I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 735: Atavistic Appearance

Suizi was startled, looked up, and met a pair of cold-blooded eyes.

I saw a man coming up from the cab, with protruding browbones, single eyes, protruding mouth, and a little asymmetry between the left and right sides of his face.

Suizi was sure that this was the first time she saw it, but it gave her an inexplicably familiar feeling, as if something was awakened in her body, and she felt terrible.

She didn't have time to think about it, and her first reaction was to sternly reprimand her.

"what are you doing!"

The visitor fixed his eyes on Suizi, licked his lips, and said in a hoarse voice:

"I'm here to ask for directions."

"Go down." Suizi already started to panic, and glanced at Yu Jingting across the road.

Two roads away, he bought porridge on the opposite side of the road, and he couldn't see it with his back facing this side.

If she shouted at this time, it would be almost too late for him to rush over after hearing it.

"You look so good-looking." The man stretched out his hand, and it hit Suizi's chest.

Without thinking, Suizi smashed the lunch box in her arms.

The man screamed, Suizi took the opportunity to honk the car horn.

The ear-piercing voice caused Yu Jingting to look sideways, and when he turned his head and saw that the cab door was open and a man was sitting on it, Yu Jingting yelled.

"Get off!"

When the man in the cab heard the sound, his facial expression instantly became flustered, he jumped out of the cab, turned around and ran.

Yu Jingting wanted to chase him, but Suizi called to stop him.

"Stop chasing, come back!"

Yu Jingting came over cursing, seeing that Suizi was fine, he let go of his nervousness.

"what happened?"

Suizi told the story of the incident, goosebumps all over her arms.

"Although he didn't touch me, his eyes made me feel disgusted, I can't describe it, and his appearance always gives me a feeling of deja vu."

Suizi rubbed her arms, looking at the vegetables in the cart, the elbow just disappeared, it was really annoying.

"Wang Bagaozi ran down the alley, and my car can't get in."

Yu Jingting simply wiped his seat and drove towards the other end of the alley, intending to block that guy.

He doesn't want to leave Suizi now, and he is also worried that Suizi will be molested again if he leaves his sight.

I drove around and looked around, but found no one, so the young couple had to go home.

Suizi originally wanted to call the police, but the guy didn't cause any substantial harm to her, and the police couldn't file a case.

It can only be regarded as walking and encountering a psychopath, and being caught by tassels if he fails to mobilize.

Back home, Yu Jingting became more and more angry when he thought about it.

"Do you still remember the face of that bastard, draw it out, immediately!"

"What are you doing?" Suiko asked.

"Draw it out, make 1,000 copies, give it to young people who come to the roller skating rink, and offer a reward of 100. If I find out where he is, I must beat him up."

Thinking that his daughter-in-law was almost bullied under his nose, Yu Jingting was unwilling to bear this tone.

The young couple were talking, when Chen Lijun came in with a smile, and began to look around after entering the door, looked around the table, and asked Suizi if she didn't see the food box.

"What about the food? Xizi called me and said she ordered several dishes for me."



Suizi told the story, and Chen Lijun was furious and slapped the table.

"Bring a pen and paper! I'll draw with Suizi!"

Pregnant women have a bitter summer every day, with tricky tastes, and finally heard that there are elbow meatballs, and they were smashed by bad guys!

This fire was immediately transferred to the bad guys. If you don't draw them and poke them a few times, it's hard to calm down the hatred in your heart!

When Fan Huang came over, he saw Suizi and Chen Lijun each drawing on a drawing board, with murderous looks on their faces.

"Yo? Comrade Xiao Chen hasn't drawn for a long time. What's the matter?"

When Yu Jingting told the story, Fan Huang couldn't laugh or cry.

No wonder it has a murderous look, is it that you can't eat anger?

"If you want to eat knuckles, just order another one."

This kind of dish can also be made at home, but it is too time-consuming. When it is ready, the greediness of pregnant women will pass.

"If you order again, it won't be the original share. Suizi is scared. If you don't teach him a lesson, maybe he will scare other little girls." Chen Lijun has passed her greed now, and she just loves her daughter.

Sitting perfectly on the side of the road waiting for someone, suddenly a psychopath comes up, isn't this a disaster for no reason!

"Suizi is usually not particularly timid, so how could she be scared by a stranger?" Fan Huang heard that the girl was frightened, and looked carefully, seeing that the girl's face was indeed a little pale, so he also paid attention to it.

"I can't tell what it feels like—" Suizi's painting has first taken shape, and then I look at my mother's drawing board. Chen Lijun draws according to Suizi's dictation, and her background in a major is different.

"Mom, you draw more like me than me. It's the eyes—by the way, it's the eyes."

Suizi thought of it in a flash.

"Although I haven't seen him, his eyes and this appearance make me very uncomfortable. I can't describe it."

Chen Lijun put down her pen to look at it carefully and gave a professional conclusion.

"This kind of appearance is somewhat atavistic. In the last century, a foreign military doctor dissected more than 1,000 criminals and found that these people had some similarities in facial features, which belonged to the phenomenon of atavism. When you were young, I drew several paintings and told If you encounter such a person, stay away.”

"It looks like a caveman." Yu Jingting took a look, and found that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drew ugly people, showing a fierce look.

"I don't remember the paintings I saw when I was a child, but I did feel uncomfortable when I saw him." Suizi suddenly realized that her mother had taught her this way when she was a child. No wonder she reacted immediately. This is the safety engraved in her subconscious educate.

"Aren't you judging people by their appearance too much? Those who grow up like this are not necessarily bad people, right?" Fan Huang asked Chen Lijun.

Chen Lijun glanced at him proudly.

"Indeed, those who grow up like this are not necessarily all bad people, but there is a saying that you may not have heard before. It is better to kill a hundred by mistake and not let one go. It is not good to judge a person by their appearance, but a person's experience will be engraved in his eyes. The eyes of the bad guys are particularly fierce, I taught Suizi how to look into people's eyes since she was a child."

"No wonder she is so timid." Yu Jingting muttered, he seriously suspected that his daughter-in-law's sensitive personality was educated by her mother-in-law.

"What do you know, you have to be careful when raising your daughter. There are too many livestock outside, and I can't teach those bad guys to be honest one by one. I can only tell my own children to be careful."

"That's right. If it wasn't for Suizi's quick reaction today, this guy would definitely have taken advantage of it. I'll take it and copy it. As long as he dares to wander around the city, I will dig him out and teach him to be a new man." .”

Yu Jingting always has endless energy and time when dealing with people, Suizi's pale face makes him not think it is a trivial matter at all.

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