I’m Just a Kamen Rider from Heart

Chapter 21: Rogue is still old

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"Good boy, there is no reason to dare to choose to be a ghost." Meng Hongo looked at Akasaka Taka with appreciation.

Before Akasaka Takashi and Nanko Taro came back.

"This boy named Akasaka Takashi is really good, even if he wants to be a knight." Huno said to Aichi Hayabusa after seeing Akasaka Takura's information.

"Yes, his father's Akasaka Group is also very large, but it is still moving forward on this path. We are all forced to be transformed by those evil organizations, but want to be among the "warriors" The horns need constant training, even after they have the ability to transform, they are still reforming to continue training to prevent the strength from going backwards." A text Hayabusa nodded and replied.

"This young man named Nanguang Taro is not bad. His academic performance is very good. He is a slightly weaker local predecessor." Feng Jian Zhilang said with a smile.

"Although we don't want anyone to feel sad like us, but since there are new knights, we must also guide them to the right path." Motoo said seriously.

"Then this time we only need to destroy the enemy's nest and destroy some fallen people who may harm ordinary people. The rest will be left to these two boys. When we get old, at least there will be The two of them can persevere. It shouldn't be called Nanguang Taro. Akasaka Takashi will definitely recruit another disciple and pass on his will." Yi Yan said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay, but in a little while we will have a test to see if these two young people can take on the important task now." Meng Hong continued.

Hearing this sentence, the other knights nodded.

This was also the scene when Akasaka Taka and the two of them entered the room, but the performance of the two of them had already satisfied the old rogues.

"Although your performance is very satisfying to me, you still have to pass my test to participate in the battle. After all, according to Qiuyue Soichiro, "Gorgom" is an organization that has inherited on the earth for many years. The inheritance takes place every 50,000 years. So we have to use inferior conditions to make inferences, so if we have a problem, we still need you to protect the world in the future." Mura Hongo said to Akasaka Takashi and Nanko Taro.

"Relax, although my chances of passing are not great, but if you really get to the step you said, I will definitely let those dark forces, at least when I am still, only hide in the darkness." Akasaka Takashi Nodded hard and said.

"In the future, basically all the people who do things will come upright and bright, so what other dark forces are there." Akasaka Takashi thought to himself.

Akasaka Takara knew that his current strength was not yet qualified to say this sentence. Only by constantly becoming stronger would he be able to fulfill his promise, but he had this opportunity. As long as he can hold it firmly, Akasaka Takaha will really have a chance Become the same as Almaty in "I Ying".

"Well, then these two days will give you more fighting experience opportunities. Qiuyue Soichiro has already said a lot of people's names. These people are all determined to join'Gorgom'. They have no need to save. In fact, some people have already undergone transformation and lost their human identity, so before your weapons arrive, you and Nanguang Taro will capture them all. Of course, if the other party resists, they can be annihilated directly. After all, your opponent has already Not a person anymore." Hongo said to Akasaka Ryu with a grin.

"Okay." Of course, Akasaka Takashi agreed to come down. If he can meet two more weirdoes in these days, he really has to take off.

Nanguang Taro was talking happily with a falcon. Although he wanted to come to help Akasaka Takashi, he was pulled by his predecessors and there was still a gap in his strength. He really couldn't get away.

Next is the happy annihilation time.

Akasaka Takashi, who took over the mission from Hiroshi Hongo, wandered outside with Nanko Taro every day.

What Wada (crossed out), yuck, Professor Heimatsu and the like were all arrested by Akasaka Takahiro and Nanko Taro, but the two of them didn't encounter any weirdo.

This is what makes Akasaka Taka very unhappy.

At this time, there are even more unhappy people, that is, the three priests of Gorgorm. The three of them originally used the people who had trusted them, and they wanted to do something very easy.

However, since Nanguang Taro escaped from them, they have not been happy with this time.

The weirdos sent out were killed, and those who depended on their own forces were arrested. Now the three of them are almost going to be unavailable. If some of the weirdos wake up from their sleep, the three of them will really need to. Go out and solve some problems by myself.

"That guy's actions have seriously affected our plan, and we must get rid of him quickly, even if he is our prince." Darom said to the two companions around him.

"Then find a way to lead him over, let our weirdo kill him, and kill the devil with him early." Balaum said aside.

"In this case, it happens that Silkworm, Rhinoceros, Great Eagle, and Lizard have all awakened from their long sleep. Send them four to definitely solve the two guys." Bishum immediately pointed out A few names.

According to the original plot, the blame is generally "Huluwa rescue grandpa, send one by one", but this time the three priests can no longer watch, so it is also intended to let Nanguang Taro and Akasaka Thong die together.


"Akasaka Takashi, your weapon has arrived. When are you going to be tested by me?" Hongo said, looking at Akasaka Takashi who was holding a string of sound and striking the sea and sky.

"Wait until Brother Kotaro and I solved those problems." Akasaka stopped playing and pointed to the news on TV.

At this time, other knights also noticed this news.

"No, the people who just had a train used all of them after going through the tunnel." Yacha rushed into the living room and said to everyone.

"It seems that the enemy has already started, and even this time the incident was a demonstration to the two of you, also for the two of you to go." Feng Jian Zhilang immediately reacted and said to the two of Akasaka Taka.

"Uncle Feng Jian, do you remember what Professor Qiuyue said? The grotesques of'Gorgom' are in a long sleep, how many are now awake, and they are six or seven, but they can't send them all , So as long as the other three strongest guys of the other party are present in person, I will not have any problem with Brother Kotaro. After all, my striking strings and sound gods are part of my battle." Akasaka Taka very confidently Replied,

Really, in addition to the supernatural priests and sword sages, even the squid fish monsters are not so threatening, and these days Nanguang Taro has been heavily practiced by the predecessors because of his youth. .

As for Akasaka Takashi, he is still practicing his own practice. Of course, Chixin Shaolin Boxing also laid a foundation in these few days.

Although the actor is a liar, Takasugi Junsuke is definitely a good person. After seeing Akasaka Ryu practicing martial arts, he took the initiative to step forward and even handed over his stunt.

Of course, there are no tricks for the five-handed player, but Akasaka Takaki intends to install a strengthening device in the position of his own hands in the future. The three hundred tons of mighty hands are really tempting.

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