I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 235: Leave site fifteen

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Zhang Jue looked at Hansen, his sharp eyes made him take a step back.

He snorted: "You come and explain to me, what is full responsibility?"

Hansen is an agent directly under the headquarters. The last time Zhang Jue rode 682 into the headquarters, he had already heard of Zhang Jue's reputation.

This is a man who even O5 dares to face up.

It is said that many projects from the headquarters were also stolen.

It can be said that although Zhang Jue is not fierce, but for those who have only heard of his name, it is not much different.

Hansen said: "According to the above instructions, the Broken Cult cannot be allowed to poison the world, but things cannot be given to them. As long as Consultant Zhang you can stop their conspiracy, the Foundation will definitely help."

"It means that all personnel are obeyed my command?"

"Um... this is not the case. Because of some other incidents, the headquarters can now send very limited personnel."

An unknown premonition lingered in his mind, and Zhang Jue asked: "How limited?"

Hansen looked at his apprentice from the corner of his light, seeming a little embarrassed.

Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows: "Don't tell me, only you two!"

"Not really." Hansen was a little helpless. "There are two MTF teams-‘pufferfish’ and ‘tiger sharks’ for you to dispatch, but to mobilize them, approval from the headquarters is required."

Zhang Jue let out a loud voice.

"After all that, I can only direct the person I can direct, or the only two of you, right?"

"Um..." Hansen coughed fakely, "Yes."

If it hadn't been for the fact that this agent named Hansen was a passer-by, Zhang Jue would have liked to slap him to death.

The Cult of the Broken Declares war on the Foundation for such a big matter, the co-authored Foundation expects him to lead these two big soldiers to solve it? Really treat him as a superman?

In any case, the Broken Cult has hundreds of thousands of believers, all kinds of modern weapons, even the GOC dare not act rashly, let alone he is only one person.

Zhang Jue was a little helpless.

Logically speaking, those O5s are very sane people, even if some of them don’t like him, and even hope to contain or execute him, they will never make fun of the Foundation or even the lives of all human beings. .

Let him face the Broken Cult alone, it should be a decision made after discussion.

On the one hand, it is the trust in his abilities, believing that he can solve this problem perfectly.

In the second aspect, Zhang Jue's position in the foundation is detached.

As a last resort, the Foundation is unwilling to let him show up.

After all, you can't use a sledgehammer.

Being forced to this level this time also shows from the side that the Foundation is indeed in deep trouble.

No wonder it's so difficult for O5-8 to ask for a few autographs for his pennant, and probably the other bigwigs are also busy.

Fighting with the Foundation, Zhang Jue has always adhered to the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing. He will solve any problems he encounters, but he will never take the initiative to attack.

However, this time he couldn't help being a little curious.

"Hansen, what happened to the headquarters? I have a friend who didn't hear from me after I went. I thought she ran away with someone else."

Speaking of this matter, Hansen's expression also became serious.

"I don't know much about this matter. According to the principle of need-to-know, I can't talk to other people without authorization-Consultant Zhang, I can only tell you that the foundation is indeed in big trouble. Several MTF teams have died heroically so far."


Except for those SCP items that are not used as hole cards under normal circumstances, as the main combat force of the Foundation, MTF (Mobile Task Force) is composed of well-trained agents with various special skills, even The Foundation also deployed some humanoid SCPs to join the mobile force to increase their strength.

It can be said that the MTF squad is the elite of the elite, even if compared to the special forces of other countries, it is not inferior-or even worse.

As far as Zhang Jue knows, the SCP Foundation has more than one hundred MTFs worldwide with different functions.

There are dozens of them mainly used for combat.

They have advanced equipment and powerful combat capabilities. One or two MTF teams are enough to contain Uncle 682.

This time, the Foundation lost several MTF teams at once.

Even Zhang Jue feels a little bit painful.

It seems that the enemy is really tricky.

These days, Zhang Jue is at Site15 and it is difficult to communicate with the outside world. If he could read the news every day, he would have been able to spot the clues.

But after all, he was only one person, even if he knew what was happening outside, there would be no good solution in a short time.

After all, the road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time.


Zhang Jue helped Site118 and Site15 find the insider in a very short time and restored the truth of the SCP item being stolen. This time the mission was successfully completed.

Originally, he thought he could go back to site14 to rest for a few days, but Hansen's arrival completely cut off his thoughts.

Although, according to the historical process, the so-called "end of the world" will be three years later.

But it is clear that the world has begun to become turbulent.

Under the nest, how can there be no eggs.

Even if Zhang Jue wanted to be lazy, he couldn't find a safe place at all.

So as a last resort, he can only help the Foundation do something.

The next day, Zhang Jue and Simmons left Site15 accompanied by the Walnut stationmaster and Director Owens.

Before leaving, the Walnut webmaster held Zhang Jue's hand and expressed his sincere thanks for his help.

But for Zhang Jue, if there is nothing substantial, this kind of gratitude can almost be regarded as fart.

The site15 line, Simmons's gain is also not small.

He not only saw SCP-079, but also left a deep impression on both the Walnut stationmaster and Owens.

I believe it will not be long before he can become a member of site15.

After Yang Xue was promoted to Site14 site experiment supervisor, his position was a bit embarrassing. If he can enter Site15 and engage in the work he likes, it will be a good thing no matter how you look at it.

But that's all for later, now Simmons still needs to go back to the site at 14 o'clock.

There is a new task in the body~www.novelmt.com~ Zhang Jue will not go back, and the two separated at the intersection.

Simmons carried his computer bag on his back and joked to Zhang Jue: "Consultant Zhang, you are now the deputy stationmaster of Site14. You are always running outside, so you are not afraid of a fire in your backyard."

Simmons was originally a straight man, but after staying with Zhang Jue for a long time, he would make some innocent jokes.

Zhang Jue laughed: "No way, who makes me so handsome? Those who can do more."

Simmons looked around and confirmed that no one could hear the conversation between the two, then lowered his head and whispered a word to Zhang Jue.

"Consultant Zhang, although it’s a bit out of date, I want to go, but I still have to let you know. During the time when you were away, I found that the site14 site was a bit strange. When you come back from the task, I and you Talk about it."

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