I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 83: I am the son of the sun-Kamen Rider blackrx!

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Nanguang Taro and Akizuki Nobuhiko were simultaneously led by General Jack of the Francis empire and captured the mobile fortress of the Francis empire, Kles.

At this time, on the Klais Fortress, General Jack was taking the four captains there to watch Nanguang Taro and Qiuyue Xinyan surrounded by three silver spikes of one person tall.

The four captains of the Francis Empire are Mary Barro who has just monitored Nanguang Taro and Akiyuki Shinhiko in front of the screen. At this time, the only female among the four captains is usually wearing black and red clothes, the most obvious feature There was a very obvious golden feather next to her left ear.

Then came Bosca, the captain of the Warcraft Marines, wearing a green top and white trousers. Bosca was a noble of the Kleissian Empire, with a white face above his head.

Gardison, the captain of the monster robot mech, is a robot wearing a silver-grey trench coat, and his head can be separated from his body. There is only a black lens in the middle of the blue head, which is Gadison's eyes.

The last captain is Gadrian, the captain of the monstrous beast teeth from the darkest and coldest part of the monster world. The small figure, which has just reached the waist of the average person, has three red eyes. There are gray-blue pictures on the white skin, wearing a combat suit that Vegeta wore when he first came to earth.

The temporary leader of these four captains, General Jack, is a pure Chrisis, with a pure gold mask on his face, and armor is also golden, red shoulder armor and black cape, expressing his cold temperament. Must be at a glance.

Five of them surrounded the three spikes, where they looked at the two people lying on the ground.

When Gardison said that Nanguang Taro was too weak, Mary Barrow also said that they had specially developed light to interfere with their transformation in order to deal with Nanguang Taro.


At this time, Nanguang Taro and Qiuyue Xinyan woke up from a comatose state.

"Who are you?"

The two people who awakened also immediately got up from the ground and watched these guys with some obvious differences from human beings with alert eyes.

At the same time, Qiuyue Xinyan wanted to try to run out from here, but between these three spikes, it seemed that there was energy that could not be seen by the naked eye, and Qiuyue Xinyan, who had a very strong physical quality, was blocked there.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

Qiuyue Xinyan, who was blocked, was not discouraged, and he constantly tried to use his arms to hit the invisible barrier.

However, under the circumstances that his ability to transform is limited, Qiuyue Xinyan still has no ability to break this blockade, but he has not given up.

However, with the deepening of the exchanges between Nanguang Taro and General Jack, the positions of the two sides have become very obvious.

So now they are completely inconclusive. After all, Nanguang Taro and the two of them have become transformants, but they are still full of human enthusiasm, so General Jack can only choose to kill them both.


"Okay, I know." Akasaka Takashi hung up.

"Has Kotaro been taken away? That means that the rx plot has officially started, but the biggest variable is the shadow moon of Akizuki Shinhiko, and I don't know if this brother will change." Akasaka Takahiro After the phone was dropped, I began to think.

The enemies of the Francis empire are still terrifying. Although Akasaka Takura can participate, the main role is still the main protagonist Nanguang Taro. If Akihiko Nobuhiko can survive, the Whip King can also be changed.

"Oh, I really don’t know what to do. I’ll finish my locomotive as soon as possible. If Qiuyuki Shinhiko can stick to it, it’s a gift for him. It’s just a matter of voice control and intelligence. Nanguang Taro can give it to them." Akasaka Takashi wiped the sweat on his head and said to himself.

However, after speaking, Takarazaka immediately began to continue to improve the engines that had already been built.

Akasaka Takashi is a very satisfying person, but also a person who is dissatisfied. Although it sounds contradictory, this is also the biggest feature of Akasaka Takashi.

If nothing happens, it will show the temperament of salted fish vividly. However, when faced with the kind of things that must be done, Akasaka Taka's liver emperor lineage hidden in the blood will be revealed, and it is the best description of Akasaka Taka in that sleep and forget food.

Because Professor Hiroshi Hongo, even though Akasaka Takashi was only memorizing, but because of the understanding of various fantasy props, Akasaka Takashi is also building a locomotive with more functions by virtue of what he has learned now.

As for Akasaka himself, he has a magic horse that has not played before.

Although I haven’t seen him yet, Akasaka Takashima’s ability is still known.

In the future, as long as the armor of the prison wolf is exchanged, then the magic horse can be played smoothly, and if it is opened and hung again, it will be no problem to fly.

Therefore, Akasaka Ryo will not worry about his mount.

Akasaka Takashi is now studying these things and intends to give some security to his parents. Who knows that those weird people who don’t have long eyes will do their own hands that day.

Akasaka Ryo started to prepare when he was ten years old, because he didn't know what choice he would make when he was threatened.


"Brother!" Qiuyue Xinyan shouted loudly.

However, at this time, Nanguang Taro has lost consciousness, and even Qiuyue Xinyan himself is about to pass out.

Because they did not agree to be a fighter of clesis, the two of them were thrown into space by clesis from the mobile fortress.

Looking at the two people who were thrown into space, General Jack is very happy now because they can invade the earth unscrupulously.

However, what they don't know is that Nanguang Taro and Qiuyue Xinyan, who have been thrown into space by them, are now accepting the hangout that the world has opened for them.

Although they were thrown into the universe at the same time, the two quickly separated after entering the universe.

Nanguang Taro fluttered toward the side of the earth illuminated by sunlight, while Qiuyue Xinyan was illuminated by the side reflecting the moon's light.

Two rays of the same origin but different are converging on the two.

At the same time, two people's minds sounded, these are two different voices, but they are constantly awakening the will of the two.

As the power of light converged on the two, the two of them also quickly fell towards the earth from the universe.

Although floating in different directions, when the two people landed, they landed in one place, and both remained in a state of transformation.

When the two fell to the ground, the consciousness of the two of them recovered and gradually discovered the difference between them now.

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