I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 666 Cowards Are Afraid Of Happiness

"Let my dad have no regrets, and Jing Ting and I have no regrets, and keep our mouth shut. The benefits of this matter outweigh the disadvantages, why not do it?"

The translation is, we all think it is very good, and your opinion can be reserved.

Chen Lijun was so angry with Suizi that she turned around and was about to leave.

"What is home? Is it a lifeless house? Is it people who eat together? There are many people who meet these conditions, but why are we the only family?"

Suizi's words made Chen Lijun stop.

"Because we are a whole! Mom, as an individual in the whole, you pursue independence and individuality too much."

".Are you talking about philosophy with me?!"

"Individualism is higher than the whole, whether it is for you or for the whole family, it is a harm."

"I don't want to engage in these red tapes, so you give me value?!"

"It's not a question of worth or not. What are you running away from? What are you afraid of?"

Chen Lijun was startled, her daughter's words were like sharp arrows, piercing the part of her heart that she was least willing to show to others.

"What am I afraid of?"

"You are not afraid, then you go in now, the man who will spend the rest of your life with you is there, how can you bear to leave him?

He has withstood so much pressure to marry you, but you let him down time and time again just because you care about other people's trivial comments.

Your seemingly moderate choice is actually a cowardly deserter. Mom, how did you teach me? "

Suizi finished speaking in one breath, these words had been pressed in her heart for too long.

Gushing out, the emotions gradually lost control, pushing away the handkerchief Yu Jingting handed over, Suizi didn't even notice that she was bursting into tears.

"When I was a child, I always felt that my mother didn't like me. You thought I was timid and cowardly. You hoped that I could be like you, bravely face everything, fight against the sky, the earth and people. I haven't been able to fully do it!"

"You're pretty good when you fight with me."

"If I were really fighting with you, I wouldn't tell you these things. I used to be a person who liked to avoid problems. When I had a premonition that this matter might have a bad result, my first reaction was Just running, I can't figure out why I have such a character."

Suizi in her previous life was a typical avoidant personality.

When she misjudged that Yu Jingting was dangerous to her, she ran away immediately.

That danger stems not only from the fear of him, but also from the fear of love.

Suizi also took a long time, with the help of a psychologist, to understand her behavior of escaping marriage in her previous life.

"When I first got married, I always wanted to leave Jingting, not because I didn't know him well, but because I wanted to be happy so much, so I wanted to escape."

Cowards are afraid of even happiness.

Yu Jingting patted her, and someone was already looking at her.

The three of them were standing at the corner of the entrance, and many people passed by.

Suizi waved at him, she must vomit quickly today, after today, she might not have the courage.

"Do you know why I'm timid? When I was very young, you told me countless times that if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't marry a wimp.

You said to me countless times, without me, your life would not be like this!

Since I was very young, you have been insinuating to me that I am not worth it, that I am not worthy of everything that is good in this world. "

"How can you think like that?!" Chen Lijun's heart was broken upon hearing these words.

"Listen to me!

You always hope that I will become as strong as you, you cultivate me, you exercise me, but I am not you after all!

I was bullied by my classmates at school, and when I came back to cry with you, I was not comforted and would be scolded by you. "

Why not call back? Why not scold back?

Hearing this kind of talk too much is a secondary injury, so much so that I don't want to go home and talk about similar things.

No matter how hard Suizi tried, she couldn't meet her mother's request. Her innate character background meant that she would not become such a eloquent person like Yu Jingting, who could hit and scold whenever she wanted.

"You are wrong to blame our mother. Every time you are bullied, she will help you get justice. When I pulled your braids, she blocked me on my way from school and even threw stones at me."

Yu Jingting was afraid that the two women would really quarrel.

"Jing Ting, I haven't finished my words yet.

Each of us sees the world from a different perspective. From my perspective when I was young, I didn’t experience intimacy, I didn’t get my mother’s approval for me, I felt that I had no support, I felt that I was useless.

The world is too dangerous for me, I want to hide when I have a problem, I don't want to solve it at all. "

In her previous life, she realized that she might like Yu Jingting, and the loss of Yu Jingting's child might make him hate her.

She didn't want to see his disgusted eyes, she ran away, and even made up a lie about being afraid of him to deceive herself.

Chen Lijun's lips were tightly closed, and her eye circles were red. This proud woman never felt that she was such a failure in life.

"For so many years, you've been hating me?! Forget it, you hate me, it's up to you."

Chen Lijun didn't want to stay any longer, her heart would break if she listened to one more sentence.

"I don't hate you. The world I see in my eyes is not complete.

My mother will do a lot of things for me in a place I can't see. She once disregarded her own danger and gambled half of her life's happiness. She would rather bear everything to bring me into this world.

She worked hard to train me and gave me everything she could. Although the method may not be suitable for me, who can say that if I put myself in her position, I can do better than her? "

Suizi understood her mother's native family and also unlocked the code of her own personality.

The twisted grandfather never gave mother positive emotional support since she was a child, and the mother is a strong eldest daughter, so she has such a twisted personality.

The twisted character, when facing his own daughter, naturally turned into a hatred of iron and steel.

Chen Lijun has suffered too much, so she doesn't want Suizi to suffer the same hardships she has suffered, and desperately wants to train her to be independent, but the more this happens, the more timid Suizi becomes.

They are all first-timers, and no one is born to be a mother.

Those who blame their mothers for not doing well enough, look back in middle age, and they may not be much better than their parents.

Most people live in the way they hate the most. Destiny is like a reincarnation with a magnet. No matter how far you jump, it will attract people back and stick to it.

Suizi escaped from the cycle of reincarnation and found the code to happiness with the experience of a lifetime.

"You are not a perfect person, and your character has many shortcomings, but I am not a perfect person, and I also have many shortcomings. If you don't dislike me, and you don't regret giving birth to me, then I won't dislike you either.

I don't want to watch you avoid happiness like I used to do, and I'm not afraid to speak out my love, let alone tell the whole world that I have the ability to be good to my parents, because my mother deserves it. "

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