I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 486: Arrive at headquarters

Cain was walking in the woods.

He was originally in charge of breaking the post, but he left Zhang Jue's team because he discovered some unusual auras.

He didn't even say hello to Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue also trusted his strength enough, so he didn't stop and wait for him.

He walked through the woods, but in a different direction from Zhang Jue.

He knew that someone was waiting for him there.

Cain stepped on the grass one foot after another.

Although his shoes were specially made, the lush weeds around him still withered as he approached.

Cain, number 073.

He was one of the Authority's earliest collections.

To say that it is a deposit is actually inaccurate.

Because Cain stayed with the Authority voluntarily.

To the Authority, Cain has always been very friendly and will often help other employees.

He has a very rich knowledge reserve and the ability to remember, so the Authority backs up many confidential documents in his mind.

We won't go into details about Cain's image, just know that he is tall and handsome, with black hair and blue eyes. His upper limbs, lower limbs, spine and shoulder blades have been replaced by artificial unknown substances and unknown metals.

And most importantly, he has a symbol from Sumerian culture inscribed on his forehead.

Strangely enough, when asked about the origin of the symbol, Cain would appear distressed and refuse to explain.

There are two main abilities of Cain.

First, he has a very strong lethality to the creatures living in the soil.

If he walks barefoot on the ground, it will kill all creatures living in the soil within a radius of 20 meters.

The land he walks on (and the area within a 20-meter radius) will become barren as the anaerobic bacteria die out, making it impossible to support life until new bacteria are introduced.

Second, any acts of violence directed against him will be fed back to the attacker, and indirect harm through the medium will also be fed back to the perpetrator himself.

These two abilities of Cain are passive, so the offense is not strong, but the defense ability is definitely first-class.

Having him by Zhang Jue's side is definitely a big help.

But he chose to leave.

Because it's not just Zhang Jue, he also has something to settle.

When he saw the man standing at the top of the telephone pole, Cain smiled rarely.

"Long time no see, my dear brother."

It was none other than Abel.

Abel carried the same black long knife as Zhang Jue on his shoulder, and said coldly: "Cain, you have been hiding from me for so many years, but now you come to see me for an outsider, I really don't know whether to be happy or sad. "

Abel's tone was very cold, without a trace of emotion.

As if he and his brother Cain were mortal enemies.


They are indeed mortal enemies.

According to the biblical record, Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve. Cain killed his brother because he was more favored by God because of his jealousy.

As a murderer, Cain is the ancestor of all wicked people in the world. He was cruel, greedy, and tried to deceive God.

After God saw it, he exiled him and cursed him, 'the earth will no longer work for you, and you will be a wanderer and wandering on the earth'.

In order to avoid people wanting to kill him as soon as they saw him, God also specially marked his face.

Cain and Abel were taken into custody by the Authority at about the same time, but strangely, their personalities were the exact opposite of what the Bible describes.

Cain was not cruel and greedy, on the contrary, he was helpful and enjoyed helping others in their day-to-day work, whatever that job was.

As for Abel, Wen Liang, Gong Jian Rang and Wen Liang were completely inseparable.

Zhang Jue has also thought about the reasons for such a strong contrast between their personalities.

Assuming that what is recorded in the Bible is the truth, then Cain has been spurned by the world for thousands of years, and he has witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties, and countless people have lived and died before him.

He is no longer the one who killed his brother if he didn't agree.

He became gentle and helpful.

And Abel, his mind was still stuck at the moment he was killed - full of resentment.

He felt wronged and unfair about what happened to him.

Cain had said to the Authority that it was best not to let him and Abel meet.

On the one hand, there is guilt, unable to face his younger brother.

On the other hand, he was probably afraid that Abel would do something irreversible.

Speaking of which, even Cain, who never forgot, didn't remember how long the two of them hadn't seen each other.

"You're still the same," said Cain.

"You killed me, of course I'll always be like that."

"Abel, have you ever thought that people who are alive may carry more."

"Stop talking nasty things there!" Abel shouted, slicing the rock behind him in half with a knife. "You have lived for so many years, and now tell me this?! If I killed you and you lay in that **** coffin, would you still be as relaxed as you are now?! You even killed your own younger brother. , No matter how nice it sounds, it can't make up for the heinous crime you committed!"

Cain shook his head: "Abel, it's time for you, don't you understand? God planned it completely for me to kill you."

Hearing what Cain said, Abel's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"you are lying!"

This was his first reaction.

And Abel's reaction was all what Cain expected.

"I know you don't believe it, and at the beginning, I didn't believe it either. But because I've lived longer than you and thought longer than you, I've had doubts for a long time. And these recent events are the best Evidence. Can't you see it? God he--afraid of man!"

"You lied! You lied! You lied!!!!"

Abel roared loudly, and volleying at Cain was a slash.

Countless swords swarmed towards Cain.

Cain did not dodge.

When those blade qi were about to approach him, for some reason, they suddenly changed their flight paths, and they all passed him by, just leaving a humanoid gap.

Abel gasped heavily, completely unable to accept this fact.

He hated Cain and wanted to kill Cain.

This idea has been deeply planted in his heart, deeply ingrained.

It is because of this that he goes to the resurrection, death, death, resurrection time and time again.

If it is really like what Cain said, all of this is all the ghost of God, then how should he deal with himself?

Let go of Cain and call him brother again?

This is impossible!

So Abel didn't dare to think about it at all.

He was afraid that his faith would collapse due to Cain's words - yes, his belief in this life was to kill Cain once.

Seeing Abel's madness, Cain's face was full of unbearable expression, and his eyes were full of pity.

Whether or not God planned it or not.

He killed his own brother with his own hands, which is an undeniable fact.

Originally, he planned to wait for this matter to end, go to Abel in person, and make a settlement with him.

But now, he is not allowed to do so.

Zhang Jue is working hard for the future of all mankind. He does not allow anyone to destroy this matter, even if this person is his own younger brother.

Abel's idea is actually similar.

He had a holiday with Zhang Jue, and after a fight with Yang Xue at site14, his anger had subsided a lot.

The original plan was to wait until Zhang Jue was killed before going to Cain.

Unexpectedly, Cain appeared on his own initiative.

Then apart from killing Cain, everything else seems less important.

Cain slowly took off his shirt, revealing those alloy torso and limbs.

The mark on the front of his forehead is slightly raised, and his whole body glows with blue light.

At this time, Abel's whole body was already burning with red flames.

After an unknown number of years, the two brothers finally stood face to face again.

"My brother, let me see your strength."


In addition to France, where site17 is located, the Swiss border is the place where Zhang Jue comes the most.

Because this is where the headquarters of the Authority is located.

The Authority cannot do without site19, just as the West cannot do without Jerusalem.

For thousands of years, countless decrees have been issued from here and flew to the world.

As we all know, Switzerland is a neutral country.

Although it has become less "neutral" in recent years, we still cannot deny its special place in the world.

It is difficult to say whether it is because Switzerland is neutral that the headquarters of the Authority is established here, or whether it is because the headquarters of the Authority is here that Switzerland can remain neutral in several wars.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because the headquarters of the Authority has been destroyed.

Or rather, the whole of Switzerland has been destroyed.

Zhang Jue set foot on a vast expanse of scorched earth.

All that can be seen in the line of sight, except for the charcoal fire, is the thick smoke.

Even the air is filled with all kinds of complex smells.

Zhang Jue had early warning about the impact on the headquarters.

Whether it is the angels and the thirteen administrators, or the decisive battle between Yang Xue and 343, the destructive power must not be underestimated.

But he didn't expect it to be so thorough.

He didn't even find an entire building, not even a slightly taller wall.

According to his original plan, relying on his short-distance traversal ability in different dimensions, using some broken walls and ruins, he approached the headquarters unknowingly and gave those big bosses a surprise.

But now it seems that there is no such possibility at all.

Within a radius of several miles, there is not even a place to hide. I don't know who it is, who is lying.

So he had no choice but to walk straight in the direction of the headquarters like an idiot--of course, perhaps driving an off-road vehicle would be more appealing.

But he didn't do it.

"I'm going from south to north, I'm going from white to black, I'm going to let people see me, but they don't know who I am—"

Zhang Jue stopped singing children's songs, and it was rare that these lines were still in tune.

Although it can't be said to be very appealing, it definitely won't be out of hand.

Especially the feeling of vicissitudes and desolation, which is somewhat similar to his current situation.

The only pity is that there is no audience.

Obviously, the headquarters of the Authority has learned that he has come to Switzerland.

But no one was sent to stop it.

Probably they all know that ordinary people are useless, so Zhang Jue is allowed to sing freely on this land.

This day is December 31, 2224, the capital time of country C. Three years and ten months have passed since Zhang Jue came to this world.

In the past three years, he has done countless things.

As he said in the poem number he created for himself, punch 087, foot 682, hard 3125, swim 1351.

Later, he killed Deng Shen Ion and drove away the Crimson King who tried to invade the earth from the crack in space.

In the eyes of ordinary people, he may be unknown.

But among the agencies such as the Authority and the Supernatural Alliance that deal with abnormal creatures all the year round, the word Zhang Jue can be said to be resonant.

Almost all institutions have been helped by him.

He is a special advisor to the Authority, the webmaster of site14, the honorary webmaster of site237, the head of the Antimemetics Department, and a star of the Authority.

He is a tenured professor emeritus at the School of Magic and the current leader of the Church of the Broken God.

He has so many titles that he can't even write a single line.

Each of these represents a feat of his.

He even received autographed pennants from thirteen administrators.

This honor is unique in the entire history of the Authority.

And later, the Administration is even more rewarding.

In the eyes of many people, the word Zhang Jue is simply synonymous with miracles.

As long as he goes out, there is nothing that cannot be done, and there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

And now, the world's biggest disaster is coming.

The Authority declares war on all humanity.

Can Zhang Jue, who has been relying on the Administration Bureau, continue to create miracles?

This is the question in everyone's mind.

Its answer, even Zhang Jue himself is not sure.

But he has already come, at the feet of the Authority.

Since coming to this world, Zhang Jue seems to be a fool, but in fact, he is driven by various events, and he has not had a good rest day at all.

After this incident, no matter what the outcome is, his story here should come to an end.

Zhang Jue suddenly laughed.

I don't know if this story is good enough.

Ah, there seems to be something missing.

Dr. Yang.

Yang Xue didn't know where.

Lost my daughter-in-law.

Zhang Jue did not panic.

Because he could feel Yang Xue's presence.

From the moment he set foot on this land, he could feel Yang Xue's existence.

Yang Xue seemed to have been standing behind him, marching with him, the two chatted and talked about their future life.

It should be beautiful.


As Zhang Jue sings in the lyrics~www.readwn.com~ from south to north, from white to black.

When he saw the only building in the distance, it was already evening.

Twilight Quadruple.

Someone was already there waiting for him.

In the ethics committee, the senior with the highest status stood on the roof.

Seeing Zhang Jue approaching him step by step, he smiled while whisking his beard.

"Consultant Zhang, stay safe-"

With a smile on his face and a gentle tone, it seemed that he planned to have a few words with Zhang Jue.

But it can only be said that he knows too little about our classmate Zhang Jue.

I saw Zhang Jue spat at him very uncivilized.

"What the **** are you out of a ditch? If you dare to talk to Lao Tzu like that, get out of here, or Lao Tzu will chop off your dog's head with a knife!"

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