I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 74: I disagree

   Shirley's eyes are clear and transparent, exactly the same as when Zhang Jue first saw her.

   But it is a pity that almost no one has seen it except Zhang Jue.

   With two people present, Zhang Jue is immune to Shirley's cognitohazard, and SCP343, not to mention, Shirley's ability is not enough to harm him.

   Shirley slept for a long time, her face flushed, her eyes blinked and she seemed to have not recovered from her sleep.

   "Brother Zhang Jue, is that you?"

   She rubbed her eyes, still a little uncertain, afraid that she was dreaming.

   Zhang Jue sat on the edge of her bed and squeezed her face.

   Shirley is overjoyed, only Zhang Jue would make such an intimate action to her, just like her brother.

   "Brother Zhang Jue!"

   Shirley plunged into Zhang Jue's arms.

   Zhang Jue patted her on the back, just about to talk.

   suddenly noticed Shirley's shoulder twitching, tears soaking his clothes.

   Zhang Jue sighed and could only comfort the little girl first.

   After a while, Shirley stopped crying, and he asked: "Shirley, tell my brother, what happened, why are you looking for me in a hurry?"

   Shirley lowered her head and did not answer Zhang Jue's question directly.

   She asked, "Brother Zhang Jue, if Shirley is no longer Shirley, would you still treat me as your younger sister?"

   Shirley is not Shirley anymore?

   Zhang Jue was confused by the little girl.

   The little girl said again: "Brother Zhang Jue, don't worry, Shirley will definitely defeat it!"

   Shirley’s words did not follow the preface, which made Zhang Jue a little depressed.

   In fact, he doesn't like this kind of conversation, it's in the mist, hypocritical.

   But facing Shirley, he couldn't say much.

   But no matter how he asked, Shirley didn't tell him the truth, only told him to believe her.

   It seems that after seeing Zhang Jue, the little girl made up some kind of determination instead.

   Shirley’s character is stubborn, which is unique to a child, she doesn’t want to say, and Zhang Jue can’t force her.

   It was almost dawn, Zhang Jue and the little girl talked about each other, and they agreed to see her through regular channels tomorrow, and then returned to the top of the building with SCP343.

   "Master, what's wrong with Shirley, can you tell me no."

  As soon as he returned to the top of the building, Zhang Jue immediately launched an offensive against 343. Anyway, this kind of cheap talk did not cost any money.

  343 smiled and shook his head.


   Zhang Jue knows that for this level of boss, there is a reason not to say it, even if he kneels on the ground and kowtows, it is impossible for him to change his mind.

   He was thinking about how to bargain, but 343 took the initiative to show him a clear way.

   "Although I can't tell you, but if you really want to know what happened to that little girl, maybe someone can help you."

   "Who?" Zhang Jue was overjoyed.

  SCP343 said: "Cain."


   Item Number: SCP-073 (Cain)

   Item level: Euclid

   Description: SCP-073 claims to be "Cain" and appears to be a tanned Arab or Middle Eastern male, in his early thirties, 185cm tall, 75kg weight, black hair, and blue eyes.

   The subject's upper limbs, lower limbs, spine and shoulder blades have been replaced by artificial unknown substances and unknown metals. The subject's forehead is engraved with a symbol from Sumerian culture.

   It has detailed knowledge of ancient and modern historical events, and masters most of the spoken languages ​​in the world, including those that have died out.

   Subject claims to have the ability to remember, and can quickly turn over an 800-page dictionary in less than a minute and a half and write down all the text verbatim.

  The existence of SCP-073 is extremely unfriendly to any creatures living in the soil, and will cause all these creatures within a radius of 20 meters to die.

   Any land that SCP-073 has walked on (and the area within a 20-meter radius) will become barren as the anaerobic bacteria die out, making it unable to support life until new bacteria are introduced.

  Any items made of organisms that grow in the soil, such as wood products and paper, will decay and disintegrate immediately upon contact with SCP-073, and more derivatives, including hydroponics, are affected by this.

  Any acts of violence directed against SCP-073 will be reported back to the attacker, and SCP-073 will appear to be completely unharmed. This applies to any damage directed at SCP-073. Attempts to obtain blood and tissue samples from the subject have all failed.

  Special Containment Procedures: SCP-073 is placed in a small room with a bathroom, and the furniture and objects in it are purely inorganic. Subjects are allowed to move freely in the facility and eat in the main dining room. Subjects are not allowed to have any contact with the ground, nor are they allowed to leave the facility. Subjects are not allowed to come into contact with vegetable SCPs under any circumstances. Under no circumstances should violence be used against SCP-073.


  As an SCP fan, it is impossible for Zhang Jue to have never heard of Cain's name, or even familiar with it.

  According to the Bible, Cain and Abel were both the sons of Adam and Eve. Cain was more pleased with God because he was jealous of his brother's tribute and killed him.

   Cain, as a murderer, is the ancestor of all the evil men in the world. He is cruel, greedy, and tries to deceive God.

   After God sees through, he will be exiled, and he will be cursed, ‘the land will no longer serve you, and you will drift away on the ground. ’.

   In order to prevent people from trying to kill him as soon as they saw him, God also specially put a mark on his face.

   Cain and his younger brother (suspected) Abel (SCP-076-2) are both SCP Foundation containment objects, but strangely, their personalities are completely opposite to those described in the Bible.

   Cain is not cruel and greedy. On the contrary, he is eager to help others and enjoys helping others with their daily work, no matter what the job is.

   As for Abel, Wen Liang and courteous frugality can't even touch each other.

   His current character is really hard to describe in a word.

   To put it simply, it was an anomalous project that was even longer than Long Aotian.

   has such a strong contrast between their personalities, Zhang Jue has also thought about it.

   Cain has been cast aside by the world for thousands of years, and he has witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties, and countless people lived and died before him.

   He is no longer the one who killed his brother when he didn't agree with him.

   He became gentle and helpful.

   And Abel, his mind still stayed at the moment he was killed-full of resentment~www.novelmt.com~ He felt wronged and unjust about what happened to him.

   When Cain came into contact with Abel's related information, he once told the foundation that it is best not to let two people meet.

   On the one hand, it is guilt, unable to face his brother.

   On the one hand, it is estimated that he is afraid that Abel will do something irreparable.


  343 suggested that Zhang Jue seek Cain's help. For Zhang Jue, this matter is not difficult.

   In fact, he had a similar plan a long time ago.

   He promised Ha'el to come to site17 at a risk. Apart from worrying about Shirley's safety, the biggest reason is that there are many powerful humanoid shelters in site17.

   If you don't touch them and mix their abilities one by one, he will be sorry for his old face.

   So early the next morning, Zhang Jue found Hail. On the one hand, he told him that Shirley was awake, and on the other hand, he wanted to apply to meet with Cain and ask for his help.

   Hearing the news that Shirley had woken up, Haier couldn't help but was stunned, and immediately called to confirm the situation with the relevant personnel.

   After the call was hung up, he looked at Zhang Jue with an admiring look-although Zhang Jue had shown many incredible things along the way.

   Zhang Jue waved his hand casually: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I will be embarrassed. As everyone knows, I am a thin-skinned person-what about Cain?"

Haier's face was slightly embarrassed: "I want 073 to see Shirley with you. For this level of experimentation, my level is not enough. I heard that the master of the station will be back early this morning. You can find him. Try it."

   Ha'el just finished speaking, a rough voice rang from behind them: "No need to look for it, I don't agree."

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