In fact, no one knows whether these people are rushing to complete the task, or want to take advantage of it.

After all, if you want to see the first oiran, you may have to pay a price of tens of millions of taels.

Now you can go whoring for nothing, may I ask how many people are not tempted?

Even Shinji was very curious about how beautiful the No. 1 oiran was, who could fascinate so many people, and even went bankrupt for her.

But he always felt that after seeing it, there was a high probability that he would be disappointed.

One is that he has experienced the baptism of the big entertainment era in his previous life, and he has never seen any kind of beauties.

The second is that he always feels that the value of the No. 1 oiran is actually a persona created by marketing, and real people may not be so good-looking.

Third, he generally likes to do business first.

After finishing the official business, it may not be impossible to check the depth of the first oiran.

So he simply went directly to the second floor.

Meanwhile, the man who just died was like being stabbed in a hornet's nest.

A group of people rushed to the top floor of the red building aggressively.

"That woman must be a monster!"

"That's right, someone saw her kill the 'vicious dog' Ah Jin just now."

"No wonder this woman has been hiding here!"

"The reward for this mission is mine alone, hahaha!"

Soon, when the first person rushed in, he saw only a beautiful woman in a white suede jacket hiding in the corner with a frightened face.

I don't know what happened just now, which caused a few drops of blood on her innocent face of Yudai Lihua, and the whole fragrant shoulder was exposed on the right side, adding a bit of powerful temptation.


The man originally came here for the task reward, but after seeing this scene, he immediately swallowed his saliva, and his eyes were full of undisguised possessiveness.

However, after such a delay, the people behind also rushed in.

So it turned into a group of ferocious men holding weapons, surrounded by a beautiful and delicate girl, making terrible laughter from time to time.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the girl, and they didn't notice that there was a huge white fox entrenched above their heads.

This white fox is all white except for a red crescent mark on its forehead. It is baring its teeth and showing a fierce look in its eyes!

"What a number one oiran, he really deserves his name!"

"I have a proposal, how about..."

"Very good, very good!"

"That's right, let's have fun first, then exchange her head for a reward, and then everyone will share it equally."

"Aren't you afraid that this woman is really a monster?"

"Made, with such a charming appearance, even if it is true, then I will admit it!"

The first person who came up at the beginning seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and rushed over immediately.

Then, with a pop, the head fell to the ground.

When he died, there was still a weird smile on his face.

"Zhuo! Scared me to death!"

"Who did it?"

"There can't really be...monsters here?"

Everyone was startled and looked around, but there was no one else except the weak girl hiding in the corner.

"Huh? What is that woman frightened about?"

"Something's wrong! It's not us that she's afraid of, but... Up? Up?!"

Those who observed this detail immediately raised their heads to look at the top of their heads, and then met a pair of red animal pupils.

At this time, the white fox's paws were dyed red, and it was staring at him covetously!


A white shadow flashed past.

Gu Wei

Just as the man was about to say something, he immediately fell down clutching his throat in horror.

But this time, his death was noticed by many people.

"A white shadow flashed past just now!"

"over there!"

"It's a fox, a white fox!"

"Made, it turned out to be a beast, kill it!"

A group of people raised their weapons angrily and rushed towards the white fox, but this white fox was not only huge, like a wolf king, but also extremely fast and very flexible.

Every time the white fox swings its sharp claws, it must take away a life.

But the space here is relatively too small to allow it to take full advantage of its speed.

And this group of people is not a vegetarian either, after witnessing the terrifying attack of the white fox, they all became very cautious.

Soon, the white fox was pushed into a corner by the superiority of the number of people.

Without room to dodge, the white fox must be in danger.

But the strange thing is that the clever white fox didn't show any signs of fear, but continued baring its teeth and making an attacking gesture.

"Don't let it get away, let's go together and kill it!"

Just when all the attention of this group of people was on the white fox, no one noticed that the beautiful girl who was supposed to be in the corner had quietly come behind the group of people at this moment, and she was on all fours on the ground with her face on her face. Never see the fear and fear before.

It was replaced by beast-like resentment!

Beast Ninja Moonlight Fox!

In an instant, the girl turned into a white fox. The two white foxes were exactly the same except for the crescent moon mark on their foreheads.

Tamamo-ryu Secret Art Moon Claws!

The two white foxes rushed out almost at the same time, almost twice as fast as before.

And when waving the sharp claws, there was a faint silver-white light blessing on them, so that they could easily cut the weapons of this group of people.


"There's a fox behind!"

"Get out of the way..."

No one expected that an identical white fox would launch a sneak attack from behind, causing the group of people to immediately become chaotic.

What's more, they couldn't catch up with the speed of these two foxes at all.


"The monsters are these two foxes, spread the information quickly!"

Seeing the people around him being killed one after another, the rest of them suddenly collapsed and began to run away in all directions.

One of the foxes, which didn't have a crescent mark on its forehead, immediately showed anxiety in its eyes, as if it didn't want to let the group of people go.

But at this moment, a terrible breath locked her.

She didn't care about chasing and killing those people anymore, and turned to look at the window vigilantly.

A red-eyed crow stood by the window, seemingly staring at her.

At the same time, footsteps came from the door, and a tall figure stepped out.

"What, it turned out to be a little girl and a little fox."

Kisame was very speechless, and came here in vain.

The white fox seemed to have been frightened, and made an aggressive posture of sternness and indifference.

At this time, the crow at the window suddenly spoke, "Are you from the Kingdom of Beasts? It's strange, except for the Inuzuka clan who migrated to Konoha, all other clans in the Kingdom of Beasts should have died out."

The girl Baihu whose identity was suddenly revealed sank in her heart, and immediately jumped onto the back of Baihu next to her.

Tamamo Ryu Human-Beast Hybrid Transformation Moonlight King Fox!


A giant white fox with a body length of more than 5 meters roared to the sky, and the changing full moon imprint on its forehead was extremely eye-catching.

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