I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 700 Teammates of Pigs from the Sky

When Yu Jingting was attracting the old lady's attention in front, two people rushed up from the backstage, held the old lady down, snatched the medicine bottle from her hand, and dragged it away.

These two people are the Chen family that Suizi called out before Yu Jingting took the stage, and the husband and wife have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

"Let's make a harmless joke, liven up the atmosphere, and don't take it seriously." Yu Jingting gave a gentleman's salute gracefully, "Today is my grandpa's birthday, and I will sing a segment of outwitting Tiger Mountain for everyone. Big guys help out."

Someone in the audience shouted hello, and everyone saw that it was Yu Jingting's old man with a fork in the sky.

Fan Huang took the lead and applauded, and the others immediately followed the rhythm and applauded.

With a wave of Yu Jingting's hand, the sound of the stage resumed, the gongs and drums on the stage started to beat, and immediately some actors came up to continue singing. Everything that happened just now seemed to be a hallucination.

"Walking through forests and seas and crossing snowfields!" Yu Jingting spoke with a correct accent, and the audience applauded again.

Suizi led the child to Chen Lijun's table, and Chen Lijun turned to ask her.

"Since when did Jing Ting still have this talent?"

"When I was in school, I learned it during the cultural performances. Your son-in-law was also a famous figure in school. The president of the student council and the backbone of the arts, whenever there is a show, he will go to it with a suona."

"It's better to sing opera." Chen Lijun still has some psychological shadows about her son-in-law's suona talent.

"Why are you still here?" Seeing Suizi sitting still, Chen Lijun thought that there was someone backstage planning to take medicine.

"How much do you pay this girl?" Chen Lijun asked Fan Huang, and Fan Huang smiled and made a five sign.

"You will be deducted two hundred yuan, and you will be passive and sabotage." Chen Lijun said ruthlessly.

Suizi was busy smiling.

"Wait until I finish listening to Jing Ting's singing, he basically doesn't sing at home."

Chen Lijun was inexplicably shown a look of affection, "How many years have you two been married? Why are you still so clingy?"

Bobo, who finally finished eating a pea yellow, raised his head and said with his cool little expression, "Just get used to it."

Luoluo followed suit and nodded.

"We've seen the more greasy ones."

The children who were raised on dog food said it was all trivial.

"Dad called Mommy the big baby yesterday."

"." Chen Lijun looked at her daughter with distaste. She felt that this love-minded girl must not be like her, so she glanced at Fan Huang complainingly. This time, Fan Huang misunderstood her.

"Do you want me to call you too, big baby?"

"Cough!" Chen Lijun choked, blushing rarely.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of children!"

"Don't let me call you big baby, is it still old baby?" Suizi ran away after saying that, if she didn't run away, she would really be beaten.

After Suizi ran away, Fan Huang leaned close to Chen Lijun's ear and whispered, "I can call alone at night."


Just when Yu Jingting finished singing, the couple met backstage.

"Why are you angry with our mother? I think she is going to make a move." Yu Jingting said.

"She's like a gasoline tank, where is she not angry? Let's exercise her when we have nothing to do, and it is easy to increase her anger threshold, so that she won't blow up in the future."

Chen He came over, and behind him were two young men who had just come on stage to drag the old girls.

"Where's the person?" Suizi returned to a serious look in front of people.

"It's tied up at the back. It's going to hit the wall and bite its tongue. We can only tie it up for her."

Suizi and his wife controlled the field in a timely manner, and the sound was turned on early, so they couldn't hear what the old female student said behind the tables. Yu Jingting's invincible singing voice diverted the attention, so the scene is quite stable now.

The people sitting in the front row are all close relatives of the Chen family. Even if they hear something, they must not let the family scandal out, and those in the back row don't dare to think about it if they don't hear it.

But if the old girl's problem is not resolved, who knows what will happen in the future.

"Jingting Suizi, come here." Chen He dragged Yu Jingting and his wife to the side, and told Suizi what he had just heard.

The old female student claimed to have Chen Bin's child, and said that Chen Bin promised to divorce her ex-wife and marry her.

As a result, he waited and waited, his belly seemed to be getting bigger, and Chen Bin did not get divorced.

Being pushed by others, he took Chen Bin to celebrate his birthday and ran up on the stage to make a fuss, wanting to make a fuss.

Suizi was completely messed up after hearing this.

"Hehe, it's amazing. The old man doesn't have much hair, but the tadpoles are quite tenacious. He's sixty-six, and he's still old enough to have a son?" Yu Jingting was delighted.

"Daughter-in-law, let me interview you. How do you feel about you having an uncle or aunt who is younger than our children?"

"It's as if you can call my uncle and auntie big brother and big sister." Suizi rolled his eyes at him.

No matter what time it is, this guy is still thinking about talking shit.

"How old is that girl? Where does she work?"

"That woman's name is Ge Mingyue, forty-five years old, her husband died a few years ago, and she sings old girls in the Beijing Opera Troupe."

"Forty-five, elderly mothers, you probably don't sing very well?" Suizi asked.

Chen He shook his head, then he didn't know, and he couldn't ask anything backstage, the woman kept making trouble.

"As long as you are famous, you won't get involved with an old man in his sixties. At this age, if you want to talk about love, poof."

Yu Jingting couldn't go on, it was too ridiculous.

If there is a woman who loves a bad old man like grandpa, he is willing to eat two cans of stinky tofu on the spot instead of steamed buns.

What a heavy taste that is.

"The age difference is more than 20 years old. If I think about it with my knees, I know it can't be for love. It's for money and profit. Let's go and meet her."

Suizi guessed right.

This woman, at the beginning, insisted that she and Chen Bin were in true love. She wanted nothing else but Chen Bin to divorce and marry her, so that the child in her belly would have a father.

Suizi didn't talk to her, she was straightforward, if she wanted money, she just said it, the price was negotiable, if she didn't need it, she didn't care.

In the worst case, just give birth to the child and take it abroad for dna. If it is confirmed that the child belongs to the old man, and then sue the old man, he can pay any maintenance fee. Before the confirmation, all these expenses will be paid by the woman.

The other party sees that Suizi seems gentle and weak, but he speaks so harshly, knowing that there is no benefit in getting along with Suizi and his wife, so they simply have a showdown.

"Give me 50,000 yuan, and I'll have the surgery when I get the money, otherwise I'll go to school and make trouble, and I'll let everyone know who he is."

"Fifty thousand? Pfft."

Spike was happy.

She really dared to ask for a price.

He turned his head and asked Yu Jingting.

"Now, what is the monthly salary of an ordinary worker?"

"Ordinary units are around 100, which is as high as Chen He can give."

Paper mills are profitable and give workers bonuses.

"Okay, let's count on a hundred yuan a month. You fooled around with an old man who didn't know if he was fertile all night, and then turned around and asked me for 50 years' salary? Does that old man seem to be worth 50 years' salary? ?”

Hearing what Suizi said, the old female student also had a hesitant look on her face, probably also wanting to lower the price.

Suizi was about to finish, when suddenly a voice came from the door.

"I can give you the money, but you must go to the hospital immediately for an abortion."

Suizi and Yu Jingting stared wide-eyed at the same time, and slowly turned their heads to look at each other. Where is the pig teammate here? Isn't this causing trouble?

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