I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 474: I am also desperate

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"What?! You are Zhang Jue?!"

A deafening voice sounded from above.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black shadow pressed down from above.

Probably that is the real body of this monster.

Its body is very huge, and it can be vaguely seen that it should be in the shape of a person.

But he was hidden in a cloak, and Zhang Jue couldn't see his appearance.

However, Zhang Jue has been in this world for a few years, and he has seen many big bosses. Judging from the feeling of oppression, the other party must be a high-ranking **** before being sealed.

What surprised Zhang Jue the most was the reaction of the other party.

"You know me?" he asked.

"I...I don't know..."

The voice was lost again.

"I just... remember the name... Zhang Jue..."

The other party was silent, as if caught in a long test.

Zhang Jue's brows furrowed deeply.

He's actually been a little weird all along.

Because of the things he passed through, it seems that many bigwigs know about it.

Except twice helping his nobody in critical moments.

The three brothers Reaper, 343, and the unnamed Lord of the Forest, and even the Crimson King, seem to know him.

These things have a common feature, that is, they are all very high.

It belongs to that cosmic level.

And what surprised Zhang Jue the most was that they knew not only the person who knew him, but also the name "Zhang Jue".

Considering that he just came to this world for about three or four years, that is to say, maybe a long time ago, they already knew that he was going to cross over.

And they also knew that after he crossed over, he would not use his real name, but opened a trumpet.

It would be fine if it was a **** who could predict the future.

It's no coincidence that so many people know him.

These people, or gods, must have learned about him through some channel.

It's a pity that they are very shrewd, no matter which one they are, they are not willing to tell him the truth.

Today, Zhang Jue seems to see a possibility.

Considering that 173 is the "origin" of the entire Authority, this seems even more likely.

It doesn't even remember itself, and it still remembers the name "Zhang Jue", which shows that this matter is very important to it, and maybe it can find out some incredible things from its mouth.

After making the decision, Zhang Jue immediately put on a smile.

"Dude, don't worry, I'll help you think about it, recall a little, where did you hear about this name? Or who told you?"

"Zhang Jue... This name... It seems that it has been imprinted in my mind since I appeared in this world. Who told me... I don't know..." The huge black shadow said intermittently, " I just remember the name..."

Zhang Jue resisted the urge to complain, and asked again: "Then you know, do you remember what this name is for? Do you want to kill or cut? Or do you want to recognize him as a godfather?"

Except for Zhang Jue, probably no one dared to make a bad joke with such a high-ranking **** whose enemy is unknown.

But that's his style.

Not dying, or on the way to dying.

But this time, the shadow had a reaction.

"All I remember is that he will come to unseal my seal—"

Ha, after making trouble for a long time, my mother is a Tang monk.

Zhang Jue resisted the urge to hit the wall.

The meaning of 173's existence is to wait for him to unseal it?

Then should you carry me to the west to study scriptures?

Zhang Jue complained a few words in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing.

However, this man seems to be very strong, and making a good relationship with him should be a stable and profitable business.

Zhang Jue rubbed his hands: "Brother, now that your seal has been undone by me, do you have nothing to say?"

"Express?" The other party is obviously not proficient in human subtext.

Seeing that the other party didn't understand, Zhang Jue simply said directly: "That is to say, I spent so much effort to lift your seal, and you have nothing to do to me?"

The other party was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until Zhang Jue thought that it was going to default, and then the shadow slowly spoke.

"I've been sealed for too long, and I don't know how to repay you. Take this thing, it may be useful to you."

As soon as its voice fell, a bead appeared in front of Zhang Jue, radiating a black light.

It looks like a black hole.

Its mass is negligible, Zhang Jue held it in the palm of his hand, and could not even feel its existence.

I don't know what this thing is, but it should be a good thing to be preserved by this big guy.

Zhang Jue took the thing in his hand, looked at it for a moment, and then put it in his pocket.

He looked up and asked, "Big guy, what are you going to do next?"

"Me? I don't know either..."


The new headquarters of the Authority.

Top floor meeting room.

No. 2 and No. 5 report their daily situation to the five elders of the Ethics Committee as usual.

Today, they skipped the previous part of the battle situation in various regions and directly pulled the progress bar to the end.

"How is Zhang Jue's situation?"

asked the old man number 1 sitting in the center.

Number Two shook his head with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"After he neutralized 173, there was a violent explosion in that area, and our monitoring equipment was also affected, and we lost our monitoring of him. Later, I sent people to search in that area, but he did not find his whereabouts. Only the injured 096 was found. The bones of 096 were severely injured and could no longer stand. Although it has the ability to heal itself, according to our expert judgment, if we want it to fully recover, it is estimated that it will take nearly a hundred years. It can be said that 096 has been temporarily neutralized, and we can no longer use it as a weapon-"

Before No. 2 finished speaking, the old man waved his hand with a sneer.

"What we want to hear is news from Zhang Jue."

"Zhang Jue..." No. 2 paused, "No one is alive, no corpse is dead."

"No one is alive, no dead body, is this the answer you gave us?" The old man No. 5 sitting next to him sneered, "Lester, have you forgotten what we said to you before, if you still If you want to live, and want to continue to be the administrator of this Anomalous Creatures Administration, just put your attitude in the right place! See clearly, this is not a place where you can pass by with just a few perfunctory words! Don’t forget, your son is still there In our hands, if you do this again, believe it or not, I will put his head on your desk tomorrow!"

The other party was very angry, and the repeated questioning did not save No. 2 any face.

No. 5 had a cold face, while No. 2's face was relatively calm.

"Yes, my lord," he replied.

The old man No. 5 snorted.

The old man No. 1 smiled, and continued with the previous words: "Lester, don't blame us, who is Zhang Jue, I believe you know better than us, he is a silver bullet that can threaten our plan, and you can't see it for a day. We can't let our minds go to his corpse for a day. I hope you can understand this. I know that you have worked hard these days. In order to reward Angelo, I will let him go back to you. , I hope you can make persistent efforts to help us and help mankind through this difficult time."

Until this moment, No. 2 showed a moving expression, he stood up and said tremblingly, "Thank you sir."

After the meeting, Five followed Two to his office.

Number Two looked at her, Number Five looked at her.

No. 2 sighed, and the five fingers of his left hand opened slightly, and an invisible and intangible force field appeared around, like a bowl, clasping the two inside.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Number Two said.

No. 5 looked at the old colleague and said coldly, "You don't really plan to rely on them, right?"

This sentence undoubtedly exposed the position of No. 5, and No. 2 smiled.

"Otherwise, what else can you do? Don't you?"

Number Five didn't speak, just stared into his eyes.

"When are you going to start?"

Number Two kept smiling and didn't answer.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that he slowly opened his mouth.

"The timing isn't ripe enough. Twelve and Thirteen can't get in touch. The committee doesn't trust us. It's very likely that they will send others to hunt them down. Now there are only the two of us left in the administration. If we are exposed, it will be completely There is no hope anymore, we listened to No. 1's words and survived, not to die at this time."

Hearing him mention Number One, Number Five was silent for a moment, as if thinking about Number One dying to save them.

Then she said two words.

"Zhang Jue."

Two didn't seem surprised to hear Five mention the name.

"Erica, do you remember why you voted for admission?"

No. 5 didn't think about it, and said directly; "Because his controllability is too low, the Authority is the place in the world that needs order the most. His appearance is destined to break this rule."

"Yeah, that's what I thought at the time." No. 2 said, "Because we have been administrators for too many years, we are used to controlling everything in our own hands and don't like uncertain things, and Consultant Zhang is the management The biggest uncertainty in the bureau. Now it seems that we are wrong. Probably only his 'uncertainty' can make a comeback. You and I are under pressure to slow down the bureau's slaughter of human beings for the sake of It's just waiting for a possibility, whether you or I want to admit it or not, he is that possibility."

Thinking of Zhang Jue's cynical and condescending appearance, No. 5 couldn't help frowning.

Although she was the first to mention the name, she still couldn't accept that the hope of the world really had to be pinned on such a person.

There is no doubt about Zhang Jue's strength. From 3125 to the King of Crimson, he has defeated countless powerful enemies.

As long as you're not a fool, you can see the difference in him.

Therefore, although No. 5 refuses to admit it, he has long been clear in his heart that at this moment, the safety of all mankind is tied to Zhang Jue alone.

As for whether the Dragon Slayer will become the next evil dragon, it will take time to witness it.

At this moment, they had no choice but to trust Zhang Jue.

At the end of the conversation, No. 5 said: "My planning ability is not as good as yours, but there are still some people under my command - including myself. When you need someone to die, remember to tell me."

Number Two knew that Number Five had already decided to die, but he shook his head.

"If death were the solution, the world would undoubtedly be a lot simpler, but more often than not, death is the beginning of the problem."


Zhang Jue was walking alone on the country road, and until now he didn't know where he was.

But what is certain is that Europe has indeed fallen.

There were traces of bombing along the way just now, and even the air was filled with a very serious smell of gunpowder smoke.

Probably the fighter jets carried out an indiscriminate bombing of the vicinity at a high altitude.

This is just a winding road, not a downtown area for residents.

Those people did this, presumably to trap the people in the city to death.

Zhang Jue crossed the blown-up highway and headed towards the city—in fact, he didn't know if the direction was right, he just walked by feeling.

In the evening, he saw a gas station that was empty. He wondered why it wasn't bombed.

The sky was overcast, and after a while, it started to rain lightly.

Since boarding the plane, Zhang Jue has not eaten for nearly 20 hours.

So I decided to go to this abandoned gas station to hide, by the way, to see if there was any such thing as a map, so as to confirm my position.

But before he could enter, he heard footsteps in the distance.

On the other side of the road, a European woman with blond hair and blue eyes and big waves ran over here, and it seemed that she also wanted to come here to avoid the rain.

The two met at the door of the gas station.

The woman was wearing an evening dress, but probably because of the long journey, her clothes were not neat. Not only did her shoes run off, but her slender legs and large gray **** were also exposed.

Zhang Jue's eyes widened.

And when the woman saw Zhang Jue, she was stunned for a moment, and immediately exclaimed excitedly, "Zhang Jue?!"

This is the second time Zhang Jue has been frightened.

How come to Europe, everyone knows him, but he doesn't know each other.

He is sure that ~www.readwn.com~ such a "stalwart" woman, if he has seen it, he will definitely have an impression.

The diamonds on the woman's ears were sparkling, and she wore a gemstone necklace around her neck. Judging by her clothes, she should be a star or a rich woman, and definitely not someone from the Administration.

Looking at the two pieces of shivering flesh, Zhang Jue couldn't help complaining in his heart. If the enemy uses a beauty trick, the probability of his own trick will increase by at least 2%, no, it should be 3%.

Seeing that Zhang Jue was a little confused, the woman seemed to realize the problem.

He showed Zhang Jue the gemstone necklace on his chest.

Zhang Jue took his eyes off the gully with difficulty, looked at the pendant, and finally realized who she was, and immediately widened his eyes.

"Are you Dr. Bright?!"

Dr. Bright nodded helplessly.

Zhang Jue looked him up and down and smiled, "Why did you choose such a body?"

Dr. Bright, who was in the body of a female star, smiled wryly: "You think I think there are hundreds of corpses, only this one is intact. What can I do? I'm also desperate."


Thanks Qin Zhidaoer for the reward.

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