I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 364 Crystal Pendant Necklace

Tsunade kicked Fei Duan away with one kick.

Because the rope was connected to the waist of the Bloody March Scythe and Hiduan, after Fei Duan was kicked away, the Bloody March Scythe naturally changed direction accordingly, only cutting off a dozen or so silver hairs near Jiraiya's ear.

As for Hiduan being beaten like this, Shinji was not happy.

It depends on the owner to beat a dog!

So one dodges over and punches Tsunade blackly.



Whoever touches my dog, I will kill his whole family!

"Shinji Akagi, what do you want to do?"

Tsunade, who retreated more than ten meters away, and his feet plowed two tracks on the ground, asked with a grim expression.

The punch just now was quite powerful, and the arms she crossed in front of her chest to block it were still aching.

"What do I want to do? I also want to ask what do you want to do?"

Shinji rolled his eyes, and pointed directly at Hiduan who had just gotten up after being kicked away.

"He almost killed Jiraiya, there's nothing wrong with me saving people."

"Couldn't it be that Jilai also made the first move? Oh, I see, you're going to say that he was actually saving this brat."

Tsunade's face darkened, "Now is not the time to argue about this. If Naruto loses control completely, no one here will be able to escape."

Shen Si said in his heart: "You know what the hell, when it really gets to the stage where it's completely out of control, Naruto's father and mother should line up to clean up Kyuubi."

So Shinji is the least worried person here.

"It's none of my business! Since your old friend said that we don't need help from outsiders here, then we're leaving. Don't be so kind as to be a donkey and be targeted when you come to help."

Shen Si taunted him in a strange way, which seemed to be an outburst of anger for Fei Duan.

"You bastard!"

"Thank you for the compliment. Is there anything else? Let's go first if there is nothing else. Oh, by the way, I will ask for the money I owe you in five days. I won't wait until it's overdue."

Shinji greeted everyone uncomfortably, and was about to leave.

Just now he understood that none of them together was important.

So people like Tsunade will never be their true companions.

Now that you understand it, there is no need to further win over.

Anyway, Tsunade's value had already been realized long after the contract was signed.

Just leave as soon as he said, Shenji really took people away.

Tsunade scolded someone in his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it, because Zilai couldn't bear it any longer.

In desperation, she could only go to help Jiraiya suppress Naruto.

But Naruto wanted to 'run away' when he saw Sasuke?

Run away again immediately!

The number of tails behind it has grown to four.

Boom, boom!

Jiraiya and Tsunade not only failed to stop the runaway Naruto, but were also easily sent flying by Chakra's fist.


Naruto immediately chased after him.

"It's not over, is it?"

"Confinement"! "

Shinji was also annoyed, feeling his will, Moxi's head turned 180 degrees immediately, revealing a civet cat face, and at the same time there was an extra tail behind her.

Seeing the raccoon face, Moxi opened her mouth wide and began to gather her spell power.

Although there is only 'one jade', it is enough to drink a pot.

boom! ! !

The pitch-black energy ball hit the half-tailed beast-like Naruto, setting off a huge explosion.

Even if the real tailed beast was blown up like this, it would still be dizzy for a while.

Naruto's tail beast coat was blown to pieces and fell directly into the lake.

"Tail Beast Jade? Could it be that the little girl is also Jinjuriki?"

Tsunade and Jiraiya, who witnessed the blow just now, also showed shocked expressions.

It's no wonder they would admit their mistake, after all, the prototype of Mo Qian's Nine Jade Curse is Tailed Beast Jade.

But now is not the time to be surprised, Jiraiya immediately jumped into the lake to look for Naruto.

Thanks to that blow, Naruto was blown unconscious.

After all, Naruto is still young at this moment, and he hasn't learned to control the Nine-Tails Chakra, everything is relying on instinct.

If it takes another two years, the result may be completely different.

Not to mention that he was unharmed by carrying the Nine Jade Curse, but he certainly wouldn't be knocked out so easily.

"seal up!"

Jilai didn't dare to delay, after dragging Naruto out of the lake, he immediately sealed Kyuubi back.

Seeing all the overflowing Nine-Tails Chakra retracted into Naruto's body, Jiraiya just sat down on the ground, feeling a little scared.

By this time, Shinji and the others had already left.

"Has this kid always been this emotionally unstable?"

Tsunade who stayed behind asked with a slight frown.

Jiraiya shook his head with a wry smile, "If it's like what you said, do you think Hirizan-sensei will let me take Naruto out of the village to practice?"

Then Jiraiya briefly talked to Tsunade about the love and hatred between Naruto and Sasuke, saying that Sasuke is one of Naruto's inner weaknesses.

That's why what happened just now.

Tsunade nodded slightly after listening, "What are you going to do next? Take Naruto back to Konoha?"

Jiraiya glanced at Tsunade hesitantly, seeing that Tsunade really had no intention of going back to Konoha with him, he sighed and said, "Since I can't persuade you to come back, it seems that there is only one way. But in a short time, I don't plan to return to Konoha. One is that I am not ready to take on such a heavy responsibility, and the other is that I don't want to give up halfway. Since I promised to teach Naruto well, then I have to teach it. "

Jilai was also aroused to win or lose, especially after seeing Naruto being abused so badly and leaving violently.

He didn't believe that under his serious teaching, Naruto would always lose to Sasuke.

"I believe Teacher Ri Zhan can also understand my choice."

"Don't worry, that old man is far from death, enjoy your last freedom."

"...Thank you, I have been comforted!"

Tsunade glanced at the unconscious Naruto, and thought that Jiraiya had actually blocked a trouble for himself, so after hesitating for a while, he took off the crystal pendant necklace Hashirama left for her from his neck .

"Naruto's problem will need to be resolved sooner or later. You keep this, and you can hand it over to him when the time comes."

"Isn't this... a relic left to you by the first generation?"

"Grandfather's Chakra is sealed here, which can effectively suppress Nine-Tails. You need him more than I do now."

"No, this thing is too precious."

"If you tell you to hold it, you can hold it, mother-in-law looks like a woman."

Tsunade said impatiently, then directly stuffed the things to Jiraiya, turned around and left.

"I hope to give you this thing, it didn't hurt you, Zilai also..."

Jiraiya held Tsunade's crystal pendant necklace in his hand, and suddenly shouted, "Don't you want to drink together to catch up?"

"I'm not in the mood, next time."

Jiraiya gave a wry smile, realizing that Tsunade was still the same Tsunade, he probably wouldn't be able to learn this kind of freedom in his lifetime.

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