I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 204: Elimination (5)

Zhang Jue embraced his body with his hands, his eyes flickered, like a little girl who had been bullied, and looked very pitiful.

Seeing him like this, Yang Wensong held his forehead with his hands, a little helpless.

"Consultant Zhang, I think you have misunderstood." He said, "I just want you to do me a favor and enter Cher's consciousness."

"Ah, it turned out to be like this. I said it earlier. I thought you made me dedicate myself. It's a shame—"


"Oh, it's okay, it's great if I said that I don't need to dedicate myself to life-Lao Yang, we are discussing how to completely eliminate 3125 and remove its threat to humans. Is it useful for me to enter Yang Xue's consciousness?"

"Useful." Yang Wensong nodded, "3125 is not the same as a normal enemy. It is a complex of concepts and a metaphysical idea. If you want to defeat it, the general method will not work. I am fighting 3125. A weakness was discovered in the process. When it erode people’s thinking, it actually cannibalize a little bit. As long as the eroded people are firm enough, they can overcome it on their own level."

What Yang Wensong said seemed very simple, Zhang Jue looked at him: "Then?"

"Do you know how my consciousness came out of my body?"

"I don't know, does it matter."

"It's related. My consciousness is to borrow a machine of idea materialization-we call it a conceptual precipitator, and then it has a part of the entity. By the same token, after 3125 is defeated by Xueer, it will be taken from Xueer's To expel it from the body, we only need to seize the opportunity to substantiate it, and then we can eliminate it through conventional means."

"Concept precipitator?"

Zhang Jue pinched his chin.

It turns out that the Antimemetics Department actually developed such a thing, which is really amazing.

This machine can materialize some concepts and deal with invisible things like 3125, which is called a magical weapon.

But there is a very important question.

Zhang Jue frowned: "Since you have worked out this kind of thing, why did you fail in the end?"

"The reason is very simple." Yang Wensong sighed, "No one can defeat 3125 in ideology. All the experimental subjects have been eroded by it. I--probably the only one who managed to escape, but escape was useless. We It needs to be defeated."

"Heh." Zhang Pei smiled, "Since everyone, including you, has failed, why do you think I can help Yang Xue do it?"

After Zhang Jue said these words, Yang Wensong suddenly fell silent.

After a while, he turned around and looked at Zhang Jue solemnly.

"Consultant Zhang, I can feel that you are not the same as everyone I have met. IMHO, you don’t seem to be a normal human being. When I act ideologically, I can feel The huge energy radiating from you is even more dazzling than the sun. 3125 is very cruel. It is impossible for Xueer alone or any normal person to resist its erosion, but you can, at least, in your With help, she can succeed. I can see that she trusts you very much. I can't do this. No one can do it. Only you can do it."

Yang Wensong's face was calm, he looked at Zhang Jue, talking word by word.

His tone was flat, as if he was just stating the facts.

But it is precisely this attitude that makes people unable to refuse.

When he finished speaking, Zhang Jue smacked his lips.

"Lao Yang, you said this for a long time, as if you were holding me up, but not exactly, how do I think you dug a hole for me."

Yang Wensong said: "I'm just stating the facts, because there is no other way we can do it."

Zhang Jue met his gaze and said, "Then what if we fail."

Yang Wensong laughed, a little helpless.

"If it fails this time, human society will all be infected by 3125 in three years or less. By that time, although human appearance will not change in any way, in fact, human civilization has completely disappeared. Everyone will live under the control of 3125 and become puppets."

Yang Wensong said it euphemistically.

But Zhang Jue understood what he meant.

In other words, behind this battle is the entire human race, and they have no retreat.

Once they fail, they will be greeted by the AK-class end of the world.

This kind of spiritual substitution and erosion is even more vicious than the Infinite Moon Reading in Hokage.

After figuring this out, Zhang Jue could only compromise.

"Well, those who can do more, who makes me so handsome."

He got up from the steps and patted his butt.

"Since Lao Yang is so worthy of me, then we can't show our timidity. To save the world, this kind of pediatrics will be dealt with in minutes by my consultant Zhang."

Seeing Zhang Jue's promise, Yang Wensong nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

As said before, he couldn't see through Zhang Jue.

Even if Zhang Jue intends to pat his **** and leave, it is not beyond his expectation.

After all, Zhang Jue himself will not be affected by 3125.

Fortunately, Zhang Jue finally chose to stand on the side of humans.


The concept precipitator is located in the No. 3 gate of the underground building.

But the entrance has been blown up by Kidd.

While Zhang Jue was worried, Yang Wensong took him to the end of a corridor in the main building.

Yang Wensong pressed it in a corner, and a keyboard popped out of the wall.

After Yang Wensong entered the password, the wall was pushed aside, and a secret passage was exposed.

The recipe is still the same, and the taste is familiar.

Like site14, site237 also has a secret tunnel.

Yang Wensong is cautious by nature and is well versed in the principles of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit. It is estimated that there will be hidden doors in all the drawings he participated in the design.

The secret road slopes all the way down, and there is an elevator at the end.

Zhang Jue breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the elevator.

He remembered clearly that the distance between the underground building and the ground was two to three hundred meters.

At this time, he held Yang Xue, although he could take advantage of it, it was always inconvenient.

Under the leadership of Yang Wensong, they soon came to the inside of the underground research room.

When the two of them came outside Room 3, Zhang Jue couldn't help sighing.

The fake Yang Wensong tried every possible means to trick him into entering this door. He was not fooled, but now he is back here.

Sometimes, fate is so nonsense.

The difference is that this time, he already knows how to defeat 3125.

Yang Wensong entered the password, and the door opened for unknown years after being sealed in dust.

At the moment the gate opened, a powerful resentment gushed out from it.

Zhang Jue even heard a scream.

This is probably the result of the long-term gathering of 3125 inside.

If an ordinary person stands outside the door, it is likely to be corroded immediately.

But Zhang Jue and Yang Wensong are already immune to it.

Only Yang Xue twitched again.

Although her eyes were open, her pupils could not focus, and it was obvious that her consciousness did not belong to her at all.

But neither Zhang Jue nor Yang Wensong were moved.

Entering the room, Zhang Jue saw a truck-sized instrument in the center of the room.

And in the middle of the instrument, there was exactly one person's place.

Zhang Jue put Yang Xue in.

Yang Wensong looked down at his daughter.

Only then did Zhang Jue see the dissatisfaction and guilt in his eyes.

As Yang Xue's father, instead of fulfilling his duty of raising, he dragged her into such a dangerous situation.

But working at the foundation is like that.

For these researchers, the family can only be considered later.

Because behind them is the entire human race.

Zhang Jue remembered two doctors, Scranton and Anna Lang, who joined the foundation for their daughter, but in the end they didn't even dare to recognize each other.

I don't know how Karina is now~www.novelmt.com~ There should be no big problem with Cain protecting her.

Zhang Jue started to slip, which meant that the whole thing was still under his control.

after awhile.

Yang Wensong sighed suddenly.

Only the perseverance of death was left in his eyes.

"It's not too late, Consultant Zhang, let's get started."

Zhang Jue nodded.

Yang Wensong activated the Reality Precipitator in order to capture the 3125 that might be expelled from Yang Xue's body at any time.

And Zhang Jue put his arm on Yang Xue's head and activated the "invalid" skill.

In an instant, he entered Yang Xue's consciousness space.

I don't know what kind of battle will be waiting for him.

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