Mingyue is definitely one of the most important core leeks for Li Hanguang.

   The cause and effect of things are a long story.


   Three years ago, as soon as Li Hanguang was recognized as the master of the bronze seal, he recruited bees and butterflies in the Aojian Immortal Gate, and angered his favor.

   Except for Feng Nanming, the old Tsundere, the other Four Peaks True Inheritance disciples have almost all been attacked.

   While attacking Jiang Shengxie, Li Hanguang chose to take him to the Moon Tower.

   For the **** young man: we went to the window together, got dirty together, carried guns together, and prostituted together.

   These are the four irons of life, the easiest to cultivate friendship!

   Jiang Shengxie has a body of yin and gold, and has been confused and infatuated since he was a child. The closed room is full of papers crumpled up.

   After being taken to Lanyue Tower by Li Hanguang, Jiang Shengxie directly opened the door to the new world.

   After that, this kid called Li Hanguang an admiration!

   That belief value is going up swiftly, so I almost call Li Hanguang a godfather.

   At that time, Li Hanguang discovered that there were many girls with low-grade spiritual root cultivating physique in Lanyue Tower.

   Li Hanguang is kind, and thinks these poor beautiful sisters can help as much as they can.

   But he can't directly say that the young lady has a lot of water spirits.

   After all, Li Hanguang didn't want others to know the secret of the bronze seal.

   So he thought hard and worked hard day and night, and after many days he finally launched the "face value spiritual root theory".

   His'guess': Among the girls with good looks, the probability of having immortal seedlings is also high, and together with Jiang Shengxie, they stole the Zongmensi Lingshi.

   In the end, 12 low-grade spiritual roots and one middle-grade spiritual root were excavated from more than 100 girls in Lanyue Tower.

   But this is not the most important thing.

   What surprises Li Hanguang most is that this little girl named "Ji Mingyue" is not only as simple as the middle-grade Jin Linggen.

   She also possesses the special physique of the ‘Miaoyin Divine Body’, and she is innately close to various Dao Miaoyin.

If    can successfully awaken, he will definitely be the top talent in the entire Eastern Desolation and even the Five Domains!

   Therefore, Li Hanguang was very excited.

   immediately expressed his willingness to take Ji Mingyue into the Aojian Immortal Sect as an inner disciple.

   As for the "True Disciple", according to Ji Mingyue's true talent, it is definitely more than enough.

   But the problem is that Li Hanguang can't explain it!

  The more advanced the physique, the deeper it is to hide before awakening, and the wonderful sound divine body is much stronger than the gluttonous bloodline and the yin-gold body.

   will hide deeper before awakening.

   gluttonous blood and the body of yin and gold, can also be said to be getting along with the two juniors day and night, many observations and discoveries.

   But Ji Mingyue's wonderful sound body, he can never see it at a glance!

   More importantly, as far as Li Hanguang knows, the magical body is the inheritance of the magical sacred place.

   Once exposed, it is bound to attract the attention of the Holy Land of Wonderful Music, and there will be twists and turns in the event.

   By then, his background may not be able to cover it!


   So the best way is to let Ji Mingyue worship Jin Xuanfeng, the elder Jin Feng, for the time being with the aptitude of ‘medium-grade Jin Linggen’.

   Wait for Li Hanguang to recover his cultivation base, and then find a way to create opportunities to help Ji Mingyue awaken.

   But Ji Mingyue refused. She felt that after worshipping Jin Xuanfeng, she was just an ordinary disciple of the inner sect.

   And Li Hanguang, is the legendary big brother of Aojian Immortal Gate.

   The difference in strength and status of Tianyuan is destined to make it difficult for her to get close to him again.

  Instead of this, it is better to stay in the Lanyue Tower, do things for the brother, and help the brother run the intelligence agency.

   You might get closer like this!

   Finally, Li Hanguang agreed.

   Before leaving, Li Hanguang accompanied Ji Mingyue for three days and three nights.

   Don’t be crooked, both of them were just 13-year-old boys and girls!

   In the past three days, Li Hanguang racked his brains and wrote down all the guqin music and ancient style music that can still be recalled.

   I hope she can awaken the divine body through these songs.

   This is also thanks to Li Hanguang's "Piano Mastery" from Ji Mingyue, otherwise he doesn't even know anything about drawing music.

   In short, before leaving, Li Hanguang actually came to Ji Mingyue once, and instilled like crazy.

   I'm full!

   But among these songs, she likes "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" the most, because the content starts with a bright moon.

   And the ‘should not have hatred’’, ‘people have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy, clear and lacking’, and ‘I hope that people will be long, a thousand miles of chaojuan’ are all written in her heart.

   This girl thinks that this poem was specially written by Li Hanguang to comfort her.

   Then, the faith value increased even faster.

   is worth mentioning, because "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" is the name of the lyrics and has nothing to do with the content of the lyrics and music.

   So Li Hanguang directly changed its name and named it "Guanghan Mingyuexin".

   Well, it’s kind of second, but Ji Mingyue likes it very much.

   Li Hanguang quietly listened to this music, and his heart was rare and completely settled.

   I have to say that this wonderful sound divine body has something, even if it hasn't awakened yet, it still brings Ji Mingyue's unparalleled talent for sound.

   Listening to Ji Mingyue playing the piano and singing can make people feel peaceful and peaceful.

   No wonder, since ancient times, the awakened "Miaoyin Divine Body" of the Miaoyin Saintess, if she talks to persuade her, few Tianjiao will not give face.


   On the other side, in the Oiran Pavilion.

   Ji Mingyue wears white neon clothes with fluttering belts, like a fairy falling in the dust.

   But on top of her head, a hairpin was inserted carefully and upright, without any spiritual fluctuations, and the style was not outstanding.

   Xingyue Guqin was placed aside and did not play, she was playing her own.

   Although the quality is not as good as the Xingyue Guqin, it has a feel after all, and Ji Mingyue does not want to change it immediately.

   "I hope that people will be long, and we will be beautiful for thousands of miles~"

   The sound is like a clear spring, the nightingale sings, and Ji Mingyue has the final ending sound.

  The wonderful piano music came to an She could faintly hear it, and the guests downstairs praised it without hesitation.

   These compliments can't make Ji Mingyue's mood fluctuate at all.

   She looked at the small jade box on the table and carefully put it in her arms.

   "Big brother, I really didn't forget me, he was only in retreat for the first two years!"

   "Although this Zhu Chai is a mortal handicraft, it looks exquisite and beautiful, and the big brother's vision is really unique!"

   Ji Mingyue, full of praise!

   At that moment, the inner door of the Oiran Pavilion opened, and another maid walked into the pavilion.

   She held a letter in her hand and handed it to Ji Mingyue: "Girl, this is a young man wearing a mask. Let me pass it on to you."

   The masked son?

   Ji Mingyue took the envelope suspiciously, and opened it: "I haven't seen it in three years, I really miss it. I'm in the first room of Tianzi, waiting for you!"

  天字, the first room? ! ! !

It's him!

   Ji Mingyue's delicate body trembled slightly, and her whole body froze in place.


   "Who is this? It is so rude! The girl is pure and clean, how can you..."

   The little maid is muttering!

   Suddenly, seeing the girl who has always been indifferent like water, her face flushed.

   She carried her Yaoqin on her back and was about to run outside the Oiran Pavilion. After thinking about it, she turned around and took the Xingyue Guqin together before leaving.

   The little maid was stunned: "Girl, where are you going?"

   Mingyue's voice came: "Go and meet an old person!"

   The little maid said, "But, Mr. Feng just now asked me to send a letter. He has prepared a daughter red for 80 years and wants to respect you from the door."

   Mingyue’s voice has faded away: "Just tell him that this girl is picking up guests."

   "I have no time to talk to him now!"

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