I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 89: Strongest punch

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Soldiers from the Francis empire chased your friend and her mother, but because Nanko Taro was covering them both, he deliberately gave the auxiliary equipment that Takasaka Taka gave him to his friend, which also allowed them to escape A lot of danger.

The mechanical little tiger followed behind the mother and daughter, only as women and one of them was a child, so he was quickly caught up by the clesis soldiers.

When the Cleses soldiers were about to catch their friends who were following their mothers, the mechanical tiger suddenly released a thunderbolt of no small crisis from his body, and directly beat those Cleses soldiers out.

It's just that these thunderstorms are obviously Akasaka's own power, rather than the normal current that is usually displayed in front of people.

But this is not the point now, because no matter the black cat or the white cat, the one that can catch the mouse is the good cat. Although Akasaka Takashi opened it while manufacturing this mechanical tiger, it is now easy to use.

Even if they are weak, these kleisis soldiers are much stronger than ordinary humans, so they can attack them directly. Now Akasaka Takura wants to store them in such a can size.

"I don't know what the effect of my small canned machine is. In the communication with Brother Kotaro in the past few days, it seems that the offensive of the Clexis Empire is a bit slow." Takasaka stood by the window and looked outside thinking.

"Long, the hometown teacher is here."

As Akasaka looked towards Tokyo, the voice of Amyaka Amisaka came downstairs.

"Okay, I'm down." Takasaka heard this sentence and immediately responded aloud.

At the same time, Akasaka Takashi walked quickly to the door and opened the door of the room, preparing to go downstairs to pick up his hometown. Although his father knew his situation, his mother did not know.

So, some things have to be said in Akasaka Takashi’s room, and now this period is not an ordinary time. Nanguang Taro they have just been attacked by a new enemy, and now the origin of the enemy is just from Nanguang Taro. They learned a little bit there.

Well, since Hongo came to him, there must be something important, so that he has been discussing with other Showa knights recently how to deal with the hometown of the Francis Empire.

"Teacher." Takarazaka saw Meng Hongo in the living room downstairs and immediately walked over and nodded.

"Ms. Akasaka, I went upstairs with Takashi."

Seeing Akasaka Ryu approaching, Hongo stood up from the sofa and spoke politely to Yimei Akasaka.

"Well, go up quickly, don't delay your business." Akasaka also stood up and responded.

Hiroshi Hongo is a very gentleman's man, and for the Hiroshi gentleman, Yimei Akasaka is also very elegant, which will be most vividly expressed by the gentle and virtuous housewives' temperament.

Looking at the two people talking politely there, Akasaka Takashi said that he was already used to it.

After the two of them were polite there, Akasaka Takashi took Meng Hong upstairs and returned to his room, preparing to wait for Meng Hong to explain things to him.

"Long, now the knowledge I taught you should be sufficient before your first grade in junior high school. Now you should be clear about the situation. Although the school work will not quit, but before this time the enemy is resolved There should be no time to guide you, but I have also arranged a new teacher for you." Meng Hongo said to Akasaka Ryu seriously in his chair.

"Yes, teacher." Takarazaka nodded and replied.

When Akasaka Takashi was with Meng Hongo, he was always very serious. This is also because of his serious expression.

Although Hiroshi Hongo does not laugh, but after taking Akasaka Takashi as his successor, Akasaka Takashi will unconsciously take a serious look.

"By the way, your new teacher is also familiar to you, you should know who it is." Hiroshi Hongo also smiled when he heard Akasaka Takashi briefing.

The different times also lead to different ideas, so for Akasaka Takashi to be able to show their temperament of that era, which is really worthy of pleasure for Hongo.

Of course, it is because Akasaka Takashi is a traverser, or the bones are also rigid. Otherwise, if you change a primary school student of the same age, it is good not to dance directly with you.

"It should be Mr. Chong Yiya. Now if my knowledge cannot be improved, then it must be strengthened from other aspects. In addition to your hometown teacher, you, among the other seniors I know, only Mr. Chong has the guidance. I am qualified." Takarazaka guessed right away, after all, this matter has been said for a long time, so there is a reason to start now.

"Yes, it is rushing. His Shaolin Chi Xinquan has not yet been passed on, and this matter is delayed because of you and me studying, so now he should guide you. Long, you must remember, Now that he has become a Kamen Rider, the lives of ordinary people are far away from us. Although you are still just a child, you still need to give up something." Hiroshi Hongo began to pay attention to Akasaka Ryu's answer. Speaking of which, it is mainly because Takasaka has no chance to enjoy the happiness of his peers since he became a Kamen Rider.

"Relax, teacher Hongxiang, I know all that. After all, Hongyin also gave Xiaodu to me, and I don't want my family to be hurt by those non-human creatures, so I will continue to work hard." Akasaka Takashi replied with a smile.

Although the childhood life is indeed very comfortable, it is very difficult for an adult to get back into that atmosphere after crossing it. It is better to put his energy into strengthening himself now.

Strength is the foundation of this world in which life exists. Even if a person begs fiercely, that is his strength.

However, in a world like this, only your own strength is truly reassuring. Like the old man of Namba Heavy Industries in the parallel world, although there are countless young brothers, he didn't want to be easily KO by my uncle when he was damn.

Of course, Akasaka understands this problem, and it is because of this that he started the ascetic lifestyle at this age.


"The energy in Long's small robots should be the technology of their'Warriors' organization, and the thunder and lightning should be sealed inside. Although the power is not as powerful as he directly released, Atto is good for interfering with the enemy." Kotaro spoke to Qiuyue Xinyan with a "cans" that had not been used.

"Yes, although the strength of some enemies is not too strong, but it restrains us, so that we can't exert all our strength. If there are more functions of this kind of props, the enemies will have no way to restrict us. "Akiyuki Nobuhiko nodded and replied.

Today's battle made them feel comfortable with support, so after solving the problem of the friend, Nanguang Taro and Qiuyue Xinyan returned to their home and took apart an auxiliary machine that had not been used.

It's just that because Akasaka Takura has made an anti-theft device intentionally, and because of energy problems, Nanguang Taro obviously has no way to copy them themselves.

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