I’m Working As a Renter In An Unfinished Building

Chapter 213: Free-range Chicken Becomes Mountain Chicken

"Huh? Are you sure he wants to buy it?!"

Zhao Dongliang was working, when he received a call from his father, he was shocked to learn that the man wanted to buy a catty of fish food.

"Did you tell them the price?"

"I told you!" Zhao Guohai was also speechless, "I also told him that it costs eight hundred a catty!"

"Eight hundred?"

Zhao Dongliang was also dumbfounded, "You offered this price, but he still wants to buy it?"

"That's right." Zhao Guohai was also convinced, "I told them that the price is expensive because the production is difficult. But they said it's okay, they want to buy it anyway."

"..." Zhao Dongliang was speechless.

Difficulties are not too difficult, except that Xiao Yijing handles the most important Houttuynia cordata by herself, and he is responsible for the rest.

Although it is a bit cumbersome, it is not complicated and easy to use, but the production process is rather boring.

"But, we don't have any goods here either! How can we sell them?" Zhao Dongliang also had a headache, why did his father do these things for himself.

"I can't help it." Zhao Guohai also had a headache, "Who would have thought that they would do such a thing just to order tea? They have to deal with you life and death."

He sighed, "We're all friends, so we can't forcefully refuse. Ask your boss if you'd like to sell them some."

"..." What could Zhao Dongliang say, "Forget it, I'll ask our boss."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Zhao Dongliang's sad face, Liang Shenyu couldn't help but care.

"It's all my dad..."

Zhao Dongliang told this matter.

After listening, Liang Shenyu suddenly understood, "They want to establish a good relationship with you, and then ask you to help buy tea!"

Zhao Dongliang looked at Liang Shenyu with admiration. He didn't make it so clear just now, but Liang Shenyu was still able to sum up the key points.

"This is indeed the case." Zhao Dongliang nodded.

"Sure enough, Ah Jing's product must be a high-quality product!" Liang Shenyu sighed, "I sent the tea to my brother before, and my brother's attitude towards me has improved a lot, and he is willing to give me a little amount."

Before his elder brother cut off his card, he was asked to work here for food and clothing.

This time he borrowed money from his cousin to buy tea and sent it to his eldest brother and parents.

They all had good reviews on these teas and liked them very much.

No, when the eldest brother was satisfied, he showed mercy and gave him a little quota, at least he didn't have to ask other people for help without spending a little money.

The eldest brother also said that if he came across any good things in the future, he should hurry up, because the things here are very good.

Liang Shenyu was also very happy, and even more fortunate that he had acted decisively before.

Otherwise, he doesn't know when he can let his elder brother let him go!

However, although he had some money, he still did not leave the villa.

It's a problem that his hand is not well, the point is that he is also a little reluctant to leave here.

He has lived here for so long, and he is used to the life here where he goes to bed early and gets up early. Working here every day has also changed from being disgusted and disgusted to a habit.

Now he feels uncomfortable all day if he doesn't work.

"They want to buy fish food, but all the fish food I bought before have been sold." Zhao Dongliang looked worried, "Ah Jing will definitely not agree to continue."

From the discussion of the people around and his observation, Xiao Yijing is a person who doesn't like trouble.

She is a salted fish who doesn't even make money!

If he had such skills, he would have made a fortune with them!

"That's not necessarily true." Liang Shenyu comforted him, "Go and ask, anyway, there is no loss in asking."

"All right." Zhao Dongliang nodded.

"Then I'll go find her."

"Don't worry." Liang Shenyu stopped him, "Let's finish the work first."

Zhao Dongliang: "..."

"No way, who let Manman go?"

Liang Shenyu shrugged, "She is going to participate in other shows, and Xiaomei is leaving with her, leaving me and you. Do you have the heart to see me busy and exhausted by myself?"

Su Keman took Xiaomei to the show yesterday.

After the previous episode of "Country Fields" was broadcast, Su Keman's performance in the show received a lot of praise, and even made several hot searches!

Her movement of catching chickens inside is so skillful that one wonders if she is practicing catching chickens every day.

In other words, her family raises chickens.

In the show, a few chickens ran into the house, leaving behind pools of watery feces.

Then, she went directly to find a little soil, covered up the feces, let the soil absorb water and then cleaned it up, and the ground was instantly clean.

This move is really too peasant, and it was directly on the hot search.

This kind of thing is not for everyone, unless someone who has raised chickens at home will understand this operation.

Most people just scoop it up with a shovel. But that would make it all over the place, which would be even more disgusting.

This is a slow-paced variety show in the countryside, and Su Keman's performance in it is very good.

No, another show came to find her.

Su Keman doesn't want to go out, but she is still a big star, so she can't just retire like this, right?

What's more, Qi Yunmeng flew back specially to arrest her and go to work.

Only then did Liang Shenyu know that Qi Yunmeng still had such a cruel side, and that women who could become gold medal managers were indeed terrifying!

No, Su Keman took Xiaomei out, Liang Shenyu and Zhao Dongliang were the only ones left in the chicken farm.

Xia Zhengting would occasionally come over to help, but most of the time he helped pick up eggs.

All his thoughts were on instructing the two chefs on their cooking skills.

After all, his main job is chef and owner, and he has made great contributions to the villa, while Liang Shenyu is a homeless man!

"Okay, I get it, I'll leave after I'm done." Zhao Dongliang glanced at Liang Shenyu who was afraid that he would leave, and nodded helplessly.

"Clack cluck!"






Soon, the flock of chickens ran back, followed by four dogs.

The pig's head drove the chickens behind, the two little milk dogs followed, and the black rice followed.

Looking at the big, medium and small dogs, Zhao Dongliang and Liang Shenyu couldn't help but smile.

In the past few days, Heimi may have awakened the blood of shepherds and began to take the initiative to herd chickens.

It's grown up and wiser.

No, it doesn't fight with the chickens anymore, but drives them up and down, changing from free-range chickens to mountain chickens.

As long as they don't get into fights, Black Rice is not afraid of them.

Oh, yes, the reason why it can make the chickens obey so quickly is thanks to Dahua's help.

I don't know how Heimi and Dahua communicate. Obviously the species are different, and the language should not be fluent, but a dog and a snake joined forces.

As soon as such a big flower appeared, the chickens were frightened and flew all over the sky.

Then, Heimi roared from the side, chasing after him.

Soon, the black rice subdued these chickens of different sizes!

The chickens are obedient, and the pig who has watched everything is even more obedient.

As for the two puppies, of course Hemi is the boss.

No, the chicken flock is particularly orderly these days!

"Okay, I'll go find Ah Jing."


Hearing the master's name, Heimi immediately ran over with three younger brothers, happily leading the way.

Thank you [Xiao Xi] for the reward of 200 book coins, love you so much~!

I thought that the tip whose name I couldn't find before was yours, but I found the statistics today, and I tipped three yesterday! ! The other one still can't find the name! What a miraculous operation!

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