I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 760 Didn't escape the drizzle

The hinges of the big iron door made a clicking sound.

He fell down suddenly and directly slapped the lunatic underneath.

Yu Jingting reacted so quickly, his body had already moved before his head could think.

One strode forward and stepped directly on the big iron gate.

The lunatic was crushed underneath, stepped on by him like this, so he couldn't breathe.

"Just like you are so stupid, you still want to kill my wife? Have you never looked in the mirror or gone to the bathroom?"

"Why do you say I haven't been to the toilet?" The lunatic asked out of breath.

"As long as you go to the toilet and take a pee to take care of yourself, you can't say such a thing!"

The lunatic was so stunned by Yu Jingting that he had nothing to say, he could only be stepped on by him, and looked at him stupidly.

Yu Jingting asked the little fat father to come over with a rope and tie up the lunatic, Zhao Gong was beaten by the lunatic, and he didn't know if he could survive.

Yu Jingting asked Suizi to call the police and an ambulance, and called the neighbors around as evidence.

When tying up the lunatic, he still refused to accept it, yelling that Yu Jingting's victory was unwarranted, and he wanted Yu Jingting to let him go, one-on-one duel.

Yu Jingting raised his middle finger at him contemptuously, and with the other hand he unhurriedly took out a cookie he had hidden in his pocket, which was made by Luoluo.

Take a bite.

The original intention is to eat in front of the opponent and humiliate the opponent.

He put a lunatic one-on-one with the water in his head. The lunatic is so powerful that he can't be regarded as a normal human being at all, only a fool.

But the madman gasped as he watched him eat the cookie.

"Do you dare to eat shit?!"

".The evil pen."

When the police came to arrest him, the bound lunatic shouted respectfully:

"Do you dare to ask the name of a strong man who eats shit? I, Wu Erlang, feel ashamed! Hero, I adore you!"

Yu Jingting, who won the lunatic by "eating shit", said that he does not want this kind of worship.

The fire at Second Aunt's house was also extinguished, after investigation, it was Zhao Gong who set the fire.

The purpose is very clear, that is, to bring forth the tassels.

The police deduced that Zhao Gong thought of such a bad move because he found that Suizi's house had many strong men serving as bodyguards and he couldn't break in.

Why is it an inference?

Because Zhao Gong was severely injured by a neuropathy, and died in the hospital. His motive for setting the fire could not be explained in person, but could only be inferred.

Ending his sinful life is also a bit of consolation to the innocent women who died at his hands.

The man was beaten by a psychopath, and has nothing to do with Suizi's family.

That psychopath didn't stop asking for Yu Jingting's name until he was arrested. It is said that he admired Jingting very much.

The crisis of Suozi's family was resolved at once, and everyone was very happy.

Only Jiaojiao looked at Luoluo in a daze.

She was sure that she heard what Luo Luo said before the iron gate fell, the iron gate would fall.

When Yu Jingting and his wife went to the bureau to cooperate in taking notes, Jiaojiao squatted in front of the big iron gate of Xiaopang's house and looked carefully.

"Jiaojiao, what are you looking at?" Xiaopang came over and asked.

"The hinges on the iron door of your house are all broken, and it doesn't look like it's been in disrepair for a long time. How could it be broken?" Jiao Jiao asked.

The iron gate won't drop sooner or later, and it has to wait for the lunatic to drop it when he is standing by the door, as if deliberately trying to smash him, this can no longer be described as a coincidence.

Xiaopang also wondered, his family has been moving here for so many days, and they have lived in a good place, and there is no problem with the door opening and closing.

"Whatever it is, it's the merit of this door to fall and hit a bad person. Wouldn't it be even more unlucky if we hit it in our own time? But then again, it's not so strange that your sister-in-law is blessed in her life, right?" ?”

Xiaopang came from Wangjiaweizi, and the legend of Chen Han Suiwang Fu Yizi is still circulating in his hometown.

"What I can't figure out now is whether my sister-in-law is lucky, or—" The two little radishes are lucky?

Jiao Jiao thought of a detail.

There are stalls at the gate of the school to catch prizes. There are small grids pasted with paper, and there are different toys in each grid.

When her brother picked her up, she would occasionally let the radishes in the car down to grab them, and they were all good things without exception.

Before, she thought it was just a coincidence, but now Jiaojiao stared at the big iron gate that was cracked for no reason, and suddenly thought of what Suizi once said: There is no chance in the universe, and all "coincidences" are inevitable.

Yu Jingting and Suizi make notes at the police station.

After asking about the business, the policeman hesitated to speak, Yu Jingting looked very awkward with that expression.

"If there's anything else, just tell me." He still wanted to hurry up and go home to coax his wife.

There were enough things that happened that day, and Yu Jingting was worried that his wife and baby would be frightened.

"There's another question, and it's not an official matter—that is, did you really eat that thing in order to deter the suspect?" This question has been lingering in everyone's mind for a long time.

After the lunatic was caught, he kept saying that Yu Jingting was a real man and a pure man, and he was ashamed to eat shit.


"Pfft!" Suizi laughed uncontrollably.

Yu Jingting glanced at her helplessly, with a hint of grievance in his eyes.

There was a rattling sound from the next door, very loud.

"Chen Hansui, I'm going to kill you!" Fan Lili's voice came through the wall, the voice sounded a little strange, like a leak.

Suizi almost didn't realize that it was Fan Lili.

"That woman has a problem with you, right? Her situation is not very optimistic. It seems that she has to close the mental hospital again." The policeman said.

Fan Lili did not participate in the murder, she just wrote blood on the wall, this situation is not considered a crime, and she will have to be sent to a mental hospital to be locked up after the trial.

This time, Suizi decided to find a stricter mental hospital and treat Fan Lili well. It turned out that the hospital was too unreliable, and the more it was treated, the more serious it became.

"Why is her voice like that?" Suizi asked.

Yu Jingting immediately looked at the ceiling, and almost whistled a few times to show that he had nothing to do with him.

"Oh, when she was sent in, I heard that the fierce resistance just hit the floor, the front teeth fell out, and the air leaked when she spoke."

"It's a pity that she will never be able to eat spicy duck heads again."

Suizi looked at Yu Jingting with a smile, this "just happens" is really a coincidence.

Suizi and Yu Jingting came out after taking notes, just as the police officers in the next room had finished interrogating Fan Lili and escorted her out.

Fan Lili was so completely crazy that she spoke without any logic at all. When she asked her anything, she gave wrong answers, and all she could say was hatred for Suizi.

Liu Qian followed Fan Lili, wiping away tears.

When Fan Lili got sick, she didn't even recognize her. When she went to her house to kidnap her, she could still call her mother. After being arrested, she was stimulated, and her own mother didn't recognize her. She would just repeat Suizi's name over and over again.

Fan Lili and Suizi met face to face, Suizi gasped when he saw her appearance.

I haven't seen you for a few years, why is Fan Lili so old?

She doesn't look like a girl in her twenties at all, standing with Liu Qian seems to be Liu Qian's sister.

"Chen Hansui, you are Chen Hansui." Fan Lili recognized Suizi at a glance, and suddenly, she broke free from the police officer who was escorting her, and rushed towards Suizi.

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