Bell who had taken off his shirt was sitting on the ground with his back to the man, and Hestia was dripping blood on Bell’s back, and the pale white light curtain had slowly appeared. Now what Hestia did was update Bell’s data and then link Bell to the Dagger. In this way, Bell became the only user of the knife.

It was only when she updated the data for Bell that Hestia looked at the extra magic on the data in a daze. Hestia remembered that Bell hadn’t been to the dungeon for three days since he started forging weapons. After completing the forging of the weapon, Bell fainted for a day, and then slept an extra day for reasons of unknown significance. So why did Bell, who did not leave the room, awaken a new magic?

“Hephaestus, come and see.”

Something went wrong again?

Hephaestus subconsciously glanced at Bell with his back to him. Ever since the child had become Hestia’s dependent, she had felt that she could get some surprises every day. I took a step forward and looked at the data behind Bell. A new magic appeared, which made Hephaestus blush.

“Another magic?”

“Royal Thunder”:

Quick Attack Magic

Envoy Lightning

Very simple introduction.

But sometimes the simpler the introduction, the more problematic it is. The favor system only gave such information, not even the spell that used magic. What does this mean? This means that there is no need for spells to use this magic at all. This alone made this magic stand on a high ground in countless magics.

There is also the fact that the type of magic is not written clearly at all, or that the name of this magic has already introduced this magic clearly enough. “Imperial Thunder”, the magic of Imperial Lightning. You must know that the use of the term “royal envoy” is too broad, but this magic is written so ambiguously. This means that the scope of application is very extensive, and it is not even limited to any direction. Another reason enough to push this magic to a high level.

There is no need to recite incantations and use the scope is not limited, this is how the magic of this “Royal Thunder” gives Hephaestus feeling. Even Hephaestus knew that such a wide range of uses could give this magic a high upward space. However, this kind of magic is different from traditional magic, perhaps not chanting spells and not limiting the scope of use make this magic upper limit very high, but the lower limit will also scare people to death.

“It all depends on the degree to which the individual has developed this magic.” As long as the depth of development is enough, then the scope of use of this magic will be very extensive. But if it is not well developed, then the lower limit of this magic will also be frightening.”

“This kind of magic may be the best choice for an adventurer.” Combat magic is magic that requires functional development in actual combat. But this magic is too new for a newcomer.”

Hephaestus could see the depth of this magic, and could see that this magic could make an adventurer go very deep. Maybe this is just a magic, but as long as you study the direction of this magic in depth, then this magic can be worth a hundred magics. This can be said to be a magic that puts hope in the future.

Hephaestus could see it, and naturally Hestia could see it too.

Almost after a short period of stunnedness, Hestia saw through the essence of this magic and saw that the future of this magic could take Bell far. But the point is that this magic is really low now, and it is very difficult for this magic to bring the most direct and substantial help to Bell.

“Put hope in the magic of the future.” Beljun, you’ve got another very sharp weapon. However, this magic could not immediately help Beljun increase his strength.”

The better the future prospects for this magic, the more it means that the magic is very wasted at first.

“The magic thing will wait until later to tell Beljun, the key now is to connect the short knife with Beljun’s favor.”

Hestia narrowed her mind and pulled the newly made short black knife out of its sheath. This was just an ordinary short knife from any place, but after it was stained with Hestia’s blood, the sacred words began to appear on the sword. The white light of the knife echoed the pale white light behind the bell.


Hestia connected the sacred words of the short knife with the sacred words behind the bell. Slowly, the sacred text on the short knife began to change slightly, and there was an extra line in the front, and this line of words also meant the completion of the inscription.

Hestia was relieved after completing the connection. Next, as long as Bell continues to grow, then this short knife will also grow with it. Now that the Dagger has synchronized Bell’s data, it will start to grow little by little in the next battle. It is believed that soon after, this knife will inevitably become Bell’s most important weapon after it officially grows up.

Hestia pressed the status bar back into the tattoo on Bell’s back.

“Beljun, it’s done.”

Bell nodded and began to put on the coat he had just taken off. After getting dressed, Bell turned around, and at the same time saw the short black knife that had been grabbed by Lord Shangshen in his hand. How to say it, a little different from his impression. The sacred words on the sword were hidden, unlike what he had known before. Bell clearly remembered that the sacred words on the sword had not been hidden in any way from the beginning, how could they have done such a good hiding now?

But that’s definitely good news. Ordinary things will not be remembered, even if they are just ordinary looking. In the original work, the male protagonist’s knife will be stared at by the villain because of the sacred words on the sword. Now this black short knife is only the appearance of an ordinary short knife, and at most it is just the body of the knife turning black.

Noticing Bell’s gaze, Hestia smiled and handed the short knife over.

“Bell Jun, this knife is also the knife we built together.” This knife is alive, as long as you use it for combat, then this short knife will grow little by little. I named it “Hestia’s Blade.” ”

“This is a weapon specially crafted by Hephaestus. Don’t look at it as just an ordinary black knife, but the materials used are not ordinary. And it also has two points: “not bad” and “growing”, and it does not even need to be maintained. As long as it is used continuously, it will become sharper little by little. ”

If there were other adventurers in Eurari who knew about the short and medium knives, they would be absolutely hungry or even drooling. “Not bad” is the best characteristic of a first-class weapon, which means that there is no need to replace the weapon frequently. “Growth” makes this weapon maintain its amazing sharpness without even needing maintenance.

And the knife was now in Bell’s hands.

PS: Favorite… Ask for flowers… Ask for evaluation

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