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After passing through his system, Akasaka suddenly discovered that he didn’t have any way to earn points. Although he and Red Voice also got on line, Kiva’s plot ended in 2008, and there are still 21 years left. At that time, he was 30 years old.

However, Akasaka Takashi chose the type of his belt first. Although he could not realize it directly because there are no points, he can always get it first and save time before he gets entangled.

The belt originally didn't need points, but Akasaka Takashi chose an initial mode.

In the function exchange provided by the system, there are several capabilities that can only be exchanged when manufacturing the belt.

Akasaka Takashi also chose the Kamen Rider mode of the king, after all, the system has told himself that the knight he transformed will not have any enhancement, but after the exchange of this ability module, the overall strength will be about two tons Promotion.

Yes, yes, the basic attributes of Akasaka Takashi's transformation are to be improved by these different ability modules.

As for other functions, they also have different effects, but the biggest increase to Akasaka Takashi in the early stage is the knight form of the KABUTO series, and since the output may be a little lower, then I will kill you with a super defense.

However, such a basic form of exchange requires 2000 points, which is also a headache for Akasaka Takashi. However, as long as you try to participate in other knights, it is still possible to mix these points.

"It seems that Kiva's plot should not be thought about, but let's first find a way to add it to the plot of the male god. If you can change the fate of some people, you will definitely get a lot of money." Akasaka Ryu's heart is full of fighting spirit.

"Host, please design the transformed image." The system suddenly issued a prompt when Akasaka Taka was about to fall asleep.

"Nani? Can the image of the knight be designed by yourself?" Akasaka was very surprised when he heard the news.

After all, the images of the knights have their own handsome features, and then they are accompanied by their own slots, like the sound effects of "I am a little silly but he is good". It really makes the little friends who like empty ears. Want to laugh.

"The belt is integrated into my body like an empty belt, as for the appearance, it must be full of metal texture, dark gold..."

After a 3D virtual image appeared in front of Akasaka Takashi, he also began to conceive his future appearance.

To use a more vivid method to describe the current Akasaka Takashi, that is, he is now in Cos Tony Stark, and he has nothing to move when he speaks.

An image of a knight full of metal texture was gradually completed in Akasaka Takashi's conception.

"Sure enough, I still prefer the feeling of metal. The plastic feels too strong, but it is not resistant. But if the belt is really completed, it will definitely not be the reverse of the paper world." Takasaka looked very satisfied. 3D projection in front of yourself.

The functionality of the system is still very strong, and the projection is completed under the command of Akasaka Takashi, without the need for post-painting operations.

"Is the system using only this basic image?" After feeling satisfied, Akasaka also clicked the confirmation button left by the system.

"The system will derive images of other models based on the basic image designed by the host," the system replied.

"That's really a lucky thing. I'm really going to sleep now..." Takasaka got an answer. As a result, he was lying on the tatami and quickly fell asleep.

At this time, the hand of the clock in the room had already pointed at 2:37.


"What the **** are you doing?" A woman with long black hair shouted loudly at the red tone.

"Youli, when solving the Fangire, was seen by a pupil. If I had promised to teach him to play the violin in the future, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back now." Hongyin replied with a wry smile.

Usually people are helpless to him, but the little ghost I met today made him feel the maliciousness from children for the first time, which also made Xiaodu who came to this time from the future experience more sadness. Fatherly love.

"He saw you?" Aso asked with some surprise.

It’s important to know that when they usually play against those Fangire that hurt humans, there is usually no one present. I don’t know what the reason is, but when they fight, the surroundings are always very quiet, but today there will be A child broke in unexpectedly.

"Yes, it's just that he is not afraid, and even wants to wear a belt to become ixa." Hongyin is also surprised about what is happening today, after all, this is really abnormal.

"How did you deal with it?" Aso was really uneasy about Hongyin, so he asked specially.

"Yuri, didn't I say that? I will be his violin teacher in the future, but speaking of it, this little guy's family is really good, and he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, if he wants to become ixa when he grows up , I feel I can give him a chance." Hongyin also had a lot of interest in Takashi after contacting Takao Akasaka.

"No, I'm trying to avenge my parents. You guys are also ill-intentioned. This kind of thing can't allow children to participate." Aso Yuri refused on the spot because she didn't want to involve unrelated people into this kind of thing. swirl.

"Okay, but I have to go to Chiba to give lessons to the little devil every weekend. If he says that if I don't go, he will let his parents send someone a notice and go to the police station to report the incident." Red Voice I also asked for leave while expressing my own stubbornness. Now I have no chance to release the pigeons.

"Then you go, save your eyes here." Aso Yu glanced at Hongyin and said afterwards.

After talking, Aso turned around and pushed the door out of the coffee shop where COFFEEMALLDAMOUR’, a frequent friend.

——The dividing line belonging to No. 2——


"This idiot would have an innocent child involved in the fight of those guys." A man in a gray suit shouted with his right index finger at a man in a black suit covering his face in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Tanaka, all of this is my fault. I hope that Mr. Tan will give me another chance." The man covering his face bowed while speaking.

"Give you a chance, who gave those ordinary people a chance, since our department was established, it has completely transformed Kamen Rider into an urban legend, and completely isolated the battle between them and those monsters from ordinary people. If it were Because of your mistake this time, Kamen Rider returned to the people’s field of vision again, and everyone must be unlucky.” Tanaka’s anger couldn’t be controlled at all, and the hard work done by his predecessors made one person’s mistake. It's ruined, it's really unrewarding.

"Mr. Tanaka, since we are going to separate ordinary people from Kamen Rider, wouldn’t it be nice to turn ordinary people who see Kamen Rider into Kamen Rider? And this time the witness was just a child, just right Those of the "Warriors" should also look for their successors." The man in the black suit immediately came up with a suggestion.

This is totally a matter of harming others and selfishness. If that kind of very honest leader might criticize this guy more severely, but the emergence of Akasaka Takagi is a threat to their entire department. This time the necessary sacrifice should also be appropriate.

"Are you a warrior?" Tanaka also felt feasible after hearing the opinions of his subordinates.

Although it will put Akasaka Taka into danger, children will always have a longing for becoming a hero. The final choice is also up to Akasaka Takamoto himself, and it will have nothing to do with them in the future.

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