I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 233: Declare war

"I'm in the SCP when the warehouse manages the new ( to find the latest chapter!

An island that is not on the map 15 million miles away from the site.

A huge mechanized city sits on it.

From a distance, the entire island looks like a giant gear.

This is the last stronghold of the Church of the Broken God-the city of gears.

We zoomed in a bit closer.

The city of gears stands tall, and there are countless tunnels between the towers, and vehicles with weird shapes are galloping through the tunnels.

Outside the tunnel, countless flying shuttles patrolled in the sky, vigilant for all possible threats.

It looks like a city in the future.

In an office in the central building of the City of Gears, a blond man is looking into the distance through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He was wearing a white shirt, a black suit, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and he looked a little gentle.

If he appeared in a government building in Meiguo, people would definitely think that he was probably a civilian in some department.

No one can guess that he is the master of this gear city-Robert Bumaro.

Bumaro is the current leader of the Church of the Broken God and the most powerful person.

During this special time, even the three major branches of churches abandoned their predecessors and all obeyed him.

Under his leadership, the combat effectiveness of the Church of the Broken God has reached its highest level in history.

Even the GOC (Global Occult Coalition) is not sure of victory, so they dare not attack them.

Despite this, Bumaro's face didn't have the slightest color of joy, and his deep eyes were nothing but infinite worries about the future.

The door rang behind him, and a young woman walked into the room. She was Bumaro's personal secretary, Fusha.

A light blue gem was inlaid in her left eye.

"Master Bumaro." She leaned slightly.

Bumaro didn't look back, and a faint syllable floated from his mouth: "Say."

Fusha opened the report in her hand and said in a mechanized voice: "According to the informant's report, the four teams that set off last month, SCP-1139 and SCP-2105, have been successfully retaken and are on their way back to the city of gears. But neither SCP-882 nor SCP629 has news yet."

Bumaro slowly said: "SCP-882 is a key defense project of the Foundation. It is huge and has a very strong sensitivity to machinery. It is not easy to operate. Miley and the others have applied for reinforcements. I believe there will be results soon— —What is going on with SCP629?"

Fusha said: "After the Mirada team arrived at CN, they contacted the people on the site according to the method left by the gentleman, but they were never contacted. After some investigation, they found out that they originally stayed at the Foundation Site14 site. Neiying in Li's probably died because of the previous invasion. They mentioned in the last report that they would use'Tears of God' to infect people on the site, but since then, they have not posted for two weeks. Letters back and forth, they can't be contacted here. I guess the situation is not very optimistic."

Bumaro hummed: "I haven't contacted for two weeks, indicating that something has happened. They probably have fallen into the hands of the SCP Foundation."

Fusha hesitated for a moment and asked: "Then...do you want to save them?"

Bumaro shook his head: "The Foundation is not a GOC. Even if Mirada's plan fails, their lives will not be in danger for the time being. What I am most worried about is that SCP629, the heart of God, is hidden by the SCP Foundation. If there is no God’s heart, our plans are empty talk."

"Forget it." Bumaro sighed. "No matter what method we use, we must retrieve all the body of God."

Bumaro isn't very impassioned, but he has a momentum.

Fusha put her arms on her chest: "God, it will be complete."

As if completing a very important ceremony, Fusha breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Bumaro's back and stopped talking.

Bumaro seemed to be able to feel the look in her eyes, and said, "It's all about this time, just say whatever you want."

"That lord... he left the city of gears this morning."

Bumaro hummed, he already knew about it.

The broken **** religion can develop to today's scale, can integrate the three branches together, that person is indispensable.

Without him, Bumaro wouldn't be able to make up his mind to recover all the body of God.

He is not a member of the Broken Gods, and even served in the SCP Foundation for a long time.

However, his understanding of the Broken God was deeper than anyone else, even Bumaro was ashamed of it.

Now that he wants to leave, Bumaro really can't find a reason to force him to stay.

Fusha was a little worried and hesitated to ask: "He... won't reveal the location of Gear City, right?"

Bumaro finally turned around and looked at Fusha.

"The earth is so big in total. Do you really think that the SCP Foundation and GOC can't find us? They just think that using a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with us will take a lot of risk, and the gains outweigh the losses. It’s okay if the position tells them, as long as we don’t touch their bottom line, they won’t come to test our bottom line."

At this point, Bumaro's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Of course, if he does this, it means that God has abandoned us."

This topic was so heavy that Fusha was afraid to speak for a while.

Bumaro paused for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something very important.

Afterwards, he sighed, as if he had made up some kind of determination.

"Fusha, we have run out of time, notify all church personnel and be prepared."

Bumaro turned around and looked at the sea outside the window again.

"We are going to give the foundation a ultimatum."


Zhang Jue and Simmons had repeated conversations with SCP-079, eventually ending with 079 impatiently drawing a cross on the screen.

However, the difference is that Simmons only talked to 079 for less than 20 minutes before he was blasted out. However, Zhang Jue talked with this computer for more than an hour.

Because Zhang Jue blocked 079's display, the monitors did not know what they were saying.

This is actually a serious violation of the rules of the Foundation. If you change to another person, you have long been arrested under an order.

But who is Zhang Jue? He even rides Uncle 682, and even makes trouble in the headquarters, so he still cares about this?

If there is any daring to rush to interrupt his conversation with 079, he doesn't mind teaching the other person how to write the word "death" by himself.

The director of Walnut is scheming in the end.

As the leader of the station, he naturally knows what Zhang Jue means to the foundation.

So when the staff asked him if he wanted to forcibly break into the 079 containment room, he had already hid under the pretext of urinating.

It wasn't until Zhang Jue came out of the containment room that he reappeared, and he sorrowfully stated his stakes with Zhang Jue, and bluntly said that he would write a report on this matter and submit it to the headquarters.

Zhang Jue has long been surprised by things like "impeachment". Whoever wants to write a report can just write it. If he is afraid, his surname will not be Zhang.

Moreover, he also knows that the Walnut webmaster is just a cutscene, so that everyone does not need to take responsibility.

Who said that programmers have low EQ? This old guy is not bad at playing tricks.

Zhang Jue put his arms around the shoulders of the stationmaster Walnut, stroked his few hairs, just about to tease.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside, and the secretary of the Walnut stationmaster, Robert, hurriedly walked towards the two of them, seemingly something urgent.

"Robert, what's the matter?" The Walnut stationmaster frowned.

"Come from the headquarters, call for consultant Zhang." Robert looked at Zhang Jue, concisely, "Something went wrong."

As the secretary of the Walnut webmaster~www.novelmt.com~ Robert has always been cautious in his words and actions. He is very reliable and never exaggerates.

He said something went wrong, and it was definitely something wrong.

Looking at his solemn expression, things are not small.

Zhang Jue looked strange and muttered in his heart that the report of the Walnut webmaster has not yet been written, so he sent someone to arrest me so soon.

Seeing Robert's serious face, he asked, "What the **** is going on, can you tell me something?"

Robert shook his head: "They are still in the reception room. I don't know the specific details. I only heard that it is the Cult of the Broken God——"

At this point, Robert paused, as if he was organizing language.

"The Broken Cult... they... declared war on the Foundation."

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