I’m Chasing Rough Guys at 80s

Chapter 604 Hard-spoken and soft-hearted

"Once the Chen cellar is opened, the fragrance will be thousands of miles away. The wine is not afraid of the alley. If no one opens the wine cellar? Then who knows if he is good?"

"It is appropriate to describe Jingting as 'although it is buried deep and useless, it can still be full of energy every night', and I am willing to be the good person who opens the wine cellar and let people find him."

The editor-in-chief was stunned.

This question shouldn't be asked, isn't this a rush to find opportunities for others to show their affection?

The brilliance in Suizi's eyes is definitely not fake.

She really thought so, and she did.

Wang Cuihua next to her is used to hearing Suizi's bottomless praise of Yu Jingting. The magic thing is that Suizi's words of praise to Jingting are not repeated every time.

The compilation of Suizi's praise of Jingting into a book is probably thicker than textbooks.

In the past, Wang Cuihua could still hold her cheeks and tease Suizi a few words.

But now, in the face of Yu Jingting's impressive college entrance examination results, Wang Cuihua can't even say anything to tease Suizi.

It was the first time I began to reflect, perhaps, her son is really not a piece of rubbish as Suizi said.

The corners of Wang Cuihua's eyes were a little moist, and a tear of emotion was silently brewing.

Click click click.

At such a sensational moment, an untimely sound effect sounded, and everyone followed the sound to see that Yu Jingting, who was praised by Suizi in every possible way, was wearing a vest and big pants, holding a green onion, and leaning against the door to chew.

There are two younger ones by their legs, maintaining the same shape as their father, with a green onion in each hand.

Wang Cuihua's moved tears were held back in an instant, and turned into a roar.

"Yu Tiegen, you have no business, how can you feed your child such a thick onion, you are not afraid of the child's spicy food?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud cry, and she shed tears from the onion on her grandma, pointing at the culprit, Yu Tiegen, holding back for a long time, and finally squeezed out a sentence:

"Tato Mala Di Spicy!"

Suizi and Wang Cuihua, who were blowing with the editor-in-chief Yu Jingting, froze at the same time, and Yu Jingting's hand gnawed on the green onion also stopped, and when he realized that it was not good, he turned around and ran away.

Did not run past the slippers Wang Cuihua threw over.

"Please don't swear in front of the child! Has the child learned it?! Stop!"

"Then what. This paragraph is pinched, don't write it." Suizi cheered her mother-in-law to punish the evil and promote the good with her eyes, and did not forget to communicate with the editor-in-chief.

The point is to praise, this kind of trivial matter that delays her husband's image is rounded up and there is no such thing.

The editor-in-chief still didn't hold back his laugh.

She didn't know if there were such cursing college students in the highest university in China before.

But in the future, there must be.

The results of the young couple were reported to the capital by Chen Ziyao, Chen Lijun's younger brother. The antique teacup in Chen Lijun's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

"Sister, our Suizi really gives you a good face. You are short of two full points, but it caused quite a stir. My big brother Jingting is also very good. After studying for more than a year, he can save 20 in the exam. I went to him before I came here. Then drink."

Chen Ziyao has long called Yu Jingting brother and brother, regardless of seniority.

"Heh, how could a country boy get such a high score in the exam? Did he cheat? Did you ask Fan Huang to give them the exam questions?" Father Chen, who was reading the newspaper on the sofa with his legs crossed, taunted his daughter.

"You can't talk nonsense. Fan Huang doesn't care about education. Besides, the college entrance examination questions are not for Fan Huang, even the bigger leaders can't get it." Mother Chen said with joy, "It seems that Suizi is She's really capable, if I go to Beijing to go to school, I can see her too, I always look at the photos, and I don't always feel satisfied."

"Heh, a wild child from the countryside, what's there to see? Let me tell you girls, don't bring that kind of country savage into our house. This is a holy land of culture. There are many scholars in the society, and there are no white people in the conversation! Who knows her Do you have any lice—ah!"

Before Father Chen could finish his sentence, the newspaper was full.

Chen Lijun pierced the newspaper with two fingers, and pulled her hand down. The two holes in the newspaper grew infinitely larger, setting off Father Chen's angry old face, which was very funny.

"Do you think my daughter would rarely come to your place?"

"You rebellious girl!" Father Chen threw away the newspaper and slapped the sofa hard.

"A sour smell, I'm really afraid that you will smell my daughter. But my son-in-law may be very rare about you."

"Huh? Can my big brother Jingting like our father, an old pedant?" Chen Ziyao wondered.

"He must like it, haven't you noticed, my son-in-law is hammering wherever there are nails, and he never tires of it." Chen Lijun sneered, looking at the pedantic old man who had betrayed his relatives.

It's best for him to maintain this intriguing personality, and after Jingting enters the capital, he will damage the tassels in front of Jingting.

This sour old man, Yu Jingting can play him to death.

"It's the other way around, even that kid from the Fan family has to call me "uncle" when he sees me. How dare a man found by a wild species in the countryside dare to touch me?" Father Chen said with disdain. The name of Suizi.

"Oh..." Chen Ziyao frowned, feeling a murderous aura behind him, and hurriedly dodged away.

Chen Lijun glanced around, and her eyes fell on the cup in Father Chen's hand.

Chen's father made up his mind to hold on tightly, lest she would step forward and throw the glass again, Chen Lijun passed him, walked straight to the vase in the corner, raised his leg, and bang.

"Ah!!!!" Father Chen pressed his hands on his chest, feeling out of breath.

"My Jun kiln."

"That's fine, why are you scolding Suizi? You don't know that my sister can't listen to others scolding Suizi?" Chen Ziyao gloated at the old man who was about to have a heart attack. He really deserved it.

"Stop!" Father Chen turned pale with anger, and shouted to Chen Lijun who was about to go out.

"Chen Lijun, your wings are stiff, aren't you? You will have a backer when you are near Fan Huang? Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

Chen Lijun turned around slowly, twitched the corners of her mouth, and looked at the distraught old man.

"I have a backer. Are you envious?"

"Ah!" Father Chen was outraged by her.

Chen Ziyao jumped over the dead old man and chased him out to find Chen Lijun.

"Sister, Suizi will be moving here in another month, have you arranged where to live?"

Chen Lijun was upset.

"She is so capable, what should I arrange?"

"Suizi got into a good school, are you unhappy? Oh, I understand, it's because Suizi and my brother Jingting didn't go according to your plan, are you unhappy?"

Chen Ziyao exposed Chen Lijun's thoughts.

According to Chen Lijun's plan, Suizi would definitely not be able to pass the Qingbei exam. Even if she did, Jingting would not be able to pass the exam. One of the couple would have to follow Fan Huang.

The truth is, Suizi not only passed the exam by herself, but also dragged her man to make progress together, and Chen Lijun's plan fell through.

"The little girl's wings are hardened, so I'm too lazy to find a house for her, so I let her live in the dormitory, let her man live in the dormitory, her father-in-law and mother-in-law live in the dormitory, and my two grandchildren—"

"Stay in the dormitory too?" Chen Ziyao rushed to answer. He met the two little ones this time. They were not too cute. They were just able to talk, so it was fun.

"Hold our two grandsons here, I'm raising them—what are you laughing at?"

"Sister, you are hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Well, leave it to me to find a house, and promise to pick a good yard for her family."

Chen Ziyao's family vacation this time was for this purpose.

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