I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 482: Mo Yesi, you, what are you doing?

He wanted everyone to know that she was his Mo Yesi woman.

Before her, he had never had such a strong possessive desire for someone or something.

After her, he realized that his possessiveness would be almost abnormal.

Because sometimes, he even wanted to imprison her.

I want her to... be alone with him, no one can get close to her except him.

Of course, such thoughts just flashed through his mind.

He wouldn't really do it.

That kind of love is too selfish and too perverted. Only one party is satisfied, and the other party will suffer great harm.

And he, how to hurt her.

He restrained the ** in his heart, untied the seat belt attached to her, and took her from the car while she was asleep.


This sleep, Qiao Mianmian slept deeply.

She had a dream.

I dreamed that she had strayed into a dangerous mountain forest. There were beasts everywhere. A big tiger with green eyes spotted her and rushed towards her.

She screamed in fright and ran away after pulling her legs.

But where is her speed comparable to that of a tiger? Soon, she was caught up by the tiger.

The sturdy, shiny fur tiger stared at her with a grin, grunting at the throat and rushing towards her.

Qiao fell to the ground violently.

Hundreds of pounds of tiger rushed to her, making her almost breathless.

The overhanging tiger opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth.

When Qiao Mianmian felt that she was going to die, she closed her eyes in fear.

But the next second...

What awaits her is not the pain of being torn, but...

In the dream, Qiao Mianmian courageously opened his eyes in surprise, but saw that the tiger was licking her neck.

And the sharp claws did not tear her apart, just tore her clothes apart.

She felt her chest cool.

The tiger pressed her completely, and she became more breathless...

Qiao Mianmian woke up in a sense of suffocation. When she opened her eyes, she saw a black shadow above her head.

Is a man.

She almost screamed when she realized that she was pressed under a man.

She didn't raise her head until she heard a familiar breath at her nose, and looked at the man who pressed on her in amazement.

She met a pair of burning, dark eyes, and the dark reflection of the man's dark eyes reflected her amazed face.

Qiao Mianmian saw a deep ** from his eyes.

So deep... she was a little scared.

With one hand, the man is unbuttoning her pajamas, which has been unbuttoned halfway.

The loose robe on his body was mostly open, and Joe looked up, and he could see the strong and attractive muscles in his chest, and all the beautiful curves of his place from the clavicle to the abdominal muscles, to the mermaid line. .

She stared blankly for a few seconds, her nose was hot, and she looked a little dry.

Early in the morning, let her see such a seductive picture, her little heart can't bear such stimulation.

Wait, wrong!

Her focus should not be this.

Qiao Mianmian suddenly recovered from the beauty of temptation, opened his mouth, and said hoarsely: "Mo Yesi, you, what are you doing."

Over the top of the head, a moment after the man and she looked at each other, there was a low laugh in the throat: "Baby, what do you say I am doing?"

His voice was hoarse just after waking up, deep and sultry, and the baby shouted softly and spoiled.

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